The activities of the “Jehovah’s Witnesses” in Russia suspended

Photo: RIA Novosti The activities of the “Jehovah’s Witnesses” have been suspended in Russia. The reason the religious organization of extremist activities. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the Ministry of justice. On 16 March the Ministry of justice asked the Supreme court to recognize the “administrative centre of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia” extremist organization. We are talking about the elimination of all 396 branches. The final decision banning the organization of the Supreme court on 5 April. The Chairman of the steering Committee of the organization in Russia, Vasily Kalin , saidthat the Agency “intends to close and to criminalize an entire religion”. In Russia there are about 175 thousand followers “Jehovah’s Witnesses”.

On elections of the head of administration of Hong Kong won propinsi candidate Carrie Lam

On elections of the head of administration of Hong Kong won propinsi candidate Carrie Lam Hong KONG /XIANGGANG/, March 26. /Offset. TASS Alexander Zyuzin/. The new head of administration of Hong Kong for a five year term becomes a 59-year-old Carrie Lam, whose candidacy was supported by Beijing. As reported RTHK broadcasting Corporation, she scored more than 600 votes of the members of the electoral College needed to win in the first round. Vote counting is currently ongoing. The final results will be announced later. The electoral College consists of 1194 representative financial, industrial, scientific, and religious circles, public, prominent businessmen and political figures. Carrie Lam, a former chief Minister, the person “number two” in the local administration (he held this post from 2012 to mid-January of 2017), was considered the undisputed favorite in the presidential race.

Began in Bulgaria early parliamentary elections

Began in Bulgaria early parliamentary elections SOFIA, March 26. /Offset. TASS Igor Lenkin/. Early elections of deputies of the 44-th National Assembly (Parliament) started today in Bulgaria. At 7:00 (time coincides with Moscow), across the country opened more than 12 thousand polling stations. 371 else the place has in 70 countries around the world. The right to vote has more than 7 million citizens. In the parliamentary election involved 11 9 parties and coalitions which have registered their candidate and 9 independent candidates. In accordance with applicable law, voting is mandatory. Assessment of sociological agencies, about 60% of the country’s citizens (about 3.7 million people) today will go to the polls. The voting will be watched by more than 4 thousand observers. And Aktiebolag staffed seven sociological agencies. The first unofficial results of the vote will be known, when at 20:00 polling stations shut down. The Central election Commission reminded

The state Duma wants to increase the age of conscription

Photo: News.Ru Russia may raise the age limit for conscription. This initiative was made by the Deputy of the State Duma Vladimir Shamanov. On it informs Agency “Interfax”. His statement of Shamans made at a meeting of the state Duma Committee on defense. The MP noted that a number of MPs believe the bar in 27 years low. As one of measures against deviators Shamans suggested to set a limit on the age level in 30 years. The MP said that in recent years has done much work in the field of recruitment. Shamanov noted that addressing the outstanding issues on the basis of the Committee working group will be created.

Lavrov will hold talks with foreign Minister of Italy on 27 March in Moscow

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov will discuss with the foreign Minister of Italy Angelino Alfano, the situation in Syria and Ukraine during his visit to Moscow on March 27. This was reported by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “On March 27 at the invitation of Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Russia on a working visit to his counterpart, Minister of foreign Affairs and international cooperation of Italy Mr Alfano – said the diplomat. – It is expected that the negotiations will be discussed the state and prospects of Russian-Italian relations in political, economic and scientific-technical spheres”. “The Ministers will discuss key international problems, including the situation in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, the issues of combating international terrorism,” – said Zakharov.

Russian foreign Minister: new US sanctions against Russian organizations has been disappointing

Maria Zakharova © Artyom Geodakyan/TASS MOSCOW, March 26. /TASS/. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia has expressed disappointment with the decision of the American authorities to impose sanctions against eight Russian organizations. The corresponding statement the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova published on the page of the office network Facebook. “The US administration’s decision on the introduction of restrictive measures against several Russian organizations, including those associated with the aircraft industry and training of specialists, there is bewilderment and disappointment, – stated in the message. – No serious problems we have this new batch of sanctions, of course, does not cause, but Americans are not even named the reasons, but merely referred to its legislation prohibiting them to cooperate with Iran and Syria.”

The Russian foreign Ministry has expressed disappointment in connection with new US sanctions

The Russian foreign Ministry has expressed disappointment in connection with new US sanctions The U.S. decision on the introduction of restrictive measures against several Russian organizations, including those associated with the aircraft industry and training of specialists, is puzzling and frustrating. This is stated in the commentary of the Russian foreign Ministry. “No serious problems we have this new batch of sanctions, of course, does not cause, but Americans are not even named the reasons, but merely referred to its legislation prohibiting them to cooperate with Iran and Syria,” the report says. This step, as emphasized in the Russian foreign Ministry, does not fit with the statements of Washington on the priority of combating terrorism, including building a nest on Syrian territory. This decision, on the contrary, completely contrary to such a Directive undermines the prospects for establishing a broad multilateral cooperation in order to defeat terrorist groups that threaten

Dzhabarov linked to US sanctions against Russia with the struggle for the military market

Dzhabarov linked to US sanctions against Russia with the struggle for the military market MOSCOW, 25 Mar — RIA Novosti. Imposed by the US against a number of Russian companies, the sanctions caused by Washington’s desire to “move” with the defense market, is unfair competition; however, the damage to Russian companies, they will not cause, said RIA Novosti, first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Vladimir Jabbarov. The state Department spokesman on Saturday said RIA Novosti that the United States has imposed sanctions against eight companies of the Russian Federation in connection with the American law on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction relating to Syria, Iran and North Korea. “It’s not in Russian-American relations, Russia, simply put, want to move from this market (defense industry), to push back,” said the Senator. Jabbarov underlined that it is unlikely sanctions will damage the Russian companies in

The EU claimed a violation of Minsk democratic obligations

The EU claimed a violation of Minsk democratic obligations The actions of Minsk are contrary to the obligations on democratization, it is told in received RIA Novosti communique the official representative of the head of the EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini. “In the last days we watched the hourly reports of preventive arrest and detention on various charges. Journalists were punished for their coverage of the events,” the statement reads. “Prior to and during the current events in the framework of the “day of freedom”, despite calls from the international community to show restraint, the reaction of the security forces was indiscriminate and inappropriate,” reads the document. The EU specifies that “such repression of freedom of speech and Assembly contrary to the stated policy of democratization of Belarus and its international commitments”. “The steps taken by Belarus to respect for universal fundamental freedoms, the rule of law and human rights remain

Medvedev said that did not hurt

Photo: RIA Novosti At a meeting with representatives of small and medium business in the field of road transport, one of the participants congratulated the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev with the recovery. In response, the Prime Minister said that health problems in recent times he was not, reports “Interfax”. Last week, 14 March, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Medvedev is absent from a meeting of the government, because I was sick with the flu. “The epidemic situation we have is on the wane, however, the situation is still serious, here, Mr Medvedev did not save,” – said the head of state. Earlier the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said that Russia ended the epidemic of influenza and SARS. “On the tenth week 2017 in the Russian Federation there is a decrease in the number of subjects exceeding epidporog and morbidity,” — said Popov.