Marine Le Pen arrived in the state Duma of the Russian Federation

The leader of the French party “national front” candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen arrives for a meeting in the state Duma in Moscow, reports The candidate in presidents of France will meet with the leadership of the state Duma and hold talks with Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. She also intends to attend a meeting of the Committee on foreign Affairs, which will discuss Russian-French cooperation, and discuss international security issues, primarily relating to counter terrorism. Earlier it was reported that Le Pen will visit Russia on Friday, 24 March, in the framework of the traditional cooperation of state Duma deputies with the political circles of the French Republic. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky said that he, as the head of the international Affairs Committee and coordinator of the parliamentary group for relations with Parliament of the French

Le Pen has called the EU sanctions against Russia a diplomacy of threats and blackmail

Photo: EPA EU sanctions against Russia and not only is stupid diplomacy of threats and blackmail. This position was expressed by the leader of the French party “national front” marine Le Pen at the meeting of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs, on whose invitation she arrived in Moscow. “As for sanctions, and my attitude towards sanctions (of the European Union against Russia), you know that we have always been against sanctions. I believe that it is unfair, and even more stupid,” she said. But this, continued Le Pen, “helped to crystallize and clearly identify the opposition, which in the EU is opposed to this phenomenon”. “We don’t believe in a diplomacy of threats in diplomacy nor sanctions nor diplomacy of blackmail, which the European Union in recent years increasingly used not only against Russia but also against its own members,” said the French politician.

Merkel has invited Ivanka trump at the summit in Germany

Merkel has invited Ivanka trump at the summit in Germany Economic summit of the “Women’s summit” W20, presumably, will be held in April. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has invited the daughter of the President of the United States Donald trump Ivanka at economic summit in Berlin, reports AP. According to the source Agency in the administration, Merkel has invited Ivanka to the summit of the “Women’s summit” W20, which, presumably, will take place in April, during his visit to the White house. The first meeting of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Donald trump was held on March 17. It is noted that Ivanka trump is actively involved in the work of the new U.S. administration.

Lukin: the potential of trust of the Russian Federation and the United States in nuclear disarmament tends to zero

Photo: RIA Novosti Accumulated over many years of potential, the result of which was the conclusion of basic agreements on nuclear disarmament between Russia and the United States, decreases and tends to zero, declared the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Vladimir Lukin. “Nuclear proliferation, despite some local successes, overall, moves in adverse direction. The most important thing that is disturbing is that the accumulated potential of trust between the two countries, which spread to other spheres decreases and tends to zero”, — said the Senator, speaking in Washington at the presentation of the book “the Prevention of crisis in nuclear arms control and catastrophic terrorism.” The publication prepared by experts of the International Luxembourg forum on preventing nuclear catastrophe and the Foundation “Initiative on reducing the nuclear threat” (Nuclear Threat Initiative, USA) represents the views of the experts from Russia and the United States on

South Korean prosecutors will seek the arrest of ex-President Park Geun-Hye

South Korean prosecutors will seek the arrest of ex-President Park Geun-Hye TOKYO, Mar 27 — RIA Novosti, Ivan Zakharchenko. Prosecutors in South Korea have decided to seek arrest of ex-President Park Geun-Hye, accused of involvement in the corruption scandal that led to her resignation, gave the South Korean TV channel YTN. As reported by Yonhap news Agency, on Monday in court the request was submitted for a warrant for the arrest of Park Geun-Hye, the charges against him include bribery, abuse of power, transferring confidential information to her personal friend Choi sung-SIL. Scandal in South Korea erupted in October 2016, when in a press there were messages about getting a large South Korean corporations, including Samsung, support for the government in exchange for large sums of money in the funds created by Choi sung-SIL. Not occupying public office, she allegedly interfered in the Affairs of the presidential administration and received

Trump was happy to reduce the flow of migrants

Trump was happy to reduce the flow of migrants Moscow. March 27. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump said that the flow of migrants trying to enter the country, declined significantly due to the work of the Ministry of internal security. The head of state wrote Sunday on his Twitter. “General Kelly (Minister for internal security of the United States — if) doing a lot of work on the border. The number (of migrants — if) has become much smaller. Many do not even try to get into the country,” he said. General Kelly is doing a great job at the border. Numbers are way down. Many are not even trying to come in anymore. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 27, 2017 Earlier, the Ministry has tightened immigration control and simplified the procedure of expulsion of illegal immigrants from the country. Media speculated that in the near future this

Candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen predicted “death” of the European Union

Candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen predicted “death” of the European Union MOSCOW, 27 Mar — RIA Novosti. Candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen said that the European Union will disappear from the political map of the world. Thus in his address to supporters, she promised to protect France from globalisation, writes Reuters. The National Front leader marine Le Pen said that after the election Donald trump as the US President and a referendum in the UK, elections in France will be the next step, which she described as a “global rebellion”. The EU will die, because people don’t need it anymore. Haughty hegemony is destined to disappear from the face of silimarin Le Incandidate for the French presidency “The time has come to defeat the globalists” she said against their major rivals of Emmanuel Macron and françois Fillon, accusing them of “betrayal” for the European

The interior Ministry urged citizens to refrain from participating in the campaign on 26 March in Central Moscow

Photo: RIA Novosti Metropolitan police on Thursday evening, March 23, urged Muscovites and guests of the capital to refrain from participation in an inconsistent event on 26 March on Tverskaya street. “Given the traffic situation in the city centre and the likely presence there of a large number of citizens the organizers of the event were offered alternative places for it. Despite this, the proponents continue to call for the participation in the promotion. GU MVD of Russia in Moscow will take all necessary measures to ensure the rule of law,” reads the official statement of the Central Board, arrived in edition “”. In a statement, the Moscow police and the city authorities officially warn that the event is illegal, and under these conditions increases the risk of provocative actions aimed at violation of public order — in this case, the personal security of citizens can be jeopardized. “We remind

Sobyanin expressed his condolences in connection with terrorist attack in London

Photo: Moskva24 Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin expressed condolences to the Londoners in connection with the attack that took place in London at the Parliament building. The message the mayor posted on the page in sotsseti “Vkontakte”. A terrorist attack in any city is sympathy and concern, if innocent people suffered, said Sobyanin. He expressed sympathy for the residents of the city and condolences to his mayor.