Fedotov urged to return to the question of the security of the press on mass actions

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the presidential Council on human rights (HRC) Mikhail Fedotov after Sunday uncoordinated rallies considers it necessary to return to the question of how to ensure the safety of journalists working on an assignment at mass rallies. Representatives of the HRC Andrei Babushkin and Kirill Kabanov watched over the observance of citizens ‘ rights during an unsanctioned rally, which took place on Sunday on Tverskaya street in Moscow. Council member Igor Borisov on the eve watched the progress of similar events in the field of Mars in St. Petersburg. In comments to RIA Novosti on Sunday, Kabanov described the actions of the police in the course of the action as correct, despite the large number of arrests. Borisov noted that in the Northern capital, all was quiet and without incident. Fedotov on Monday recalled that on the eve in the course of the unauthorized shares

SC confirmed that the meeting in Moscow offered money

Photo: RIA Novosti Official representative of the Investigative Committee (IC) of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko, said investigators have timely information about the remuneration offered to the participants of the anti-corruption rally in Moscow. This is the official website of the Department. According to Petrenko, the award was offered “in the case of detention for participation in unauthorized mass action on March 26 in Moscow.” The SC noted that the organizers promised to pay “not only adolescents, but also other participants”. Now employees SK “investigating” to check this information in the framework of the criminal case initiated under article 213, 317 and 318 (disorderly conduct, endangering the life of a law enforcement officer, violence against a representative of authorities) of the criminal code. Previously, the press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the organizers of the anti-corruption rally “urged the children to take part in an inconsistent

Saakashvili started a talk show on Ukrainian TV

Saakashvili started a talk show on Ukrainian TV The former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili became the leading talk show “the Other Ukraine” on channel ZIK. The program, he said, “came out very sharp.” “Every week in this program I will show you a Ukraine which does not show more than one channel”, — assured Saakashvili. The former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili became the leading talk show “the Other Ukraine” on channel ZIK. My first program was recorded on March 27, the politician said on his page on Facebook. The program, he said, “came out very sharp.” “Every week in this program I will show you a Ukraine which does not show more than one channel”, — assured Saakashvili did not specify, however, when the show will appear in the air. It is also attached to the post on Facebook a few photos from the

Deripaska has declared its readiness to participate in the hearings in the U.S. Congress

Deripaska has declared its readiness to participate in the hearings in the U.S. Congress MOSCOW, 28 Mar — RIA Novosti. Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska said he was willing to participate in the hearings in the U.S. Congress in connection with the claims about the purposes of his contact with a former Advisor to the campaign headquarters of U.S. President Donald trump Paul Manafort. “I am ready to take part in any hearings in the U.S. Congress on this issue in order to defend your reputation and name,” says the official statement from Deripaska, published in the Wall Street Journal on a paid basis. In addition, he called false information disseminated by associated Press, on the conclusion of the contract in the amount of $ 10 million a year Manafort to “promote the interests of the Putin government”. I want to strongly refute this malicious allegation and a lie, I’ve never

Lukashenko: Belarus and Russia is able to solve all problems without intermediaries

Lukashenko: Belarus and Russia is able to solve all problems without intermediaries The President of Belarus said that he had a “brilliant” relationship with Vladimir Putin. MINSK, 28 March. /TASS/. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko is convinced that the problems of Belarusian-Russian relations, the two countries are able to solve without any intermediaries. He stated this on Tuesday at a meeting with Armenian Ambassador Armen Khachatryan on the occasion of completion of his diplomatic mission in Belarus. “I hate the Resellers, hate the peacekeepers. Because they are around Belarus, as I am the President, so go — the peacemakers, the mediators, the European Union, with someone else”, — quotes the President Agency BelTA. According to Lukashenko, “we are not brokers deal with the European Union with other States”. Today about Russia saying that intermediaries are needed between Putin and Lukashenko. Yes, calm down — we with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin brilliant

Peskov denied the information on freezing the contacts of the Putin administration with the Parliament

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said the newspaper “Vedomosti” that the Kremlin administration has virtually ceased contacts with the Parliament, is not true, the correspondent of “Газеты.Ru”. “The presidential administration has been and remains completely open for all contacts,” he said. According to Peskov, the issues of party and factional issues is engaged in the Management of domestic policy of the Kremlin. “Of course, it is open,” – said the spokesman. This Peskov added: “it is Hardly possible to speak about the unwillingness to continue the intensive dialogue.”

Settlements in the “far Eastern acres” will provide infrastructure as a priority

Photo: TASS The infrastructure development plans of the regions will be adjusted to reflect the concentration “far Eastern hectares” in order to give priority to provide them with the necessary communications and engineering networks, reported today by the Ministry. “At the moment we, together with the far Eastern Federal district will conduct an audit of infrastructure development plans. Work is underway to adjust these plans based on areas of high concentration “of the far East ha.” Our job is to make sure that citizens are not only quick and easy to get land in the far East, but had all the necessary infrastructural resources and the state’s support measures for its development”, – are reported words of the Deputy Minister for development of the Far East Sergei kachaeva. In the preparation and updating of regional plans for infrastructure development will take into account the need to build networks for new

The foreign Ministry announced the imminent holding of a meeting of the Council Russia — NATO

Photo: RIA Novosti A meeting of the Council Russia — NATO will be held in the near future. As reported TASS, this was stated by Russian Deputy foreign Minister Alexei Meshkov. “The meeting of the Council Russia — NATO will take place in the near future. Now finally agreed upon date,” — said the diplomat. Earlier, the foreign Ministry said they would not report to the Alliance about the “Iskander” in Kaliningrad at the forthcoming meeting of the Council Russia — NATO.

Lavrov: to improve relations with the United States is not easy, but Russia is ready to go part of the way

© Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, March 28. /TASS/. To improve Russian-American relations will not be easy, but Russia is ready to go part of the way. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in interview to the newspaper “Arguments and facts”. “Donald trump went on elections under the slogan “Again make America great”. We do not and cannot be against this objection, provided that the realization of this goal does not involve damage to other countries,” – said the Minister. “Between Russia and the United States possible a constructive dialogue on any bilateral and international issues, if it will be built in the spirit of equality, mutual benefit, real respect and consideration of each other’s interests, without trying to blackmail and impose their will – says Lavrov. Only on this basis can improve the atmosphere and quality of bilateral relations, to bring them back to the path of progressive

The Ministry of defense said the response to the deployment of US missile defense

The Ministry of defense said the response to the deployment of US missile defense Measures of Russia on the deployment of US missile defense is necessary to prevent the violation of the balance of forces and the minimization of damage to the security of Russia by the deployment of American missile defense. This was stated by Deputy head of the main operations Directorate of the General staff of armed forces of Russia Viktor Posenichi at the conference on disarmament. “After the US withdrawal from the ABM Treaty, Russian officials have repeatedly explained the harmfulness of the destruction of strategic stability posed by the creation and deployment of a global missile defense system. At the same time, efforts were made to find solutions to the problems associated with the deployment of us missile defense”, — quotes “RIA Novosti” the words of the military. ABOUT is a symbol for the capacity building