Bulgarian socialists opposed anti-Russian sanctions

Photo: REUTERS/Laszlo Balogh In Bulgaria was held March 26 parliamentary elections, “Bulgarian socialist party” (BSP), scoring according to preliminary estimates of 27.2% of the votes, accounting for 80 seats in Parliament, took second place, losing the party “Citizens for European development of Bulgaria” (GERB), which won 32.5 per cent (95 persons). However, as has declared “news” of the socialist party, they plan to create a coalition majority. To enter into a coalition with the BSP is ready to “United patriots” (OP, which is 9.1% of the vote and 27 seats), “Movement for rights and freedoms” (DPS of 8.9 % – 26 persons). In the case of a large coalition, the socialists will be able to form a government and to circumvent its competitors. The leader of the party of BSP CORNELIA NINOVA, in interview to the correspondent of “Izvestia” Victoria Kotsur said about the domestic political situation, relations with Russia

Putin and Medvedev will visit Franz Josef

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during the President’s visits to Arkhangelsk region to visit the island of Alexandra Land archipelago Franz-Joseph. About it reports a press-service of the Russian government. “The Prime Minister Medvedev will take part in the trip of the President in Arkhangelsk oblast, where he will visit the island of Alexandra Land archipelago Franz-Joseph”, – stated in the message. It is noted that Medvedev and Putin will consider the results of the elimination of environmental damage in the Arctic zone of Russia and meet with members of the field base “omega” of the national Park “Russian Arctic”. In addition, the trip will take part the Minister of natural resources and environment Sergey Donskoy.

Putin instructed to ensure the protection of national interests of Russia in the Arctic

Putin instructed to ensure the protection of national interests of Russia in the Arctic ALEXANDRA LAND ISLAND, Mar 29 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the defense Ministry and the FSB to protect the national interests of Russia in the Arctic. “The Ministry of defence, Federal security service and its border component must implement its plans to ensure national interests from the point of view of maintenance of defensibility of the country, but protecting our interests in the Arctic, the normal functioning of the Northern sea route. Many of the objects of the Ministry of defence could be what is called dual-use and could and should help the civil service to implement the tasks that they face” — appealed to Putin, defense Minister Sergei Shoigu at a meeting on the issue of development of the Arctic. “Be sure to consider the additional capabilities of our facilities in

Turkey announced the successful completion of the operation “shield of the Euphrates” in Syria

Turkey announced the successful completion of the operation “shield of the Euphrates” in Syria ANKARA, Mar 29 — RIA Novosti. The operation of the Turkish armed forces the “Shield of the Euphrates” in Northern Syria is successfully completed, said in a statement on Wednesday, the statement following the meeting of the national security Council (NSC) of Turkey, held under the chairmanship of President Tayyip Erdogan. “It was noted that the operation “Shield of the Euphrates,” which was initiated to ensure national security, prevent posed by ISIS* threats, homecoming Syrian refugees who successfully completed”, — reads the statement of the NSS. Turkey’s army on August 24 last year launched operation “shield of the Euphrates” against militants IG*, with the participation of the Syrian opposition took the border town Dzharablus in the North of Syria and al-Bab. Earlier, Erdogan said that the aim of the operation is to MOP up terrorists from

The Pentagon said about the need to prepare for “star wars”

The Pentagon said about the need to prepare for “star wars” Deputy head of strategic command of the U.S. Armed forces, Vice Admiral Charles Richard stated that the United States should openly demonstrate the ability to conduct operations in space. According to Richard, this strategy needs to prevent the spread of conflict in near-earth space. Deputy head of strategic command of the Armed forces of the United States (US Strategic Command), Vice Admiral Charles Richard stated that the United States should openly demonstrate the ability to conduct operations in space. The words of the military Wednesday, March 29, leads Space.com. According to Richard, this strategy needs to prevent the spread of conflict in near-earth space. I guess the best way to prevent war is to prepare for it, and we need to let everyone know that they are ready to wage war until victory everywhere, including outer space.Charles Richardsonian head

In the Krasnodar region opened a second monument to the dead in Syria the pilot Habibullina

Photo: RIA Novosti On the walk of Fame the city of Korenovsk, Krasnodar territory took place the solemn opening of the monument to Hero of Russia Colonel Habibullina Ratakatu, who died during the military operations of Russia’s air strikes in Syria. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of defense. “At a memorial ceremony was attended by the widow of the dead pilot Rafagat Khabibullin, commander of the 4th army of air force and air defense Lieutenant-General Viktor Sevostyanov, local authorities, public and Patriotic organizations and veterans of the air force (VVS), — stated in the message. March 20 it was reported about the opening in one of the Kuban schools monument Ratakatu Habibullina. July 8, 2016 during the clashes with the terrorists of the “Islamic state”* near Palmyra killed a Russian military instructor pilot to Rafagat Khabibullin and E. Dolgin. *”Islamic state” terrorist group, banned in Russia.

Putin summed up the talks with Rouhani

Photo: RIA Novosti Talks with President of Iran Hassan Rouhani took place in a businesslike and constructive atmosphere, said the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin following the meeting. “The talks with President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani, who is in Russia on an official visit, were held in a businesslike and constructive atmosphere. Just made a comprehensive joint statement, signed, as you saw, a solid package of intergovernmental, interdepartmental and corporate documents. Thus, it is safe to say that relations between Russia and Iran are indeed friendly, respectful nature,” said Putin. Rouhani is in Russia on 27 and 28 March at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“This is our land!”

“This is our land!” The President, Prime Minister and Minister of defence visited the Franz Josef Land. President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the Minister of natural resources Sergey Donskoy and the special representative of the President on environmental issues Sergey Ivanov visited the Alexandra Land is the only year-round inhabited island of the archipelago of Franz Josef Land. To the place where they had to inspect the results of work on elimination of environmental damage in the Arctic zone, which was conducted on behalf of the President, they got on the same machine. Vladimir Putin announced the intention for the second time to visit Franz Josef land in September last year: the head of state said he wanted to personally inspect the results of a global garbage collection in the Arctic. Corresponding instruction he gave in April 2010, when he held the post of

Hillary Clinton made the biggest political speech after defeat

Hillary Clinton made the biggest political speech after defeat Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made her most lengthy speech on political issues, after losing the election. To its supporters it suggested a kind of mantra: “Resist, insist, persist and sign up volunteers.” Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made her most lengthy speech on political issues, after losing the election. It is reported by CNN. Perhaps there is no place where I would like to be more than here. Well, except that in the White house.Hillary Clinton Clinton noted that the administration of current head of state Donald trump is faced with strong public opposition and protests against the policies of President is just beginning. “People who hitherto have not participated in politics, began to share their stories at meetings in municipal administrations. These are people who have something to say, people who want to be heard,” — said the former

The law of the unity of the Russian nation promised to rename

The law of the unity of the Russian nation promised to rename Moscow. March 29. INTERFAX.RU — Developed the law “On the unity of the Russian nation” will be renamed because it needs to smooth things over, says the head of the Federal Agency for the Affairs of nationalities Igor Barinov. “I think the name will be changed. I don’t know how will be called, but not exactly the initial option,” — he said “Interfax” on Wednesday on the sidelines of the International Arctic forum. He caused a great resonance, and the law should, on the contrary, to remove sharp corners. Especially in such a sensitive sphere as inter-ethnic relations.Igor Barinova Federal Agency for the Affairs of nationalities According to him, the law should define the conceptual framework in the ethno-confessional sphere. “Until now, the expert community and the Executive authorities in the regions have different ideas about the basic