The Pentagon said about the need to prepare for “star wars”

The Pentagon said about the need to prepare for “star wars”

Deputy head of strategic command of the U.S. Armed forces, Vice Admiral Charles Richard stated that the United States should openly demonstrate the ability to conduct operations in space. According to Richard, this strategy needs to prevent the spread of conflict in near-earth space.

Deputy head of strategic command of the Armed forces of the United States (US Strategic Command), Vice Admiral Charles Richard stated that the United States should openly demonstrate the ability to conduct operations in space. The words of the military Wednesday, March 29, leads

According to Richard, this strategy needs to prevent the spread of conflict in near-earth space.

I guess the best way to prevent war is to prepare for it, and we need to let everyone know that they are ready to wage war until victory everywhere, including outer space.Charles Richardsonian head of the strategic command of the U.S. armed forces

According to Deputy US STRATCOM, US superiority in military space industry today is under threat from Russia and China, which successfully develop anti-satellite weapons.

“Although we are not at war in space, we cannot say that our space could be called peaceful,” he said.

On 27 January the chief of the Space command, U.S. air force General John Khayten said that Russia is developing weapons against satellites in outer space, including lasers.

Strategic command of the Armed forces of the United States is one of the United combat commands of the Armed forces, established in 1992 is abolished strategic air command. It combines the strategic US nuclear forces, missile defense and space forces.

