Sands of uncoordinated action in Moscow: in Russian it is called a provocation

Photo: TASS Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov commented on the situation with inconsistent event, which was held in Moscow on March 26. “In Russian it is called a provocation Invite people to take part in the campaign, which obviously was inconsistent, certainly was illegal, and to position this action as, on the contrary, a coherent and legitimate — it is a provocation,” he said. According to Peskov, in the case of young people who took part in the campaign, attempts were made to indirect bribery. Previously the Investigative Committee of Russia said that they have information about what attending an unsanctioned rally in Moscow has offered a reward in the case of detention for participation.

Yavlinsky calls to change the law on presidential elections

Photo: RIA Novosti The founder of the party “Yabloko” Grigory Yavlinsky, who intends to participate in the elections of the President of Russia in 2018, called to change the electoral law. This is stated in a statement received by TASS. “We demand that Russia finally held presidential elections, which the society can be considered legitimate. For this purpose it is necessary to change the order of formation of election commissions, including the Central election Commission, which now actually forms the current President, that is one of the candidates, to create a special independent Tribunal to consider all disputes concerning the election preparations and campaign, to solve the issue of public financing of election campaigns of candidates in presidents”, – the document says. It also Yavlinsky calls for “the immediate establishment of a television format, which will be possible an open, honest, lengthy and thoughtful debate, and are required to participate

Russia, the UN said, who incited a hybrid war in Ukraine

The headquarters of the UN © Valery sharifulin/TASS UN 31 Mar. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. Russia received on Friday, organized by Ukraine informal meeting in the headquarters of the UN on the issue of hybrid wars. During the discussion, second Secretary, permanent mission of the Russian Federation at the world organization Stanislav Alekseev answered another batch of allegations about the role of Moscow in the conflict in the Donbass, Recalling what started the armed confrontation. A diplomat agreed with the statement the organizers of the meeting that the most important stage of hybrid war “is a preparatory stage”. “This is clearly seen on the example of our neighboring Ukraine,” – said the representative of the Russian Federation. He drew attention to the statements of the former U.S. assistant Secretary of state Victoria Nuland, after another trip to Kiev in December 2013, “said that her country had spent $5 billion on

Fox: Clinton had access to classified documents after leaving office of the Secretary of state

Fox: Clinton had access to classified documents after leaving office of the Secretary of state According to the Chairman of the legal Committee of the Senate of the Chuck Grassly, access was also six staff of the former candidate for President of the United States. MOSCOW, March 31. /TASS/. Former U.S. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton had constant access to secret and top secret documentation Department of State of the country even after he left the post in 2013. This was reported by TV channel Fox News referring to the Chairman of the Senate judiciary Committee of the U.S. Congress, Republican Chuck Grassley. According to him, in addition to the former candidate for President of the United States access and six staff members of the Clinton As Grassley said, they apparently retained access after the former Secretary of state announced his intention to run for the presidency in April 2015.

Media: Russia has offered Japan to build electric and geothermal power station on the South Kuril Islands

Media: Russia has offered Japan to build electric and geothermal power station on the South Kuril Islands Russia also advocated the Japanese side construction of houses for residents of the southern Kurils, and Japan — for creating a system of tourist cruises. TOKYO, March 31. /Offset. TASS Igor Belyaev/. The Russian side in the framework of joint economic activities on southern Kuriles invited Japan to build a electric and geothermal. As reported by a major newspaper of Japan “Yomiuri”, such projects, in particular, included in the package handed over to the Japanese side at the last in Tokyo on March 18 consultations with the participation of Deputy foreign Minister Igor Morgulov. According to the newspaper, Russia then gave Japan a package of 26 proposals. Japan, in turn, has submitted 30 proposals. “Yomiuri” observes that on many points packages parties coincided: this in particular concerns the construction of plants for the

The Israeli authorities approved the establishment of a new settlement in the West Bank

The Israeli authorities approved the establishment of a new settlement in the West Bank The Israeli military-political Cabinet approved the decision to establish a new Jewish settlement on the West Bank of the Jordan river, the press service of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “The military-political Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister tonight unanimously approved the establishment of a new settlement in the valley of Shiloh,” reads the message on the page of Mr. Netanyahu in Facebook. Earlier this month, the Israeli Parliament passed a law allowing it to deny a visa to foreigners who oppose Jewish settlements in the region of Judea and Samaria, more commonly known as the West Bank of the Jordan river. The reason for the ban on entry into the country can become the call for “economic, cultural or academic” boycott of tel Aviv or the promise to participate in such a boycott.

Putin asked Russia’s influence on U.S. elections: read my lips — no

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin, answering a question of the moderator of the Arctic forum, where it did the Moscow to influence the U.S. elections, said that in the United States, certain political forces are trying to play anti-Russian card in favor of their interests, with the aim to consolidate its position. While Putin has called a mistake and irresponsibility of trying to ruin diplomatic relations between Russia and the United States. “We want to minimize at all? They are already at zero. We want to bring the situation to the Cuban missile crisis? I think this is a big mistake,” Putin said. In response to another question, whether Russia is trying to influence U.S. elections, Putin said: “Read my lips — no”.

Putin: Russia’s military activities in the Arctic is local

Photo: RIA Novosti Military activity of Russia in Arctic regions is of a purely local character and does not bear a threat to world security. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the forum “Arctic – territory of dialogue”. “If what we do has a local character, that make the United States in Alaska, has a global character. As it develops missile defence system and these systems is known to be one of the very serious problems facing the world today in the field of security. And it’s not just a defense system, it is part of the nuclear potential on the periphery”, – said Putin. He noted that the Russian activity in the Arctic associated with the re-establishment of navigation in this region of the world, to ensure his safety. Putin said that the infrastructure will have to double and even triple purpose, which will guide the

Deripaska called the accusations of the American media in its address part of the campaign against Russia

Oleg Deripaska © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, March 31. /TASS/. Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska, has called the publication of the American Agency Associated Press (AP) on his alleged (Deripaska) involvement in the promotion of the interests of the Kremlin part of the anti-Russian campaign in traditional American media. This is stated in the statement Deripaska, published in the Washington Post.

Flynn offered to exchange the evidence on the relationship of the headquarters of the trump with RF immunity

Flynn offered to exchange the evidence on the relationship of the headquarters of the trump with RF immunity A former aide to trump was under threat of prosecution. Moscow. March 31. INTERFAX.RU — Former US presidential Advisor on national security Michael Flynn is ready to testify, the FBI and members of Congress investigating the possible connection of the election headquarters of Donald trump with Russia, in exchange for immunity from prosecution, reports Fox News citing sources. Flynn’s lawyer Robert Kelner refused to comment on the information. The TV channel notes that it is not known what the testimony of the former presidential adviser is ready to give the Bureau and the Committee on intelligence of the upper and lower houses of Congress. According to sources, Flynn made the proposal because may be at risk of prosecution after his brief tenure As previously reported, FBI is investigating contacts with Russian representatives