The Russian foreign Ministry has offered “services of Russian hackers” as a April fools joke

© Getty Images MOSCOW, April 1. /TASS/. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation as an April fool’s prank offers services Western politicians to intervene in the election campaign, the call of a diplomat from the Embassy to the competitors and, of course, the “help” of Russian hackers. Comic record “answering machine Russian Embassy” published on the official website of the Russian foreign Ministry in Facebook.

Embassy of the Russian Federation called boring statement of the heads of the defense Ministry of the UK and the USA on Russia

The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis and British defense Secretary Michael Fallon © AP Photo/Matt Dunham, Pool LONDON, April 1. /Offset. TASS Ilya Dmitriev/. The Russian Embassy in the UK called boring and unconstructive statement of the heads of the Ministry of defense of great Britain Michael Fallon and the United States James Mattis, who the day before had criticized against Moscow. “Anti-Russian accusations Fallon and Mattis unconstructive and boring. Nothing does more to strengthen the unity, as invented threats and phobias?” – sets a question stated in a statement posted on the official website of the Embassy in microblogging network Twitter.

Tillerson: the United States will leave in force the sanctions against Russia to implement the Minsk agreements

Tillerson: the United States will leave in force the sanctions against Russia to implement the Minsk agreements U.S. Secretary of state stressed that the sanctions imposed after the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, will remain in force as long as the control over the Peninsula will not return to Ukraine. MOSCOW, March 31. /TASS/. The United States will leave in force the sanctions against Russia, introduced in connection with the conflict in Ukraine, as long as Moscow does not fulfill the conditions of the Minsk agreements. This was stated on Friday, US Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, who is taking part in the meeting of foreign Ministers of NATO in Brussels. “We will continue to demand from Russia to fulfill its commitments under the Minsk agreements, — Tillerson was quoted by Bloomberg. — Sanctions the United States will persist as long as Russia will not change their actions, which

SBU has confirmed the ban on entry to Ukraine Lebedev

SBU has confirmed the ban on entry to Ukraine Lebedev This is done for “security” of the country, media reported. KIEV, March 31. /TASS/. The security service of Ukraine (SBU) confirmed that the Russian designer Lebedev denied entry into the country. This is stated in the official reply of the security services on the request of journalists of the Ukrainian edition of “Apostrophe”. “In the interests of ensuring the security of Ukraine decided to ban the entry to Ukraine you provided in the request to the citizen of the Russian Federation (Lebedev — approx. TASS) in connection with the Commission of the activities aimed at harming the national interests in the sphere of information security”, — the document says. The request was linked to the spread earlier in social networks information about the existence of such a ban. Artemy Lebedev is a Russian designer, in 1995, he founded the “Studio

The US has imposed sanctions against 11 citizens of the DPRK

The US has imposed sanctions against 11 citizens of the DPRK WASHINGTON, 31 Mar — RIA Novosti. Made in the United States sanctions list 11 citizens of the DPRK, including three living in Moscow, and one North Korean company, according to documents from the U.S. Treasury on Friday. Among those targeted by the sanctions and living in Moscow, the staff of the North Korean Bank Ilsim International Bank — Choi Chu Jong (Chot, Chun Yong), Kim Ung We (Kim, Nam Ung) and the representative of the Foreign Trade Bank, Han Jung-soo (Han, Jang Su). The rest — the representatives of the North Korean foreign trade organizations in China, Vietnam and Cuba. “Today’s sanctions are aimed at the destruction of networks and the methods that the North Korean government uses to Finance its illicit nuclear and ballistic program,” provides the Agency the words of the Minister of Finance of the USA

The Moscow city court upheld the decision to restore the status of lawyer Trunov

Photo: RIA Novosti The court did not nullify the decision to restore the status of lawyer to lawyer Igor Trunov. On Thursday, March 30, reports TASS. Appeal against the decision of the Lefortovo court was filed by the chamber of Advocates of Moscow. Thus, the district court’s decision enters into force. 30 Dec 2016 Lefortovo district court ruled that the deprivation of the lawyer status Trunova illegal. In the summer of the same year, the qualification Commission of the Advocates chamber of the Moscow region was deprived of the status of Trunov, seeing misconduct in his speech at the press conference. A lawyer complained to colleagues, believing that in his speech, he cast aspersions on the credibility of the legal profession. Trunov said about the presence of corruption, noting that some of his colleagues, “attorneys-nesuny”, which are intermediaries between law enforcement agencies and unscrupulous clients. Trunov is a well —

Russian activists gave Le Pen a portrait of her surrounded by Putin and trump

Photo: Facebook Members of Russian art group “the White rose” was given to the leader of the party “national front” candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen, the triptych with its portrait and images of the Russian and us leaders Vladimir Putin and Donald trump. About this on his page in Facebook said the activist, Maria Katasonova. “Marin was very impressed by the work of our art group — she wrote on Thursday, March 30. — She thanked us for our support for the women’s movement and presented the picture”. Katasonova noted that the triptych with portraits of Putin, trump and Le Pen was written a year ago — before it became known about a victory of the Republican on elections of the President of the United States. Russian activist in an interview with marine Le Pen expressed the hope that the picture will be “prophetic” after the leader

Video: allegations of corruption in the authorities of the Russian Federation are sometimes populist in nature

NEW YORK, April 1. /Offset. TASS Alexey Kachalin/. The fight against corruption is fraught with problems, and sometimes the accusations against the Russian authorities from some media and activists are populist and untrue. This drew the attention of the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov in an interview with the host of the show Good Morning America, a transcript of which was posted Friday in the afternoon at the TV station ABC.

Topilin has criticized the increase in leave for irregular working hours

Topilin has criticized the increase in leave for irregular working hours Moscow. March 31. INTERFAX.RU — labor Minister Maxim Topilin believes that long working hours should further increase to 15 days paid leave. He recalled that the labour code there are requirements for overtime, there are also a sufficient number of additional holidays. According to the Minister, should follow the path of increasing productivity, but “in no case do not reduce and do not increase the holiday.” “Here I think that the legislation is quite balanced design. These initiatives should hear from employers and from the unions, but neither the employers nor the unions, as far as I know, initiatives to change leaves of absence are not made. Here you need to listen to these sides, perhaps this should not be a party initiatives”, — said the head of the Ministry of labor. With the idea of increasing from 3

The Prosecutor General’s office demanded to block sites with calls to participate in the stock April 2

The Prosecutor General’s office demanded to block sites with calls to participate in the stock April 2 Moscow. March 31. INTERFAX.RU — the General Prosecutor’s office of Russia demanded from Roskomnadzor to block Internet resources, urging people to go on mass action on April 2 at the red square in Moscow and large Russian cities. He noted that “the organizer of a public event may not take public action among citizens without notification of the competent authorities”. Such notification is not received, stressed in the Supervisory Agency. In turn, the press service of the Moscow Central Directorate of police, “Interfax” reported that the mayor’s office has not received requests to hold events on this day. “Due to circulating on the Internet calling for the organization of protests in Central Moscow April 2, Main Department of the MIA of Russia in Moscow said that in the mayoralty of Moscow has not