Putin will discuss with Lukashenko key bilateral issues

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, April 3. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet in St. Petersburg with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who will be in Russia on a working visit. This was reported by the press service of the Kremlin. “During the summit talks it is planned to discuss a number of key issues on the bilateral agenda, prospects of further promotion of integration processes in the Eurasian space, as well as some topical international and regional problems”, – stated in the message. As stated by the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, the two leaders will certainly discuss those “differences that occur in terms of different nuances in the process of Eurasian integration, and economic differences in terms of bilateral relations.”

RNF announced on the forum a competition for the most succinct question to the President of the Russian Federation

RNF announced on the forum a competition for the most succinct question to the President of the Russian Federation SAINT PETERSBURG, April 2. /TASS/. Competition for the best short question to the President of Russia announced at the fourth forum of the Russian popular front (onf) “Truth and justice”, held in Saint-Petersburg. About topics that caused the greatest interest among journalists, representatives of the popular front is planning to tell Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is the leader of the popular front. Near the entrance to the hall, where the presentation of the projects of the popular front, a transparent cube with the inscription “the Most concise question to the President,” next to him lay the sheets of paper and pens. “Received from journalists’ questions will be analyzed by the experts of the popular front to identify the most critical issues of concern to the community and ordinary citizens. Topics

ROC called late in a quarter century, the decision on the burial of Lenin

ROC called late in a quarter century, the decision on the burial of Lenin Moscow. On 2 April. INTERFAX.RU — Lenin’s Body had to be buried immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, now need to wait for consensus in society on the issue, believes the head of the Synodal Department for external Church relations Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk. The names of the executioners, it is impossible to name the streets and squares. The names of the terrorists and revolutionaries should not perpetuate in our cities. The monuments of these people don’t have to stand on our squares. The mummified bodies of these people should not lie and put on public display.Olarinmoye Volokolamsk At the same time, he stressed that no one is interested now is to “reopen old wounds, to shake up our society, to provoke a schism.” “I would say that these decisions were late for a

Roskomnadzor said the decline in the number of violations in the media

Roskomnadzor said the decline in the number of violations in the media Moscow. On 2 April. INTERFAX.RU — Among the major systemic violations of media in Russia Roskomnadzor calls mention extremist organizations without specifying their status as banned in the country, a description of methods of suicide and swearing. As reported by the Deputy head of Roskomnadzor Vadim Subbotin in the course of the onf media forum of independent regional and local media “Truth and justice” in St. Petersburg on Sunday, in recent years, the Department is seriously reduced the amount of fines the media for formal violations. He noted that Roskomnadzor pays more attention to substantive violations of the law on mass media. Among the “leaders” to systemic violations of the media — the mention of extremist organizations, banned in Russia, without specifying their status. “But there is a mishap: there is a list of extremist organizations, the Ministry

“The Prosecutor’s office of ARC” accused deputies in an illegitimate creation of the Republic of Crimea

Photo: RIA Novosti The so-called Prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC), which is located in Kiev and is part of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine sent to court indictments against 17 former members of the Supreme Council of ARC on charges of treason. This was reported on the website of the “Prosecutor’s office of ARC”. “They [the deputies] had illegally adopted a number of resolutions, the result of which was created by the illegitimate formation of the “Republic of Crimea”,” the message reads. It is also noted that the accused threatens from 12 till 15 years of imprisonment. According to “the Prosecutor of the ARC,” Gunduz Mamedov, the court directed more than 30 such indictment. “Our goal is to prosecute all of the deputies, whose actions contributed to the violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine,” — said Mammadov, adding that all cases are dealt with in correspondence

Shoigu: the modernization of technological lines “Krasmash” is successful

Photo: TASS Modernization of production base “Krasmash” is successful. This was announced by Russian defense Minister army General Sergei Shoigu at the selector meeting in the Russian defense Ministry. “The importance of early reconstruction of the industrial base of joint stock company “Krasmash” we have repeatedly said on previous conference calls. So today I will not dwell on detail. Let me just say that in General it is solved successfully, in accordance with the approved plan,” – said the Minister. According to him, a detailed report on this topic at the meeting will make the General Director of state Corporation “Roscosmos” Igor Komarov. Previously Shoigu said that the modernization of technological lines “Krasmash” will allow the enterprise to create new types of missile weapons. “In the framework of the Federal target program “development of the military-industrial complex for 2011-2020” is a reconstruction of the 28 companies, one of which is

Peskov commented on the relationship between protests and low voter turnout

Photo: RIA Novosti The correlation between the record low turnout in the elections to the state Duma and a high level of protest activity on Sunday in Russia is a frequent topic of discussion of politicians, it’s their bread, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “With regard to the correlation of the elections and protests, you know, now a lot of the reasoning of the political scientists on the topic of stocks, legal and illegal, which took place on the topic of the upcoming presidential elections, which will be in the medium term. Therefore, it is rather the bread of political scientists, in this case I’m not yet ready to draw any conclusions, although, of course, it is a good material for reflection, for study and for the appropriate conclusions,” — said Peskov, answering the request of journalists to comment on the publication of the newspaper “Vedomosti”

In Vladivostok held a rally against the mandatory installation of ERA GLONASS

In Vladivostok held a rally against the mandatory installation of ERA GLONASS Moscow. On 2 April. INTERFAX.RU — Residents of Primorye on Sunday held a rally against the introduction of mandatory installation of the system ERA-GLONASS for used cars imported from abroad. The campaign, coordinated by local authorities, was held on the forecourt of Vladivostok. We demand the abolition of the ban of the issuing by the customs authorities of the passport technical means (PTM) on used cars imported into Russia without the system ERA-GLONASS. The second point is to cancel the mandatory installation of the system ERA-GLONASS for used machines, imported in the Russian Federation.Yuri Guicciardinis mitingapara the GPS or GLONASS? In addition, the protesters fear that in the future the authorities may require all car owners to install the ERA-GLONASS regardless of when the vehicle was imported into the Russian Federation. The audience supported the resolution, which is

Medvedev noted the role of geologists in the creation in Russia of a powerful energy

Medvedev noted the role of geologists in the creation in Russia of a powerful energy MOSCOW, April 2. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev congratulated workers and veterans of geological industry of the country with the geologist Day, celebrated on. The text of the telegram of the head of the Cabinet posted on the website of the Russian government. “You chose one of the most interesting professions, which is riddled with romance and aura of oneness with nature. However, Geology is a job for adventurers, brave and courageous people willing to work seven days a week, away from home, on land, in water and air. And one who is not afraid of the difficulties of camp life, who love their land and want thoroughly to study it, becoming a master”, — the telegram says. The Prime Minister said that thanks to the work of many generations of geologists in our country

A former adviser to trump reported receiving money from Russian companies

A former adviser to trump reported receiving money from Russian companies A former adviser to the U.S. President for national security Michael Flynn filed in the White house and government ethics Office, a new report on their income. According to The Washington Post, in it, in contrast to the Declaration that Flynn submitted in February, provides information about receiving payments from Russian companies. According to WP, the document says that a former adviser to Donald trump received 45 thousand dollars from the RT for the speech at the event in Moscow in December 2015, marks the tenth anniversary of broadcasting. Also Flynn was listed rewards for cooperation with the structures of the cargo airline “Volga-Dnepr” and IT company “Kaspersky Lab”. In the previous Declaration, Flynn indicated that he had received money for public appearances, but never thoroughly explained, from what companies. In just 2016, he earned at least $ 1.3