Putin praised the results of the integration cooperation between Russia and Belarus

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on the unity Day of peoples of the two countries. This is stated in the message published on the Kremlin website. According to Putin, the experience of joint work helps to find optimal solutions to even the most complex issues and helps further development of mutually beneficial Belarusian-Russian relations. “In the congratulatory telegram the Russian President stressed the relevance of the Union state for the citizens of Russia and Belarus and praised the results of the integration of cooperation in political, trade-economic, scientific-technical, humanitarian and other spheres, achieved over more than twenty years”, – stated in the message. Earlier, Lukashenko in his congratulatory message said he was confident in the continued integration between Minsk and Moscow on the basis of equality.

Russia and Belarus have agreed on gas price

Russia and Belarus have agreed on gas price STRELNYA, 3 APR — RIA Novosti. Moscow and Minsk have agreed on how the oil and gas dispute will be resolved, said President of Russia Vladimir Putin. “We have agreed that we are going to settle all our disputes in the oil and gas sector. We have them settled. Agreed on how and in what terms we will do so,” Putin said after talks with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko. “We found a scheme in which we maintain our approaches, bringing together our positions on prices. Found the possibility of mutual concessions, agreed on how we work in this sphere not only in 2017 but in 2018, 2019”, — said Putin. Remained unresolved dispute, which lasts from the beginning of 2016, when Minsk said about the unfairness of prices for Russian gas and unilaterally began paying for it a lower price. Russia

Foreign Ministry: allegations of Poland on the crash of the Tu-154M harm Russian-Polish relations

Foreign Ministry: allegations of Poland on the crash of the Tu-154M harm Russian-Polish relations The Ministry recalled that earlier there was a thorough investigation, which showed that Russian managers to the incident with the presidential Board was not involved. MOSCOW, April 3. /TASS/. Accusations of Polish prosecutors in the Russian air traffic controllers of involvement in the crash of the Polish “air force one” near Smolensk on 10 April 2010, causing damage to bilateral relations. This is stated in the commentary official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. As the diplomat reminded, informed during the special press conference, devoted to the investigation of the crash of Tu-154 of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, representatives of the Prosecutor General of the country has accused Russian air traffic controllers intentionally provoking this crash. “In fact, we did not sound anything new, — said Zakharov. — It is only about tightening the

Putin promised to help the families of those killed in the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg

Putin promised to help the families of those killed in the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg Moscow. April 3. INTERFAX.RU — the Authorities of St. Petersburg and, if necessary, and Federal, will do everything to support the families of those killed and injured in the explosion in the St. Petersburg metro, said the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. Latest on the topic: the explosion in the subway of St. Petersburg: what is known about the incidenta terrorist Attack in the subway of Saint-Petersburg+7 (812) 299-99-99Телефон trust of EMERCOM of Russia in St.-Petersburgerstrasse+7 (495) 983-79-01Справочная EMERCOM of the Russian Federation+7 (499) 216-99-99Единый helpline MOE РФ3 April about 14:40 GMT on the stretch between the stations “Institute of Technology” and “Sennaya Ploschad’”, Saint-Petersburg subway explosion occurred in the train. According to the latest data, 11 people were killed and 47 passengers were injured Official site of GU of EMERCOM of

Medvedev congratulated the geologists with the holiday

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has congratulated with the Day of geologist employees and veterans of the industry, noting their role in the creation of a powerful fuel and energy complex of Russia. The geologist day was established in 1966 to commemorate the contributions of Soviet geologists in the creation of the mineral resource base of the country and is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of April. “Thanks to the work of many generations of geologists in our country has created a powerful fuel and energy complex, new industries began development of the Northern territories. Today, when seemingly thoroughly studied every corner of the land on our planet are still somewhat mysterious and unknown. To solve these mysteries, to find enormous natural resources is the task of young and talented professionals,” — said in a telegram to the Prime Minister, published on the government website. Medvedev said

The UK government will appeal to the “Russian threat”

Photo: RIA Novosti The UK government will appeal to the “Russian aggression” to strike a bargain in Brexit. This was stated by the “daily Telegraph”, citing government sources. “The feeling of insecurity in Europe since the cold war is now as strong as ever. There is increased aggression by Russia”, – quotes TASS of the Minister of defense Michael Fallon. That is a security risk, the British government wants to use as a bargaining chip in the upcoming negotiations on withdrawal from the EU. We will remind that this week the Prime Minister Theresa may launched the 50-th article of the Lisbon agreement on Britain’s withdrawal from the EU (Brexit).

Putin was informed about the explosion in St. Petersburg metro

Putin was informed about the explosion in St. Petersburg metro MOSCOW, 3 APR — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is in St.-Petersburg with working visit, reported the explosion in the subway in the Northern capital, he works in Strelna, the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. Latest on the topic: the explosion in the subway of St. Petersburg: what is known about the incident “Yes. Reported. The President works in Strelna” — said Peskov told RIA Novosti. In Strelna near St. Petersburg is the Constantine Palace, where on Monday, the talks between Putin and his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko. The explosion in the subway in Saint Petersburg Publication from Denis (@denvicious) APR 3 2017 5:19 PDT Publication of AnnaSmirnaya ? (@anna_smirnaya) APR 3 2017 5:43 PDT Tecnologica now. #Explosion pic.twitter.com/P7LL8kXpHr — Nikita Pavlov (@pavlov_plov) 3 APR 2017 Explosive device in the St. Petersburg metro was

Putin: existing restrictions on the Internet is enough

Putin: existing restrictions on the Internet is enough President Vladimir Putin at the media forum of the Russian popular forum (onf) “Truth and justice” asked the question whether Russia to follow the Chinese model limitations of the Internet. “Mind can not understand Russia, no yardstick to measure, we always have your way,” said Putin, Recalling that all countries go their own way. There are trends and rules, and Russia, too, is in them, he said. “Dressed in rags of quasistable (on the Internet. — Approx. “Vedomosti”) does not anymore,” he said. “We should not criticize what is happening in China — there are half a billion people, try to direct them”, — said Putin. Automatic stuffing need to stop, the state must bear in mind, he continued. “We have restrictions that function, although there were concerns about banning everything. Many believe that this is not enough, but sensitive things the

In the Kremlin explained the transfer of “straight line” Putin

In the Kremlin explained the transfer of “straight line” Putin MOSCOW, 3 APR — RIA Novosti. The reasons for the postponement of the “straight line” Vladimir Putin has no political motive, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “This is the most likely view at all. Decisions on the later stages of the “straight line” was taken probably two months ago, long before these actions that had taken place a week ago. So somehow linking it is quite absurd. Here no ideological or other motive, no”, — said Peskov told reporters, answering a question about a possible connection transfer communication with the President population of unauthorized rallies in late March. Peskov recalled that the timing of the “straight line” changed in connection with the schedule of Putin Previously, the press Secretary of the head of state said that “a straight line” this year will be held late April,

Former adviser to trump declared received from Russian companies income

Photo: RIA Novosti Former adviser to Donald trump, Michael Flynn, last year received $45 thousand from Russia Today. Russian TV channel paid this amount for performance at the jubilee event. In the same speech in the United States Flynn acted in agreement with Kaspersky Government Security Solutions. The company is a “daughter” of “Kaspersky Lab”. In addition, former adviser to trump collaborated with the Russian airline “Volga-Dnepr”. Data on payments by Russian companies, Flynn has indicated in the submitted this Friday to the administration of the President of the United States and the ethics Office of the government Declaration. As writes Washington Post, formerly Flynn withheld information about these payments in the same document that was submitted before his resignation. Michael Flynn held the position of Advisor to the President of the United States national security. Earlier, former adviser of the us President said he was willing to cooperate with