The European Commission will continue to obstruct the “Nord stream-2”

Photo: TASS/Jens Bьttner The European Commission (EC) does not leave attempts to prevent the construction of the pipeline “Nord stream-2”. The most likely option may be the refusal of environmental permits countries must go through the pipeline. It follows from the explanations of the European regulator “news” on the letter of Agency heads of energy agencies of Sweden and Denmark, experts believe. The European Commission last week sent a letter to the energy Ministers of Denmark and Sweden, to explain the position of “Northern stream-2”. The EC admitted that she “did not like the project politically”, but to let him there is no legal basis. The European Commission representative said “news” that, despite the fact that “Nord stream-2” cannot be prohibited by law, the Agency may use other methods. — There is no legitimate reason that the European Commission opposed the “Nord stream-2”, as its marine part is not subject

Putin: for an effective fight against terrorism required coordination of work of special services

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin said about the necessity of close coordination of intelligence agencies to effectively combat international terrorism and extremism. This is stated in the published on the Kremlin website greeting the participants of the XIV session of the meeting of heads of security bodies and intelligence services of States – participants of CIS countries on matters of intelligence.

Russian “Jehovah’s Witnesses” has asked the armed forces to recognize them as victims of political repression

Russian “Jehovah’s Witnesses” has asked the armed forces to recognize them as victims of political repression Moscow. 5 APR. INTERFAX.RU — Russian “Jehovah’s Witnesses” asking the Supreme court to consider claim on recognizing their organization is a victim of political repression. “We ask you to consider our counterclaim on the recognition of Russian religious organization “Jehovah’s Witnesses” a victim of political repression and to recognize the illegal political persecution and actions of the Ministry of justice against us,” said the Supreme court, the representative of Jehovah’s witnesses. He asked to consider the claim of the organization together with the claim of the Ministry of justice. The Supreme court, after hearing the arguments of the parties, decided to reject the counterclaim of the Russian “Jehovah’s Witnesses” on the recognition of the organization as a victim of political repression. “Refuse to accept the claim. The rules of jurisdiction do not provide for

Petro Poroshenko has appointed Maria Gaidar, his adviser

Petro Poroshenko has appointed Maria Gaidar, his adviser Maria Gaidar was Deputy Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili. KIEV, April 5. /TASS/. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has appointed his adviser 34-year-old Maria Gaidar, the Deputy of the Odessa regional Council from the party “Block of Petro Poroshenko”. This was reported by the press service of the head of state. “To appoint Gaidar Maria Yegorovna Advisor to the President of Ukraine (out of state)”, — the document says. According to the press service, the decree the President signed on March 28. Maria Gaidar was invited to work in July 2015, the Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili, she became his Deputy. August 4, 2015 Poroshenko has signed the decree about getting Gaidar Ukrainian citizenship and handed her a new passport. However, in may 2016, Gaidar had to resign from the post of Vice-Governor since she at that

Sobyanin instructed to check anti-terrorist protection of the Moscow transport

Photo: TASS Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin instructed to check anti-terrorist protection of transport infrastructure of the capital after the explosion in the subway of St. Petersburg. This was reported to journalists the head a press-services of the mayor and the Moscow government Gulnara Penkova. “In connection with the explosion in the subway in St. Petersburg, the Moscow mayor gave instructions on strengthening of security measures and carrying out check of antiterrorist protection of objects of the Moscow metro, ICC, Mosgortrans and other transport enterprises of Moscow”, – said Penkova. She also noted that Sobyanin expressed condolences to the families of those killed in the explosion. “The mayor expressed words of sympathy and support to the families and friends of the victims and wished speedy recovery to the injured”, – said Penkova. As previously reported, the explosion occurred in the subway in the city center. Killed 9 people. According to the

The head of the Sverdlovsk region ordered to strengthen security measures in the region

Photo: RIA Novosti The Governor of Sverdlovsk region Evgeny Kuyvashev instructed to strengthen security measures at transportation facilities in the region, reported the press service of the head region. In connection with the incident in the subway of Saint-Petersburg the head of the Middle Urals held a working conference with the participation of Vice-Governor Sergey Shvindt, Minister of public security of the region Alexander Kudryavtsev and head of administration of Ekaterinburg Alexander Jacob. “The Chairman of the Antiterrorist Commission of the Sverdlovsk region Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev instructed, in cooperation with law enforcement agencies to ensure comprehensive security measures on the transport infrastructure in the municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region”, — stated in the message. Separately, the Kuyvashev noted the increased security measures of the transport infrastructure in Yekaterinburg, first place in the metro, at railway stations and the airport. Earlier it was reported about the increased security measures in the

A year ago in Russia there was Regarde

© Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. One of the most ambitious in the history of modern Russia, the reform of law enforcement agencies, launched last year, has not led to the loss of operational management and has helped to keep the continuity of the implementation of the newly conferred powers. April 5, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin by his decree abolished the Federal service for control over drug trafficking (FSKN) and the Federal migration service (FMS), passing their functions to the interior Ministry. One year ago the head of state announced the creation in Russia of the National guard on the basis of Internal troops of the MIA (Regardie). As reported, Russian President Vladimir Putin at the last March 9, the enlarged meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, devoted to summarizing the work in 2016, with conversion inside the Agency were virtually painless

The UN security Council submitted a draft resolution on use of chemical weapons in Idlib

The UN security Council submitted a draft resolution on use of chemical weapons in Idlib UN 5 APR — RIA Novosti, Olga Denisova. USA, France and the United Kingdom made to the UN Security Council a draft resolution in connection with the reported use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Idlib, told RIA Novosti the United States permanent mission to the UN. “Joint resolution of the United States, France and great Britain in connection with the reported use of chemical weapons in Khan Shaykhun Syria 4 APR was distributed to the members of the Security Council,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The defense Ministry announced that the Syrian air force struck near the outskirts of the village of Khan shaykhun in Idlib province in the warehouse of ammunition of terrorists, where were the arsenals of chemical weapons, which were delivered to Iraq. The national coalition opposition and revolutionary forces of

Jean-Luc Mélenchon won the debate of candidates in presidents of France

Jean-Luc Mélenchon won the debate of candidates in presidents of France According to the survey, the most convincing during the televised debate were the representative of the “Left front” Jean-Luc Mélenchon. He gave preference to 25% of the audience, reports Reuters. Emmanuel macron (movement Forward) won 21% of the viewers of the debate. Francois Fillon (“Republicans”) — 15%, marine Le Pen (national front) — 11%. It is noted that Mr. macron and Ms. Le Pen during a debate fervently argued about the future of Europe. In the first round of presidential debates was attended by five candidates with the highest electoral rating. The other six access screen is not received. The debate was won by Emmanuel macron: he looked more convincing than his main rivals françois Fillon and marine Le Pen. Among other things Mr. macron went with them in the matter of future relations with Russia, urging “to avoid