Trump said the change in attitude towards Assad because of himataki in Idlib

Trump said the change in attitude towards Assad because of himataki in Idlib The US President Donald trump said that the chemical attack in the Syrian province of Idlib changed his attitude to the head of the Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad. He said this on Wednesday, April 5, at a joint press conference with Jordan’s king Abdullah II at the White house, reports CBS News. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий The incident he described as “a terrible affront to humanity”. “Yesterday’s attack on children has had a big influence on me. What happened, is unacceptable for me. My attitude toward Syria and Assad is very much changed,” said trump. He added that the chemical attacks brought the conflict in Syria “to a whole new level.” A day earlier trump blamed for the recent chemical attack in Syria on President Bashar al-Assad. According to the American leader, “monstrous actions” of the head Arab Republic —

Russia gave the UN a draft resolution on the Syrian Idlib

Russia gave the UN a draft resolution on the Syrian Idlib Moscow. 5 APR. INTERFAX.RU — Russia on Wednesday circulated in the UN Security Council a short draft resolution on Syria aimed at investigating the chemical attack in Idlib, in response to the paper submitted by the three Western countries, said the press-Secretary of the Permanent mission to the UN Feodor Strzygowski. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “At today’s meeting SAT zampolpreda Vladimir Safronkov criticized clearly compiled in haste, and very carelessly, the draft resolution on the chemical attack in Syria. Instead, we suggested that your business made a short project aimed for a real investigation, and not on purpose guilty before the facts,” said Strzygowski reporters. On Tuesday, the Western media reported about air strike on the town of Khan Shaykhun in Idlib province. The attack was accomplished by the use of ammunition with poisonous agents as a result of it, according to

Trump has promised to destroy the “Islamic state” to protect civilization

Trump has promised to destroy the “Islamic state” to protect civilization The US President Donald trump has promised that the United States together with its allies, will destroy the international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), and thereby protect the civilization. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий He stated this on Wednesday, April 5, at a joint press conference with Jordan’s king Abdullah II at the White house, reports Reuters. “We will destroy ISIS, and we will defend civilization. We have no other choice,” — said the President. While trump said that the king of Jordan is also one of the leaders, who advocates the destruction of the terrorist group “once and for all”. In addition, trump said that “very hard work” to bring peace to the middle East, reports TASS. On 4 April, the representative of IG abi al-Hasan al-Muhajir issued an appeal to the citizens of the United States. In

Medvedev said Tyulpanov an extraordinary man

Photo: TASS Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev expressed his condolences in connection with the death of Senator Vadim Tyulpanov. This is stated in a telegram published on the website of the Cabinet. “Vadim Albertovich Tulpanov was not only a famous politician, but also a bright, extraordinary man who did much for his native St. Petersburg and for the whole country”, – said the Prime Minister. According to him, the initiative group of the residents of besieged Leningrad received decent benefits, and for students preserved the right of free access to museums. “Everyone who knew Vadim Albertovich, respected him for his active citizenship, excellence, integrity, responsibility and the ability to consistently defend their point of view. He will remain in the hearts of family, friends and colleagues,” Medvedev wrote. Earlier it was reported that the Investigative Committee began checking into the death of the Senator group.

The Plenipotentiary in UrFO criticized the preparation of the Ural region for the fire season

Photo: RIA Novosti Plenipotentiary representative of RF President in the Urals Federal district (UFD), Igor Kholmanskikh criticized the training of the Ural region for the fire season. He stated at the Board meeting on safety in the videoconference. According to Kholmanskikh, arrived for the meeting information shows that the available forces and means of civil defense in the regions not yet fully meet the requirements of the real threats and dangers. Slowly the issues of enforcement of protective constructions of civil defense in working condition, he said. “There are some problems with the creation and reconstruction of the systems of warning the population. The head of state in November of 2016 by decree No. 1522 was made the decision on creation in Russia of an integrated system of emergency public warning about the threat of occurrence or occurrence of emergency situations”, – said the envoy. Kholmanskikh noted that the requirements

Defense Ministry: the reluctance of the West to unite against terrorism hinders the fight against this scourge

Deputy Minister of defence of the Russian Federation Alexander Fomin © Vadim Savitsky/press service of the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. The reluctance of Western countries to join efforts to counter international terrorism hinders the fight against this threat. On Wednesday Deputy defense Minister, Lieutenant-General Alexander Fomin. “Instead of combining efforts in the fight against evil, the chief of which is terrorism, Western countries create new dividing lines and diagrams deter unwanted States,” he said “The world is changing rapidly, with emerging new centers of gravity representing different civilization civilizations and models of development. Many States are interested in how to independently determine their own destiny, to build a relationship on mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests, advocate for new approaches to security”, – said the Deputy Minister. Fomin noted that at the upcoming VI Moscow conference on international security, which will be

Of the Russian Federation submitted to the UN security Council its draft resolution on investigation of the incident in Idlib

© EPA/JUSTIN LANE UN 5 APR. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. Russia has submitted to the UN Security Council its draft resolution concerning the investigation into the incident with the alleged use of chemical weapons in the town of Khan Shaykhun in Idlib province on April 4. This was reported to journalists the press-Secretary of the permanent representative to the UN Feodor Strzygowski. He recalled that at the earlier meeting of the security Council, the Russian side criticized the Western draft resolution, “is obviously in a hurry and very careless”. “Instead, we suggested that your business made a short project aimed for a real investigation, and not on purpose guilty before the facts,” said Strzyzewski. According to him, members of the UN security Council have started consultations and will try to work out a “compromise draft” resolution.

Peskov denied that the Kremlin has sent signals to the regions to hold rallies against terror

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 5. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that he did not know about allegedly arrived to the regions of the order of the Kremlin to organize anti-terrorist demonstrations on April 8. He reported about it to journalists. “I don’t know about any signals from the Kremlin, the more they don’t need,” he said. This Peskov emphasized that “for the first time hears” about certain signals. Press Secretary of the head of state stressed that “the Kremlin is not involved in the organization of rallies”, therefore, difficult to say whether they will be held in the regions in what and who will be the organizer. He emphasized that consolidation of society on the basis of anti-terrorist subjects. “Consolidation of society and every kind of expression of mutual solidarity in these days is obvious, – said the

The United States plans to cut aid to Ukraine

The United States plans to cut aid to Ukraine Deputy assistant Secretary of state for European and Eurasian Bridget brink confirmed that a program of US aid to Ukraine could be trimmed. About Ms. brink said at a conference on the issue of Ukraine at the Atlantic Council in Washington. “Our President’s budget will not be as bloated. Of course, the last word of the Congress, but I assume that the budget will decrease on all counts. And the state Department and foreign assistance is part of the budget subject to very serious cuts”, — quotes the statement of Mrs. brink “RIA Novosti”. This information was also confirmed by former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst. However, he explained that the reduction in funding is connected not with Ukraine, and with internal Affairs in the United States. Earlier this week the international monetary Fund (IMF) agreed to provide Ukraine with

The state Duma rejected the test of the investigation the FCO about Medvedev

The state Duma rejected the test of the investigation the FCO about Medvedev The state Duma refused to organize the test according to the investigation of the Fund of struggle against corruption (FBK) about the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. As reported TASS, the decision was taken on Wednesday, April 5, at the plenary session of the lower house of Parliament. The initiators of such investigations was made by the deputies from the Communist party Nikolai Kolomeitsev, Sergei Reshulsky and Yuri sinelshchikov. The head of the Committee for security and combating corruption Vasily Piskarev said that the nature of his work he had “to deal with materials that come from the so-called FBK”. “None of his so-called investigation, including the latest, had and has nothing to do with the truth, and especially the fight against corruption that we so actively impose and promoted,” — said United Russia. 4 APR Dmitry Medvedev