The fans of Stalin was not given to place the monument in Novosibirsk

Photo: RIA Novosti A group of residents of Novosibirsk have successfully completed the project on creation of a monument to Joseph Stalin. Bust steklokompozita tinted dark bronze cast and ready to be placed, but the municipality has delayed the provision of a platform for installation of the monument, complain to the representatives of the initiative group. But with the monument to Nicholas II was no problem, they emphasize. “The cost of the work of the sculptor in the amount of 200 thousand rubles, we paid due to the collected people’s money”, — quotes “Interfax” the message of the initiative group. According to the initiators of the action, they proposed to erect a monument to the Heroes of the Revolution square, but were refused. In the city hall explained that the square is the object of cultural heritage of regional value. Then the initiators were asked to place the monument at

Putin: fight against terrorism needs to be greater coordination of all the intelligence

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed the participants of the meeting of heads of security bodies and intelligence services of CIS States on matters of intelligence, stressing that combating international terrorism required the close coordination of intelligence agencies. “To effectively combat international terrorism and extremism and solve other issues related to ensuring peace and security require close coordination of the work of the security services. It is a clear, coherent interaction, timely exchange of operational and analytical information will allow to successfully face today’s challenges in the CIS”, — said in the telegram of the President published on the Kremlin website. Putin added that in 25 years the agreement on main principles of cooperation of the intelligence services of the CIS countries, the partnership has acquired a stable, productive, in fact, confirmed its usefulness and relevance.

Half of Russians consider it necessary to reply to Kiev on sanctions against the banks

Photo: RIA Novosti Half of Russians consider it necessary to take retaliatory steps after the introduction of Ukraine sanctions against Russian banks, of which every fifth proposes to impose retaliatory sanctions, and every tenth — to negotiate with Kiev, it follows from the results of a survey of the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM). March 23, Ukraine has imposed sanctions against all five operating in Ukraine structures of the Russian state-owned banks: the Ukrainian Sberbank and VTB, “BM Bank” (“granddaughter” VTB), Prominvestbank (“daughter” VEB) and VS Bank (“grandchild” of the savings Bank). They banned any financial transactions in favour of related persons, in particular, the parent structures. The majority of respondents VTSIOM Russians (54%) found it difficult to assume what they want to achieve the Kiev authorities to impose sanctions against Russian banks. A tenth of respondents (10%) believe that Kiev seeks to further strain relations with

US Ambassador to the UN gave trump’s words about the “problem” of Russia

US Ambassador to the UN gave trump’s words about the “problem” of Russia Moscow. April 6. INTERFAX.RU the President of the United States Donald trump is considering Russia as a problem, said US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley. “I had a meeting with the President in the course of them he seriously called Russia a problem,” she said at the sidelines of the forum on the role of women in world development. While Haley said that the US “will not allow Russia to continue to do” what she has done with Crimea and Ukraine, and also in providing support to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The diplomat added that “repeatedly gave the cuffs of Russia”, then, when he thought “should indicate to her that she’s doing wrong”. According to her, should not pay attention to the fact that trump does not criticize Russia. “Everyone wants to hear what he has

In the state Duma propose to allocate in separate article of the criminal code, the recruitment of terrorists

Photo: RIA Novosti In the state Duma the issue of responsibility toughening for the recruitment of terrorists, the draft sent for feedback to the government and the Supreme court, said the first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee for security and combating corruption Ernest Valeev (“United Russia”). According to him, currently, the law establishes liability for incitement to committing a terrorist act, involvement in terrorist activity and recruitment. “But today there were agitators who recruit people in the IG* (organization banned in Russia — ed.) on a systemic basis, assist in moving. We believe that this is a more serious form of involvement in criminal activity and want to give it a separate article, to establish more strict liability. This project is now sent for review to the government and the Supreme court,” — said Valeev, quoted by the newspaper “Izvestia”. A year earlier, the state Duma Deputy from the

In the Senate of the United States showed “declassified” photo of Putin and Simonyan

Photo: RT in Russian American democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen brought to a Senate hearing the big picture, which depicted the editor in chief of TV channel Russia Today Margarita Simonyan and Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is reported by RT. According to the politician, the picture was taken from a declassified US intelligence report. “This photo shows what I think is happening with RT,” said şahin, adding that the photo Simonyan “tells Vladimir Putin about” channel. The Senator stressed that “the Kremlin chooses employees of RT, and controls topics including misinformation and fake news”. The representatives of the channel say that the photo in question was made in the decade of the RT, and it is in the public domain. Earlier, Simonyan accused Shaheen McCarthyism [movement 1940-50-ies against “anti-American minded” – approx.ed.]. In March, the Senator introduced a bill giving the justice Department additional powers to investigate possible violations of

Tillerson believes that Russia should review the question of support for Assad

Tillerson believes that Russia should review the question of support for Assad WASHINGTON, April 6. /Offset. TASS Boris Makarov/. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson believes that for Russia it’s time to think seriously about whether to continue support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. This was reported on Wednesday the Agency AP. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий According to Tillerson, his country has “no doubt” that the Syrian government was responsible for the “heinous attack” in the province of Idlib. According to the Agency, the statement of the foreign Minister made in an interview with journalists accompanying him to meetings with Mexican counterpart Luis Videgaray Caso. On Tuesday, Reuters, citing the London-based “Syrian monitoring centre for human rights” (The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights) reported that in the city of Khan shaykhun in Idlib province in an attack by Syrian or Russian aircraft killed 58 people, including 11 children. It is argued that the

South Korea has successfully tested a ballistic missile with a range of 800 kilometers

South Korea has successfully tested a ballistic missile with a range of 800 kilometers Moscow. April 6. INTERFAX.RU — South Korea has conducted tests of new ballistic missiles with a range of 800 kilometers that can reach any point in North Korea, said on Thursday the South Korean Agency Yonhap, citing military sources. According to them, this test will be a serious warning to North Korea, which continues to develop its nuclear and missile weapons to bypass the international restrictions. According to estimates by the South Korean military, the launch was successful, an informed source said. The test was inspected by the Minister of defense of South Korea Han Min GU. As reported, on Wednesday North Korea carried out a new test launch. According to the South Korean military, it was a ballistic missile medium-range type “Puchiko-2”. She flew 60 km, reaching a maximum altitude of 189 kilometers. The relevant

Medvedev signed a decree on providing assistance to victims in the Saint-Petersburg metro

Photo: RIA Novosti Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on assistance to victims and families of victims of the terrorist attack on the third of April in the subway of Saint Petersburg, the press service of the Russian government. “The government of Saint-Petersburg allocated budget appropriations in the amount of 50 million rubles from the reserve Fund of the Government of Russia for payment of lump-sum benefits”, — stated in the message. The provision will allocate to families of the victims in the amount of one million rubles for each victim — citizens who have received serious bodily injury or injury of average weight in the amount of 400 thousand rubles per person, citizens who sustained light damage — 200 thousand roubles on the person, and also on burial to families of the victims of the terrorist act.

Gatilov: the incident in Idlib should not be used for the breakdown of negotiations on Syria

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Gennady Gatilov © Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS BRUSSELS, 6 APR. /Offset. TASS Asya Harutyunyan/. The incident with the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria should not be used for the breakdown of negotiations on conflict settlement in Syria. This was stated on Wednesday evening, the Russian Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Gennady Gatilov, who represented Russia at the international donors ‘ conference for Syria in Brussels.