Poklonskaya suggested deputies to form an anti-corruption consciousness

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the state Duma Commission for control over deputies reliability of information about income and property of Natalia Poklonskaya offered to MPs by example form in the society anti-corruption consciousness. Earlier in the GD said that all the deputies of the state Duma is time to provide information about their income, expenses, assets and liabilities of a public nature. “The task of the Commission is to make sure that our voters saw no one, and could not be immune from liability for violation of the law. It is obvious that any fact of corruption on the part of MPs, regardless of party affiliation, will have a negative impact on the credibility of the government as a whole, causing mistrust in society to our work,” said Polonskaya in the plenary session of the state Duma. “Offer your own example to form in the society anti-corruption consciousness,

The Kremlin calls “not to label” in connection with the incident with chemical weapons in Syria

Dmitry Peskov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, April 6. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov has called “not to label” in connection with the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. “It (the incident in Idlib province) is indeed quite alarming developments, it is, indeed, a very dangerous and heinous crime. However, to label hastily, from our point of view, it would be wrong,” – said Peskov.

Putin proposed to Alexander Evstifeeva to lead the Mari El Republic

Russian President Vladimir Putin and ex-Deputy Plenipotentiary representative in the Volga Federal district Alexander Evstifeev © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 6. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to ex-Deputy Plenipotentiary of the President in Privolzhsky Federal district (PFO), the Chairman of the Arbitration court of the Moscow region Alexander Evstifeeva become the acting head of the Mari El Republic until the election in September. At the meeting with Evstifeeva in the Kremlin the President of Russia noted that “the current situation when the current head of the Republic asks to use it on another work area”. “Leonid I. (Markelov) for 16 years in the Mari El Republic and would like to change their job. In this regard, I have a question: would You like to lead the country to elections in September this year, and depending on the results – to take part in the

Duterte ordered to deploy troops on the territory of disputed Islands in the South China sea

Duterte ordered to deploy troops on the territory of disputed Islands in the South China sea The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte ordered to deploy troops on the territory of disputed Islands in the South China sea (SCS). On Thursday, April 6, reports the South China Morning Post. According to the head of the state, it is about nine or ten Islands. One gets the impression that everyone is trying to grab these Islands, so we would rather live on those that are still free.Rodrigo Dutasteride Philippines The President previously announced his intention to visit one of them and raise over them the Philippine flag. The trip was planned to coincide with the independence Day of the Philippines, which is celebrated in mid-June. Duterte before also stated that he is going to build a barracks on the island Titus, one of the Islands of the Spratly archipelago, which China

The European Parliament voted for visa-free regime for Ukrainians

The European Parliament voted for visa-free regime for Ukrainians Citizens of Ukraine will be able to enter without visas to EU countries for up to 90 days in six months. Moscow. April 6. INTERFAX.RU — members of the European Parliament at its plenary session in Strasbourg on Thursday voted in favour of the law granting the right of Ukrainians for visa-free travel to the EU for short stays. The text of this document had previously been agreed informally with the EU Council. It is expected that the new law will come into force in early June. Held the vote means that the Ukrainian biometric passports will be able to visit the EU for up to 90 days in six months with a tourist, professional or other purposes, but they do not have the right to work in the EU. Before taking this decision, the EU institutions have upgraded the mechanism

The Melania trump met with the Queen of Jordan

The Melania trump met with the Queen of Jordan The first lady of the United States, the Melania trump met in Washington with the Queen of Jordan Rania al-Abdullah, reports Vogue. For the release of the wife of the American President chose emerald dress, although in recent months she preferred outfits of neutral colors and Patriotic red tones. First lady Melania Trump and Jordan’s Queen Rania visited a DC public charter school https://t.co/yyB3kkw2Z9 pic.twitter.com/107UzT9A87 — CNN International (@Mashable) April 5, 2017 Jordanian Queen came to the meeting in a black-and-white ensemble, which shows the influence of the style of the 1960-ies. As for men, the first lady and Queen, and the President of the United States Donald trump, and the king of Jordan Abdullah II Ibn Hussein came to see blue suits and red ties, reports the Daily Mail. Also present was the daughter of the American President Ivanka trump

Russia was not invited to Ukraine at Moscow security conference

Photo: RIA Novosti The Deputy Minister of defence of Russia the General-Lieutenant Alexander Fomin said that the Agency was not invited Ukraine at the VI Moscow conference on international security, reports RIA Novosti. “The invitation to this conference Ukraine we did not fly,” — said Fomin. He noted that between the two countries, Russia and Ukraine, “there is a lot of complex issues — primarily in the bilateral relations”. According to Fomin, these issues are primarily concerned with safety on the territory of Ukraine near the Russian border. “But we are these issues actively discussed at Minsk site, the OSCE and the United Nations”, — said the Deputy Minister. Fomin said earlier that NATO will take part in the conference but will not speak as the representative of the Alliance have refused this opportunity. Moscow conference on international security held in 2012. Last year the conference gathered more than 700

Brechalov called his main task in Udmurt Republic

Alexander Brechalov Photo: RIA Novosti Alexander Brechalov, the day before appointed acting head of the Udmurt Republic, called its main task on a post of the head of the region the performance of “may decrees” the President Vladimir Putin. Wednesday was the first meeting Brechalov with representatives of the authorities of the Republic held today in Izhevsk, reports TASS. Presidential Plenipotentiary envoy in the Volga Federal district (VFD) Mikhail Babich presented Brechalov members of the government of Udmurt Republic, deputies of the state Council, heads of government bodies and the public. On Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin appointed Secretary of the Public chamber Alexander Brechalov acting head of the Udmurt Republic. Brechalov called his appointment to the post of the acting head of Udmurtia “great responsibility and a new challenge”. As the newspaper VIEW, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against the former head of the Republic Alexander Solovyov, on

In the state Duma have honored the memory of victims of the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg with a moment of silence

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma plenary session began with a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack that occurred on 3 April at the metro in St. Petersburg. “You know that on 3 April in St. Petersburg at the hands of terrorists killed the people. At the request of all the factions of the request to honour the memory of our citizens with a moment of silence,” said speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. The explosion in the train took place on 3 April at around 14:40 GMT on the stretch between stations of the St. Petersburg metro “Institute of Technology” and “Sennaya Ploschad”. Russia’s investigative Committee has described the incident as a terrorist attack. According to the latest data of the Ministry of health, as a result of the blast 14 people died, 49 in hospitals.

Trump called the chemical attack in Syria “insult to humanity”

Trump called the chemical attack in Syria “insult to humanity” The President of the United States Donald trump condemned the deaths of civilians in Syria as a result of alleged use of chemical weapons. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографийЭто it was an insult to humanity. When you kill innocent children, babies — it’s crossing the line.Donald Trepresent USA Trump did not mention Russia in his speech. Earlier, Vice-President Mike Pence said that for Russia it is time to fulfill the obligations to destroy stockpiles of chemical weapons in Syria in accordance with the agreement 2013. On Wednesday morning the United States, Britain and France submitted to the UN Security Council draft resolution condemning the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the proposed version of the resolution “totally unacceptable”. That same day, U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley