The state Duma has stood up for Medvedev

Photo: Reuters At the meeting of the state Duma on 5 April, the deputies rejected made by the representatives of the Communist party the initiative on the investigation data of the “Fund of struggle against corruption” (FBK) about the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. About it reports TASS. Against a parliamentary inquiry voted the majority of deputies of the lower house of Parliament. The Chairman of the Duma Committee on security, member of “United Russia” Vasily Piskarev said that his past work – the Investigative Committee – he often dealt with the materials of the FBC. According to him, investigation of the Foundation have “nothing to do with truth, and especially with the fight against corruption”. “The product of his creativity, as it turned out informed (and I am sure that now the situation is the same), a symbiosis of the mud, fantasy, staged stunts and rigging with a strong political

Russia and Belarus have joined rallies

Photo: Alexander Miridonov / Kommersant The European Parliament has criticized Moscow and Minsk over human rights violations The European Parliament yesterday adopted a resolution condemning the authorities of Russia and Belarus for human rights violations during the recent demonstrations. Deputies have demanded immediately to release the detained in the cities of the Russian Federation on 26 March and 2 April participants of the unsanctioned rallies, as well as Belarusians, released on 25 March on the so-called freedom Day. The European Parliament urged to oblige the Russian authorities to report back to Brussels on cases of human rights violations, and has threatened Minsk with new sanctions. However, if this threat is implemented, then only a slight extension of the black lists: according to Belarusian experts, the EU does not want to lose the contact with Minsk, fear further rapprochement with Moscow. Members of the European Parliament yesterday by a large majority

Hillary Clinton has urged trump to bring down the Syrian air force

Hillary Clinton has urged trump to bring down the Syrian air force NEW YORK, April 7. /Offset. TASS Alexey Kachalin/. The administration of U.S. President Donald trump have to disable combat aircraft of Damascus in a warning for the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий This opinion was expressed in the forum “Women in the world,” former us Secretary of state Hillary Clinton, lost to Trump in the General election in 2016. “President Bashar al-Assad has air power, which cause the most deaths of civilians. We have seen this for many years and have seen this again in the last days,” claimed the former first lady of the United States. “I am convinced that we ought to have and must now incapacitate him (Syrian President) airfields and thus prevent him from returning to bomb innocent people and spraying them from the air, sarin gas,” added Clinton. “I remain

Pushkov: the trump will rise in line with Bush and Obama, if you go to Syria

Pushkov: the trump will rise in line with Bush and Obama, if you go to Syria MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov commented on the possibility of launching a US military action in Syria, noting that in this case, the current President, Donald trump will “fall in line” with their predecessors who were fighting in the middle East. “In the 21st century, every U.S. President had his own war in the middle East, and then two. If trump go to Syria, he will rise in line with (George) Bush and (Barack) Obama,” wrote Pushkov in his microblog on Twitter. As previously reported by CNN, citing a source, trump told members of Congress that it is considering military action against Syria after the incident in Idlib. However, according to Reuters, trump told reporters that he had not told Congress about military action against Syria. The national coalition

Russia has proposed to impose an embargo against the ISIS controlled territories

Russia has proposed to impose an embargo against the ISIS controlled territories Against the territories controlled by the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia), shall be entered the trade and economic embargo. As reported on Thursday, April 6, RIA Novosti, such a proposal was voiced by the Deputy Director of the Department of new challenges and threats Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Dmitry Feoktistov, speaking of the Organization of American States (OAS). This measure may be applied under article 41 of the UN Charter. “The financial and economic destruction of ISIS requires the effective implementation of resolutions and 2199 2253 of the UN Security Council aimed at strengthening efforts to end illegal support of ISIS and related groups, including the trafficking of oil products, weapons, Antiques,” said Feoktistov. According to him, the main purpose of these actions is to deprive the extremists of financial aid

Russia introduced a UN security Council draft resolution on the investigation himataki in Idlib

Photo: Reuters Russia submitted to the UN Security Council its draft resolution on investigation of the chemical attack in the Syrian province of Idlib. This was reported by press Secretary of the permanent representative of Russia to the UN Feodor Strzygowski. “At today’s meeting SAT zampolpreda Safronkov criticized clearly compiled in haste, and very carelessly, the draft resolution on the chemical attack in Syria”, — quotes the Interfax the press-Secretary. He stressed that “instead, we suggested that your business made a short project aimed for a real investigation, and not on purpose guilty before the facts”. Earlier it was reported that Russia is ready to veto a UN security Council resolution on Syria, if the partners put it to a vote hastily, without prior consultation. 4 APR national coalition opposition and revolutionary forces of Syria announced the deaths of 80 people in an attack using chemical weapons in Khan Sheyhun.

Moskalkova proposed to abolish dosledstvennaja check

Photo: RIA Novosti The Commissioner for human rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova believes that Russia needs to move away from pre-investigation checks, abandoning the stage of initiation of criminal proceedings. Such a proposal was voiced during the parliamentary hearings in the Federation Council on the topic “Criminal policy – roadmap (2017 – 2025)”. “In the current (in Russia) of the criminal procedure models are large-scale problems that cause people to have questions and lead to the violation of their rights. The first is the existence of a stage of excitation of criminal case”, – said the Ombudsman. She recalled that this procedure was introduced in 1937 and prior to that, the Charter of criminal proceedings of 1864 of the filing of the appeal from the victim and register it immediately began the process of criminal proceedings. “In 1937, when there was this stage, she was given three days,