The state Duma clarifies responsibility for incorrect marking of gear in TV programs

Photo: RIA Novosti MOSCOW, April 7. /TASS/. The state Duma adopted in the first reading a bill that clarifies the cases in which liability for the wrong age coded transmission in television lies with chief editors of print media. Changes are envisaged in the law “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”. “The bill proposes to introduce a ban on the circulation of the unsigned information products programs for television and radio, as well as catalogues and lists of information products”, – stated in the accompanying materials. The developers explain that currently the responsibility for the wrong age labeling of TV programs in printed media are the main editors of the publications. Their liability arises even if the newspaper reprinted the erroneous data on the labeling, which were provided by the broadcasting company. “The proposed changes clarify the responsibilities for this violation,” the authors

Matvienko pointed out the consequences of a missile strike by the USA on air base Shirt

Photo: RIA Novosti Recent US actions in Syria runs counter to the interests of the struggle against international terrorism. This view was expressed by the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, said in a press release received by the editors”.ru” on Friday, April 7. “Instead of driving to the unification of efforts to combat terrorism, Washington has dealt a blow to the Syrian army, which not only is at the forefront of this struggle, but it achieves great success,” said the Senator, commenting on a missile strike by the US on the Syrian airfield shirt, inflicted on the night of 7 April by order of the American President Donald trump. The incident, in her opinion, will affect Russian-American relations. “And taking into account their key importance for global security, the rocket fire was a step that created a new problem on the way to strengthening peace and cooperation”, —

Crimean beckoned visa-free travel to Europe

Photo: RIA Novosti The inhabitants of the Crimea with Ukrainian passports will be able to receive biometric document for visa-free travel to Europe. This statement was made by Deputy Director of Department of European Union Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Serhii Saenko. His words RIA Novosti reported. Sayenko added that to the paperwork required on the territory of Ukraine. On 6 April the European Parliament approved the introduction of visa-free regime with Ukraine. The liberalization of the visa regime for short trips only and does not provide the right to work. Only visa-free regime allows to travel freely to 22 countries of the Schengen area, four countries that are not members of the European Union (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland and four candidate countries for accession to the Schengen area (Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus). In order for a visa-free regime entered into force, it needs to support the Committee

Tillerson: the US is not going to overthrow the leadership of the DPRK

Tillerson: the US is not going to overthrow the leadership of the DPRK WASHINGTON, April 9. /Offset. TASS Anton Cranks/. The American administration is not going to interfere in the internal Affairs of the DPRK. This was announced by the U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson revealed today in an interview with ABC television. “We have no intentions to change the regime in North Korea, it is not our goal, he said. — It is absolutely clear that our goal is the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.” According to Tillerson, at the last U.S.-China summit, Chinese President XI Jinping “expressed agreement that the situation has reached new levels of seriousness and threat.” “He (XI Jinping) would like to support the attempt to influence Pyongyang to change its attitude to the need for this (nuclear) weapons,” — said the Secretary of state, noting that Washington expects Beijing in this regard for further action.

Erdogan said that Europe will be responsible for “unfair attitude” towards Turkey

Erdogan said that Europe will be responsible for “unfair attitude” towards Turkey ANKARA, 9 Aug— RIA Novosti. Europe will be responsible for the unfair, in his opinion, the attitude towards Turkey after the constitutional referendum on 16 April, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Relations between Turkey and the EU have become aggravated after the authorities of Germany and the Netherlands have banned the statements of the Turkish Ministers to the voters of Turkish origin ahead of a referendum on a package of amendments to the Constitution, which the citizens of Turkey will vote for a transition to a presidential form of government. Earlier, Erdogan said the possibility of holding another referendum, which he offers to submit the question of the advisability of continuing negotiations on the country’s accession to the EU. “Expect from Turkish citizens residing in European countries, a high turnout (for a referendum). Representatives of the Turkish Diaspora have

The ruling party of Armenia constituted an absolute majority in Parliament

The ruling party of Armenia constituted an absolute majority in Parliament Moscow. April 9. INTERFAX.RU — the Ruling Republican party of Armenia constituted an absolute majority in the new Parliament. As announced at the extraordinary session of the CEC of Armenia, the head of the Commission Tigran Mukuchyan, the results of parliamentary elections the Republican party wins 58 mandates, the opposition bloc of “prosperous Armenia” — 31 mandate, the opposition bloc “EFC” — nine seats, the party “Dashnaktsutiun” — seven seats. Mukuchyan also said that the composition of the Republican party in the Armenian Parliament passed three representatives of national minorities — Yazidis, Assyrian and Kurd, in the unit “Tsarukyan” — one representative of national minorities — Russian. The Armenian Parliament will consist of 105 deputies.

Medvedev: won’t disappoint the partners in the West and save the predamage

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia maintains restrictions on the import of imported products and has no plans to cancel the bradenburg, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “Restrictions on importation of imported goods — raw materials and food to Russia continue, so we work absolutely quietly. Our partners don’t make any effort to ensure that we his position changed. Let’s not going to disappoint us from this, only better,” — said Medvedev at a meeting of the Board of agriculture. Russia is successfully developing relations with the countries of the Eurasian economic Union, the Prime Minister said. “This huge market where we can primitivity. Somewhere, so to speak, and their products, and food in our market appears so that our common market, we will develop,” he said. “We try to make our agriculture more competitive abroad and in the domestic market,” he said. Russia in August 2014 to restrict imports of products

The ROC is required from the government 13 billion rubles for the restoration of the temples

Photo: RIA Novosti Almost 14 billion rubles is necessary to the Russian Orthodox Church for the restoration of churches and monasteries, recognized cultural heritage sites, the website of the Financial-economic Department (FCS) of the Russian Orthodox Church. To date, for consideration by the FCS received applications from 56 metropolias, dioceses 93, 19 monasteries and farmsteads. Restoration required 424 objects. Total expenditures amounted to 13 billion 857 million 176 thousand roubles. All applications will be reviewed and analyzed by the staff of FCS, after which the office will send the state a General application indicating the required for the restoration work. “Of course, the total amount you are requesting is almost 100 times less. Of all objects for restoration will be selected a few temples. It is clear that 13 billion of the state to allocate can not” — said RIA Novosti in the FCS. Restoration of objects of cultural heritage

Tillerson looked forward to constructive talks with Lavrov in Moscow

Tillerson looked forward to constructive talks with Lavrov in Moscow MOSCOW, 9 APR — RIA Novosti. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson hopes that the talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov during visit to Moscow will be constructive. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “I hope that we will be able to hold constructive talks with the Russian government, with foreign Minister Lavrov that Russia will support a process that will lead to stabilization in Syria,” he said in an interview with ABC News. Tillerson also stressed that during his visit to Moscow intends to raise the issue of Russia’s compliance with commitments on the elimination of chemical weapons in Syria. “It will be part of the discussion when I will arrive in Moscow next week — call to foreign Minister Lavrov and the Russian government on the implementation of the commitments it took before the international community when he agreed to be the

Haley: the involvement of Assad to prove gimatecan secret materials

Haley: the involvement of Assad to prove gimatecan secret materials WASHINGTON, April 9 — RIA Novosti. The US administration made a conclusion about the involvement of the Syrian authorities to chemical attack against civilians on the basis of the secret data, said the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley. 13фотографий13фотографий13фотографий Earlier, the Syrian opposition reported numerous victims himataki in the city of Khan shaykhun, Idlib province and blamed government forces. Despite the denials from Damascus and Russia’s calls for an investigation into the tragedy, the US Navy ships in the night of Friday released dozens of cruise missiles at the airfield shirt, which was allegedly struck. “During our meetings (in the US administration — ed.) this week we talked about the evidence we were shown evidence that the President saw the evidence. All of them, of course, kept secret, and I’m sure that when they (US intelligence —