The state Duma called on to besiege US after strike on Syrian airbase

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma called on parliamentarians of other countries to condemn the aggressive actions of the US in Syria. Appropriate treatment in connection with a rocket attack on the airbase Shirt lower house of Parliament adopted on Friday, April 7, RIA Novosti reported. “State Duma deputies appeal to world parliaments, inter-Parliamentary Union, PACE [parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe], OSCE PA, to condemn the aggressive actions of States that violate fundamental principles of international law”, — is spoken in the address. Russian MPs underline that Washington is undermining international cooperation in the fight against terror, and without cooperation of countries it is impossible to win “a major threat of XXI century”. The appeal notes that the US used false pretenses to commit a missile strike, “based on geopolitical ambitions of world policeman”. State Duma deputies also believe that the chemical attack in Idlib, which allegedly was

Putin expressed his condolences to the king of Sweden after the terrorist attack in Stockholm

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to king of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf in connection with the terrorist attack in Central Stockholm. The text of the telegram published on the Kremlin website on Friday, April 7. “In our country, know firsthand about the atrocities of international terrorism. In this hour the Russians mourn with the people of Sweden,” — the statement says. Vladimir Putin asked to convey words of support to the relatives of the victims and wished speedy recovery to the injured. April 7, on the main pedestrian street of Stockholm, the truck rammed the crowd. Killed at least three people, accurate information about the number of victims yet. According to preliminary data of the Swedish police, hitting a truck on the crowd is a terrorist act.

Beijing authorities promised a reward for information about foreign spies

Beijing authorities promised a reward for information about foreign spies BEIJING, April 10 — RIA Novosti, Zhanna Manukyan. Authorities in Beijing have announced a new program of monetary compensation to citizens of up to 500 thousand yuan (72,4 thousand dollars) for providing information about the activities of spies and foreign intelligence agencies, follows from the relevant decision by the public security Bureau of Beijing, distributed by the Chinese media. On Monday morning, the office published “the Program of encouragement of the citizens for the exposing of espionage activities,” According to the document, the citizens who provided vital information to aid in the prevention and suppression of espionage activities in the country can obtain the maximum monetary compensation 500 thousand yuan. According to the representative of the Ministry of public security of the city, whose words are given along with the published document, foreign intelligence services, spies and “other hostile forces”

RSPP has warned about rising inflation because of the “Spring law”

RSPP has warned about rising inflation because of the “Spring law” The proposal of the Ministry of communications on the implementation of the “law of Spring” in two times, increase the cost of operators — up to 10 trillion. This, I believe in the Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs, will lead to a multiple increase in the price of communication services and increase the level of inflation in the country. A draft decree of the Ministry of communications and mass communications on the implementation of the “law of Spring” several times increases the potential costs of market participants — up to 10 trillion rubles This follows from the conclusion of the Commission of the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs (RSPP) on communication and information communication, a copy of which is at the disposal of “Kommersant”. According to estimates of entrepreneurs in 2019 in the framework of the law of

The UK will propose new sanctions against Russia at the G7 summit

The UK will propose new sanctions against Russia at the G7 summit Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU — Britain intends to achieve from partners in the G7 of adopting new sanctions against Russia for supporting the Syrian regime which, in its opinion, has used chemical weapons in Idlib province, told the Times newspaper. . The Minister of foreign Affairs Boris Johnson will demand from Western countries “very hard sanctions in the form of punishment” for the chemical attack on rebel controlled territory… the Document of sanctions prepared for the meeting of the foreign Ministers of the G7, which will be held in the province of Lucca, Italy.The Times Newspaper Sanctions, according to the British Minister, should be introduced if Moscow will not abandon support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Proposals for tougher sanctions against Russia are heard in Washington. So, Senator Bernie Sanders — party opponent Hillary Clinton in the presidential

Medvedev: Russia and the United States on the verge of clashes

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia and the United States are on “the brink of military clashes”. This statement was made by the head of the Russian government Dmitry Medvedev. The Prime Minister wrote in his Facebook account. “Instead of publicized thesis on the joint fight against the main enemy — the ISIS (a group banned in Russia — approx. The Rambler/news) the administration of the trump proved that will fiercely fight against the legitimate government of Syria. […] On the verge of fighting with Russia”, — Medvedev wrote. Medvedev added that the missile strike on Syrian airbase Shirt was done in violation of international law and without the sanction of the United Nations (UN). USA struck on the basis of Syrian government forces in Idlib province on the morning of 7 April. The result of American strikes killed seven people: five soldiers and two civilians, and another seven people seriously injured.

Lukashenko: disputes between Belarus and Russia has faded into the background after the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg

Photo: RIA Novosti All disputes between Belarus and Russia, which the leaders of these countries were to discuss on April 3, when the attack took place in the St. Petersburg metro, depart on the second plan. This was stated by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in an exclusive interview with TV channel “MIR 24”. “There were many contradictions and problems in relations of Russia and Belarus on certain issues. And it bothered me and President Putin. All of this was unpleasant, especially between our countries. We were preparing for this meeting. And here we go to this meeting and here are just happening in parallel at the same time an act of terrorism. All these problems we lived, maybe a few months before our meeting — we were determined to argue, to cut this Gordian knot, — all of them faded into the background. We realized the true value in this

MFA responds to allegations of “chemical weapons” attacked the US air base in Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti The assertion that the airbase in the Syrian province of HOMS, which informed Washington suffered a missile strike, was the nerve gas sarin, unsubstantiated, said the Director of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control, the Russian foreign Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov. “Now appeared allegations that subjected to missile attack by the Syrian air force base was a chemical warfare agent sarin, unproven,” reports his words TASS. He called these statements “a clumsy attempt” to justify running counter to international law actions. Ulyanov also said that Russian accusations of covering up the use of chemical weapons is a lie. “As for accusations that Russia seems to cover the use by Damascus of chemical weapons in Khan Sheyhun April 4 this year, that is a shameless lie”, – said the diplomat. He added that Moscow supports a thorough trial in question, urging them not to make “irresponsible judgments” which

McCain partly blamed for the chemical attack in Syria White house

McCain partly blamed for the chemical attack in Syria White house The Senator from Arizona John McCain said that the administration of U.S. President Donald trump “kind of guilty” that Syrian government forces used chemical weapons against the civilian population. It is reported by CBSNews. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий According to McCain, the decision of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could affect the statement of US state Secretary Rex Tillerson made a few days before himataki. Then he said that the removal of President Bashar al-Assad from power is no longer a priority target for Washington. At the same time, McCain said he believes a missile attack on Syria an “excellent first step” and the “reversal [of the policy] over the last eight years.” “It is vital that we developed the strategy, brought it to life and brought peace to the region,” said McCain. Earlier, on 7 April, by order of the President of