Rogozin has found “paranoia exceptionalism” of us senators

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin on his Twitter page commented on the idea of a group of American senators have proposed to create a “hybrid Tribunal” in Syria. Paranoia exclusivity leads not only to impunity, but also to the manic desire of all to teach, to judge and punish — Dmitry Rogozin (@Rogozin) on 8 April 2017. “Paranoia exclusivity leads not only to impunity, but also to the manic desire of all to teach, to judge and to punish,” he wrote on Saturday, April 8. Earlier it became known that a group of senators have proposed upper house of Congress to study the bill providing for the establishment in the United States a “hybrid Tribunal” in Syria. It is expected that it will include local and international lawyers, judges and other professionals who will be engaged in the prosecution of individuals suspected of committing war

Serbian Prime Minister told McCain that the country is not going to join NATO

Serbian Prime Minister told McCain that the country is not going to join NATO BELGRADE, April 10 — RIA Novosti. The Prime Minister and President-elect of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday US Senator John McCain that the country does not want to belong to any military Alliance and will maintain its neutrality. A U.S. Senator has arrived in Belgrade for a one-day visit. He was present at the joint exercises of Special counterterrorism units of the interior Ministry of Serbia and American special operations forces in Europe (SOCOM). Then McCain met with Survived behind closed doors. “I said to Senator McCain that Serbia does not want to belong to any military Alliance and will maintain its independence and neutrality,” said the Prime Minister and the elected President of Serbia at a press briefing following the meeting. He added that during the conversation with the U.S. Senator was not pressure

The foreign Ministry called in Egypt the Russians to avoid crowded places

The foreign Ministry called in Egypt the Russians to avoid crowded places MOSCOW, 10 APR — RIA Novosti. Russian foreign Ministry urges Russians who are in Egypt to exercise caution and avoid visiting of places of a mass congestion of people, said in a statement on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry. Two explosions occurred on Sunday in the churches of Egypt within a few hours. The main Church in the Egyptian city of Tanta were killed, according to various estimates, from 28 to 31, about 80 were injured. Undermining was carried out by a suicide bomber, held in the Church during the service. Later, a second suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance to the Church of Alexandria, which at that time was the Patriarch of the Coptic Church Theodore (Tawadros) II. Among those killed in the terrorist attack are 17 people, among them four police officers

The US President dismissed the member of the national security Council

The US President dismissed the member of the national security Council One of the key advisers to Donald trump during the election campaign, Kathleen Mcfarland, will soon leave the Council for national security of the United States. This was reported by mainstream us media, citing informed sources. Care is one of the closest associates of Mr. trump of the key agencies associated with the recent resignation of the US presidential Advisor on national security Mike Flynn. As you know, in mid-February, he was forced to leave his post after he was suspected of disinformation colleagues about his talks with the Russian Ambassador. According to U.S. media, replacing Mr. Flynn retired General Herbert McMaster immediately began to clear the Board from team members of the former Chapter, among them Kathleen Mcfarland. Mrs. Mcfarland began his career in the 1970-ies with the Junior positions in the national security Council, in the 1980s,

Australian Prime Minister hopes to save conflict-free relations between Russia and the coalition in Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti The Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull expressed the hope that the missile attack on the United States military airfield in Syria will not lead to strained relations between the forces of the international antiterrorist coalition and the Russian military. “The interests of Russia and the coalition forces are responsible, conflict-free flight path of aircraft, said Turnbull, speaking to reporters in Papua New Guinea, where he arrived on a working visit. – It was not until (the us – approx. TASS) attack on an air base in Syria, and we expect that the parties will continue to consider the interests of each other because it suits their own interests. However, the situation in the region is changing very quickly”. “If involved in this conflict, the great powers, regional powers and local forces will work together, it will be possible to find a path to peace”, – believes

The Israeli foreign Ministry accused Le Pen of distorting the truth about the Holocaust

The Israeli foreign Ministry accused Le Pen of distorting the truth about the Holocaust TEL AVIV, April 10 — RIA Novosti. The foreign Ministry has condemned Israel and called the distortion of “historical truth” of the word candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen about the innocence of his country by the persecution of the Jews during the Second world war. According to the Agency France Presse, the leader of the party “national front” on the eve said that he does not believe France is responsible for the events of the “vel’ d IV” — swept the country in 1942 a campaign of arrests of Jews followed by sending them to Nazi death camps. At that time part of France were occupied by Nazi Germany, other parts were installed the collaborationist Vichy regime. “Israel condemns the words of marine Le Pen that France is not responsible for the deportation

Navalny released after 15 days of arrest

Navalny released after 15 days of arrest Moscow. April 10. INTERFAX.RU — Opposition leader Alexei Navalny released after 15 days of administrative arrest, assigned to him for disobeying a police officer at a protest on March 26, said the head of his election headquarters Leonid Volkov. “It have taken away in OVD “Konkovo” and now there are released at 14:28. He went to the police Department, now goes home,” Volkov told reporters. He noted that Navalny continue his campaign for the presidency and intends to participate in the opening of the headquarters in Tyumen and Chelyabinsk, on April 14-15. As communicated, the Tver court of Moscow on March 27, found Navalny guilty of resisting law enforcement officers (article 19.3 of the administrative code) during the arrest on Tverskaya street in Moscow on March 26. Also the oppositionist was found guilty of organizing a non-public event of mass simultaneous stay and

Peskov: meeting with Tillerson in the graph Putin is currently no

Peskov: meeting with Tillerson in the graph Putin is currently no MOSCOW, April 10. /TASS/. Meeting with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson during his visit to Moscow on April 12 in the chart of Russian President Vladimir Putin is currently not listed. This was stated to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, drawing attention that such contacts not pre-announce. “Any meetings we have not announced yet and still in the chart of the President meeting with Tillerson is not” — said the representative of the Kremlin, answering the question of whether Putin intends to take the Secretary of state. Peskov recalled that Tillerson arrives in Russia for talks with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “If such a meeting (Tillerson) will appear (in the chart of Putin), we accordingly will inform you,” — said the press Secretary of the Russian President. “We are meeting not announce never,

The Russian military for a day spent seven humanitarian actions in Syria

Photo: TASS Specialists of the Russian Center for conciliation of the warring parties in Syria for the last day spent seven humanitarian actions in the provinces of Aleppo and Deraa, the help received almost 3.7 million people. This was reported in the Bulletin of the centre. “During the day, humanitarian aid has been 3690 inhabitants. The total weight given to the population of humanitarian goods was 4.4 t”, – stated in the message. In particular, during the day in the city of Aleppo residents transferred 3 thousand servings of hot food and 720 packages of bread. The inhabitants of the village Malbin province of Deraa transferred 600 food packages. The Bulletin notes that, with the assistance of the Russian center in settlements Mutai and Nava province of deraa, sent two convoys with loads of UN from the Jordanian city of al-Ramtha.