The Federation Council intends to adopt a statement in connection with a rocket strike the U.S. on Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti The Federation Council at plenary session on Wednesday is going to adopt a statement in connection with a rocket strike the U.S. on the Syrian air base, told RIA Novosti on Monday the first Deputy head of the international Committee of the Federation Council Vladimir Jabbarov. “Today in Committee, we will discuss the draft statement on US aggression against Syria, and on Wednesday planned to consider it. It will appeal to the parliaments of the world,” — said dzhabarov. In the night of Friday, the U.S. attacked with cruise missiles from ships at the Syrian airport shirt in HOMS province, without any proof claiming that he had carried out a chemical attack in Idlib province.

The Daily Telegraph:Russia was offered membership in the G7 in exchange for Assad

If Moscow would agree to abandon support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russia will be able to return to the “big seven”. About it reports The Daily Telegraph, citing multiple sources. If the Russian authorities will refuse such proposal, against the country can impose new sanctions. According to interlocutors of the edition, with the same ultimatum to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin this week in Moscow there will arrive US state Secretary Rex Tillerson. Some sources The Daily Telegraph claim that the Russian leader is “desperate to go back to the G7” and agree to reverse its position on Syria, but is looking for a way to “save face” in this situation. As stated by another source, Russia may not agree, as with Moscow, “ultimatums don’t work”. So it needs to offer a decent exit strategy from the situation. Sunday, April 9, the U.S. permanent representative to the UN,

Russian General staff: on the territory of the opposition in Syria has two facilities for producing chemical weapons

The chief of the main operations Directorate of the General staff of the Russian Armed forces Colonel-General Sergey rudskoy © Vadim Savitsky/press service of the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. Two facilities for the production and storage of chemical weapons in Syria located on the territory controlled by the opposition controlled by Syrian authorities of all such objects are destroyed, he said at a briefing head of the main operational Directorate of the General staff of the Russian Armed forces Colonel-General Sergey rudskoy. “Of the 12 sites used for the storage and production of chemical weapons experts of OPCW (Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons – approx. TASS) confirmed the destruction 10. The remaining two objects, the Syrian authorities do not have access because they are on the territory controlled by the so-called opposition. For this reason, the OPCW could not confirm the fact

Matvienko agreed to visit Syria

Valentina Matvienko © Sergey Skates/TASS MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. The speaker of the Federation Council is ready to visit Syria to visit. She stated this to journalists after a meeting with the Chairman of the National Council (the unicameral Parliament) of Syria All Khalaf Abbas. “I accepted the invitation (to visit Syria from Khadii Abbas), through diplomatic channels, coordinate for both parties convenient time”, – said Matvienko. “I want to thank my colleague, Madam Chairman, for the invitation to visit Syria. Many of my colleagues and parliaments have visited Syria, I accepted the invitation,” she added.

The head of the FSB acknowledged the lack of work on prevention of terrorist attacks

The head of the FSB acknowledged the lack of work on prevention of terrorist attacks FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov recognised that the prevention of terrorist attacks in Russia did not fully meet the existing threats. He stated this at a meeting of the National antiterrorist Committee. “However, the investigation showed in the St. Petersburg metro, the work still does not fully meet the basic challenges,” Bortnikov was quoted by the RIA Novosti news Agency. According to the Director of the FSB, to strengthen counter-terrorism Russia should strengthen cooperation with foreign partners and to increase the efficiency of information exchange. Bortnikov added that help to combat the infiltration of militants in Russia will help additional measures of border regime on the border. The explosion in the subway of Saint-Petersburg took place on the afternoon of 3 April. In one of the cars of the train, which was on the stretch between

Boris Johnson has urged the United States to new rocket attacks on Syria

Boris Johnson has urged the United States to new rocket attacks on Syria Moscow. April 11. INTERFAX.RU Minister of foreign Affairs of great Britain, Boris Johnson believes that the United States should continue missile strikes on Syria, said Monday to the Associated Press. “It’s important they (U.S. — if) ever going to take,” the diplomat said after talks with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson in Italy, which was held on the sidelines of a meeting of foreign Ministers of the countries “big seven” G7. The Agency notes that this call “is an unusual statement for a representative of a foreign government.” The British Minister also announced on Monday that the foreign Ministers of G7 countries are studying the possibility of imposing new sanctions against Russia in connection with Moscow’s support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. According to the Agency, Johnson said that on Monday and Tuesday “to discuss the

The DPRK promised to take “decisive action” in response to “US provocations”

The DPRK promised to take “decisive action” in response to “US provocations” Pyongyang will take “strong action” in response to the actions of provocateurs, said the representative of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the DPRK, published in the Central Newspapers of the country. So the office has responded to the US decision to send to the coast of the Korean Peninsula strike group of the Navy. Pyongyang stated that “the insane actions of the US aimed to invade the DPRK has reached a serious phase.” The representative of North Korea’s foreign Ministry added that “Pyongyang is ready for any war that will unleash US, and Washington will bear the responsibility for the catastrophic consequences of their outrageous actions.” We will remind, the decision to send a battle group Navy to the shores of the Korean Peninsula was adopted at the last moment: before the aircraft carrier Carl Vinson and

Macron stated the need for dialogue with Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti Former Minister of economy of France Emmanuel macron said in an interview with BFMTV that France should engage in dialogue with Russia. “We must engage in dialogue with (Russian President) Vladimir Putin, but under no circumstances we can’t condone the fact that he sometimes endorses or protects,” said macron. He added that “Russia should be put face to face with its responsibilities.” Macron said that it just sets it apart from the other candidates – the party leader “national Front” marine Le Pen, leader of the “Rebellious France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon and the ex-Prime Minister françois Fillon, who, in his opinion, “fascinated by Vladimir Putin.” Macron also raised the issue of the use of chemical weapons in Syria. He expressed appreciation for the US attack on the Syrian air base. Macron also stated that if it is proven that the use of chemical weapons in Syria, he demands,

The Russians saw the US in a bad light

Photo: REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo Every second Russian negative attitude to the US and the EU. 56% of citizens do not feel sympathy for Ukraine. 41% of respondents generally refer to Western countries “without any feelings”. In a number of States that cause the Russians have positive emotions, — Belarus, China and Turkey. Such data results in its survey of “Levada-center” (document available at the disposal of “Izvestia”). In January 2017, about a bad attitude towards the US said 49% of the population, by March the number had risen to 52%. The survey was conducted from 31 March to 3 April, before the Americans hit the Syrian air force base, which Russia interpreted as an act of aggression against a sovereign state. 37% of respondents at the beginning of the year and in the spring declared positive attitude to the States. The EU also does not cause the Russians unambiguous emotions.

Foreign Minister hopes for constructive talks with U.S. Secretary of state Tillerson

U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson © EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. Russia expects constructive talks with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson during his visit to Moscow. This is stated in comments released by the foreign Ministry. “In connection with starting today a working visit to Russia US Secretary of state Tillerson would like to note that I look forward to productive negotiations, – said the Ministry. It is important not only for the prospects of further bilateral cooperation, but also for the General atmosphere in the international arena”.