Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea: the Vietnamese are well aware that for us means the reunification with the Motherland

Photo: TASS The delegation of the Republic of Crimea from 4 to 8 April, a working visit to Vietnam to establish economic, trade, educational and cultural ties between the Russian region and a major partner of Russia in Southeast Asia. About the goals, the outcome of this visit and achieved during it, arrangements TASS said the head of the delegation, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea, permanent representative of the Republic of Crimea under the President of Russia Georgy Muradov and the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from Crimea, member of the faction “United Russia” Mikhail Sheremet. — Tell us about the purpose of this visit, what tasks set themselves the Crimean delegation and managed to implement them? G. M.: In General I would characterize the visit as very productive and fruitful. Signed during the bilateral documents that relate to our intent on

In the state Duma criticized the media data on the surveillance of Americans using GLONASS

Photo: RIA Novosti The head of the Duma Committee on defense Vladimir Shamanov called absurd reports in the Western media that Russia allegedly spying on the American people of Nicaragua with the help of GLONASS. The American newspaper Washington Post published an article stating the official U.S. officials suggested that the territory of the Russian GLONASS stations in Nicaragua may be monitored by US citizens. “All this is absurd and fiction, designed for an untrained layman,” — said the Shaman, RIA Novosti.

Press Secretary trump demanded to dismiss for the comparison of Assad to Hitler

Press Secretary trump demanded to dismiss for the comparison of Assad to Hitler WASHINGTON, April 12 — RIA Novosti. The minority leader of the Democratic party in the house of representatives Nancy Pelosi demanded on Tuesday to dismiss Sean Spicer, press Secretary of the President of the United States for an unsuccessful comparison of Assad to Hitler. “Sean Spicer should be dismissed and President of the trump must immediately dissociate myself from the statements of its representative,” — said in a statement, Pelosi. “Either he was speaking on behalf of the President, or the President is not supposed to hire him,” added Pelosi. Spicer found himself in an awkward position, saying at a briefing for journalists that even Hitler did not stoop to such meanness as the use of chemical weapons Journalists after the briefing, asked to clarify, the course Spicer that Nazi Germany used gas chambers. On this, the

The UN clarified the procedure for the investigation of the alleged chemical attack in Syria

The UN clarified the procedure for the investigation of the alleged chemical attack in Syria If the use of chemical agents is confirmed, the Joint UN and OPCW to investigate himatic will begin work on the establishment responsible for the incident. UN, April 11. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. Experts from the Organisation for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) began to study information about a chemical attack, allegedly committed in the Syrian city of Khan shaykhun April 4, and to make definite conclusions on the incident yet. This was stated to journalists by the official representative of the Secretary-General of the world organization Stefan Dujarric. He explained that if the fact the combat use of toxic substances is confirmed, the Joint UN and OPCW to investigate chemical attacks (CMP) will start work to establish the liability for the incident. “Mission fact-finding OPCW (MUF) currently collects and analyzes information,” — said

Le Pen has promised to stop France’s participation in Schengen if elected

Le Pen has promised to stop France’s participation in Schengen if elected Moscow. April 11. INTERFAX.RU — the Candidate in presidents of France from the far-right party “national front” marine Le Pen said that it intends to suspend France’s participation in Schengen space, if he wins the upcoming presidential elections, reported on Tuesday the Paris media. In addition, according to Le Pen, she plans to take action in such areas as economy and security. “During the first two months of my mandate, I immediately take a number of specific measures are most needed to revive democracy and to meet the urgent challenges in the economic sphere, social and security” — leads her words edition. As noted by the newspaper, she stressed that it’s not just about suspending the Schengen agreement, and of the restoration of control at the borders of the country and the expulsion of foreigners from the list

In the Yeltsin center did not comment on the new criticism of Mikhalkov

Photo: RIA Novosti Yeltsin has refused to comment on the new criticism from film Director Nikita Mikhalkov, the radio station “Moscow Says”. Earlier Mikhalkov in his program “Besogon” said center staff provide a distorted, romanticized view of the 1990-ies. In the Yeltsin center said they do not intend to comment on these words. In February 2017, the daughter of the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin Tatyana Yumashev said that the debate around accusations Mikhalkov address Ekaterinburg’s Yeltsin center is completed. Discussion around Yeltsin center she called “a strange and some crooked”. As explained Yumashev, the famous and talented Director Mikhalkov said that he, for whatever reason, this Museum is not like it, but at the same time, there are many other equally talented Directors who visited the Yeltsin center, among which Pavel Lungin, Andrey Smirnov, Pavel Chukhrai, and Alexander Sokurov.

Putin: evidence of the use of Syrian troops in chemical weapons do not exist

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. A US strike on Syria violated international law, as having been made without evidence of the use of chemical weapons by Damascus. This was stated by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in interview to TV channel “Mir”, the announcement which is published on the website of the company.

MO the Russian Federation: plan of the USA in Syria aimed at weakening the capacity of the Syrian army

© Sergey Bobylev/press service of the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. The only logical explanation of the strategic plan of the Pentagon in Syria is to weaken the military capacity of the Syrian army. This was stated by the official representative of Russian defense Ministry major General Igor Konashenkov, commenting on statements by Pentagon officials about the high efficiency of their missiles against the air base Shirt Syrian air force destroyed 20% of its aircraft.

The white house urged Russia under the threat of exclusion to make US deal on Syria

The white house urged Russia under the threat of exclusion to make US deal on Syria Russia could be isolated if Washington and Moscow fail to reach bargains on Syria. This statement, as RIA Novosti reports, made at a press briefing, White house spokesman Sean Spicer. “But if we can’t make a deal that meets our national interests, then we will not. In this particular case, there’s no question that Russia will be isolated,” he said. According to Spicer, Russia shumoizolyatsiya from the world community, because they put themselves on a par with Syria and North Korea that are “rogue States” “The only countries that do not support the US position is Syria, North Korea, Iran and Russia. All of them are failed States, with the exception of Russia. It’s not the best time to have a cocktail party with these countries,” said Spicer. At the same time, according to

Poroshenko allow absentia to judge Yanukovych

Poroshenko allow absentia to judge Yanukovych He signed a law allowing to start the examination of 190 criminal cases in absentia. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed a law allowing absentia to judge former President Viktor Yanukovych and his associates. Information about this was posted on Tuesday, April 11, on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. “Returned with the signature of the President,” — said in the caption under the law. According to UNIAN, the law is called “On amendments to the criminal procedure code of Ukraine (concerning improvement of the mechanisms ensuring the tasks of criminal proceedings) (No. 5610)”. The document was twice sent back for revision before March 9, it was approved by the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada in the first reading, and on March 16 in the second. Prior to that, he Poroshenko urged MPs to support the bill, pointing out the