The Communist party on April 25 will take to the streets of defrauded investors

Photo: RIA Novosti The Communist party on April 25 in Moscow will hold all-Russian Congress of defrauded investors, announced on Tuesday, the Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov. “We have the most offended part was… real estate investors, Upon their request, hold all-Russian Congress of shareholders April 25 in Moscow”, — said Zyuganov at the meeting of the faction of the Communist party. He noted that at the last Saturday meeting of the Communist party were the representatives of the deceived investors.

The Governor spoke about the benefits of Krasnodar region to Turkey

Photo: Dmitry Lebedev / Kommersant The resorts of Krasnodar will be able to replace the Russians in the Turkish case, the cancellation of Charter traffic between the countries, said the Governor of Krasnodar Krai Veniamin Kondratiev. His words leads RNS on Tuesday, April 11. “The service and quality of stay will not be worse than Turkish, and even better. Our people must understand that, first, stay here safe, and secondly, it is our products,” — said the head of the region. He also expressed confidence that the holiday on the Black sea coast will be able to afford everyone. “Our hoteliers are not stupid people, they quickly Orient and I’m sure will keep prices within affordability,” said Kondratev. 10 APR portal reported that Rosaviation sent Russian airlines letter, which warned about the possible suspension of Charter flights to Turkey. Head of sales tours of the company “” Maria Chupina

The EP recommended to withdraw the bill permitting police to shoot at the crowd

The EP recommended to withdraw the bill permitting police to shoot at the crowd Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU — the leadership of the faction “United Russia” recommended to the authors of the bill expands the powers and duties of police officers, to withdraw the draft law for its discussion in the faction and the expert Council, reported “Interfax” on Wednesday, Vice-speaker of state Duma, United Russia Sergei Neverov. “This bill was not discussed at the expert Council and in the fraction; the initiative is serious, and we recommended to withdraw it in order to hold a discussion in the faction”, — said Neverov. The draft law was submitted to the state Duma on Tuesday by the head of the Duma Committee for security and combating corruption Vasily by Piscarium and his first Deputy Ernest Valeev and placed in the database of the lower house. This initiative has already generated a

Zakharov about the visit Tillerson: us ultimatum to go useless

Zakharov about the visit Tillerson: us ultimatum to go useless MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. To go to Moscow with ultimatums is useless and counterproductive, said ahead of the talks foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson, the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Tillerson informed the meeting of the foreign Ministers of G7 countries, said that in the interests of the Russian Federation will be coordinated with the U.S. on Syria, and not to support “unreliable partner” (Syrian President Bashar al-Assad — ed.). Many media outlets took the statements of Secretary of state as an ultimatum to Moscow. “I do not see this as an ultimatum,” said in this regard, Zakharov, the TV channel “Rain”. “I think everything is already understood, what to us with the ultimatum to go useless, it’s just counterproductive,” she said. According to Zakharov, it is a common practice

More than 80 key politicians of Brazil became suspects on the case of corruption

More than 80 key politicians of Brazil became suspects on the case of corruption Among the suspects are the head of the civil Chancellery of the President of Malaga cf Padilla and Secretary General of the presidential administration of Wellington Moreira Franco. RIO DE JANEIRO, April 12. /Offset. TASS Darya Yuryeva/. The judge of the Federal Supreme court (FVS) of Brazil Edson Fuckin authorize the commencement of an anti-corruption investigation against 83 key politicians in the country, including nine Ministers of the government formed by the President of the South American Republic Michel Temer. The corresponding list was published on the official website of the Supreme judicial authority. According to him, among the suspects, foreign Minister Aloizio Nunez, head of the civil Chancellery of the President of Malaga cf Padilla (who has the status of Minister), Secretary-General of the presidential administration Wellington Moreira Franco (has the status of Minister), Minister

Peskov told about the upcoming interview with Putin

Photo: / press-service of the President of the Russian Federation The press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov said that Russian President Vladimir Putin will answer questions of journalists of a broadcasting company “Mir” in connection with the 25th anniversary of the organization of collective security Treaty (CSTO), RIA “Novosti”. He also said that Putin, on 14 April in Bishkek will take part in the meeting of heads of member States ODKB “The President will give interviews to TV and radio company “Mir”. The main reason for this interview is the 25th anniversary of the CSTO. You know, that informal meeting of the heads of member States of CSTO will take place on 14 April in Bishkek. Hence, it is expected that some topical issues also in interview of broadcasting company “Mir” will be affected,” — said Peskov. Earlier, Putin said at the CSTO meeting on the concern over

The Kremlin has not commented on reports of the death of two soldiers of the Russian Federation in Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov did not comment on media reports about the deaths of two Russian soldiers in Syria. “No, – he told reporters in response to a request to comment on this information. – Please contact the Ministry of defense”. Previously, the Agency RBC reported that in Syria killed a Russian Igor Enviable serving under the contract, as well as his colleague, whose name was not called.

Putin: NATO continues to live in the paradigm of the bloc confrontation

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. NATO established during the cold war, and transformed in modern terms and continued to live in the paradigm of the bloc confrontation. This opinion was expressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in interview of broadcasting company “Mir”. He recalled that NATO was created in the conditions of confrontation between the two blocks, but now there is no separation on ideological grounds between States, including in Europe. “But these birthmarks of the cold war, they are in NATO is very noticeable. This organization continues to live within the paradigm of the bloc confrontation,” said Putin. He noticed that the Alliance remains very ideologiserad, “despite the different statements,” that he should be transformed into modern terms. “We have heard such statements, but still the real transformation we do not see”, – concluded the President of the Russian Federation.