In Moscow hosted the talks, Lavrov and Tillerson

In Moscow hosted the talks, Lavrov and Tillerson MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. In Moscow negotiations of head the Ministry of foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, and U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson. The meeting lasted about five hours. Among the main topics of discussion included the Syria, Ukraine, North Korea and bilateral issues. After the meeting, Tillerson returned to the hotel, having refused from communication with journalists. Moscow is open for cooperation The diplomats ‘ talks began. As soon as the Ministers entered the hall of the House of receptions the Ministry of foreign Affairs, American journalists began to shout questions to the Russian Minister, though this format has a press conference. “Who taught you?” — responded to Lavrov. He had to repeat the question before members of the media heard it. Then in the room finally became quiet. Before the meeting, Lavrov stressed that Moscow has accumulated a lot of

Volodin sees fit to invite to dialogue on Syria, representatives of the OSCE PA

Photo: RIA Novosti MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Speaker of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin considers it necessary to invite to dialogue on Syria of representatives of the parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE. “We believe that it would be right for the conversation to invite representatives of the OSCE parliamentary Assembly, and the right to a dialogue finally began to build relations U.S. congressmen,” said Volodin during a meeting with Chairman of the people’s Council of Syria All Abbas. “The Syrian Parliament is the legitimate authority, and it is important that the representative of the legislative power of the States understood that there is a legitimate authority in Syria, is its President, a Parliament and inter-parliamentary communications should be implemented to combat terrorism,” he added. He also added that those who constantly speak of democracy must themselves follow the principles of democracy.

The Federation Council adopted a statement in connection with the air strikes of the US in Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti The Federation Council adopted a statement which referred to the need to investigate a missile attack of the USA on the Syrian air base. It is reported by RIA Novosti. The senators also called on foreign governments “strongly condemn the illegal actions of the USA against a sovereign state” and to support efforts to resolve the conflict based on UN security Council resolutions. “As pretext for missile attacks have been used the mass poisoning of civilians by chemicals in Syria’s Idlib province on 4 April 2017. At the time of a missile attack, the U.S. was not a single independent and objective conclusions about the real circumstances of the incident, about who should be responsible for this tragedy”, – emphasized in the Scenarios. The head of the International Committee of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev said that the instrument of Western policy was “a mutual responsibility place

Tillerson and Lavrov hold talks in Moscow

Photo: RIA Novosti The foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation and the USA Sergey Lavrov and Rex Tillerson began negotiations. About it the correspondent of TASS. After the opening remarks the meeting will continue behind closed doors. Its results and Lavrov fail Tillerson at a press conference. The session duration is not strictly defined, but the negotiations of heads of foreign policy departments of Russia and the USA in Moscow typically lasts several hours and is often completed late at night. Topics for discussion, Lavrov Tillerson much. First of all, the aggravation of the situation around Syria in the missile strike, the United States on 7 April, the situation in other middle Eastern countries – Iraq, Libya, and Yemen. The parties are expected to also address the security issues on the Korean Peninsula, settlement of the conflict in Ukraine and the prospects of normalization of bilateral relations. The talks are

Putin did not rule out that the incident with chemical weapons in Idlib, “just posing” and provocation

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin considers the main versions of the incident with chemical weapons in Idlib province, the Syrian air strike at the sweatshop of militants that had poisonous substances – “just posing” and provocation. This opinion he expressed in an interview with the interstate TV and radio company “Mir”.

Moscow promised to veto the new draft resolution of the UN security Council on chemical attack in Idlib

Moscow promised to veto the new draft resolution of the UN security Council on chemical attack in Idlib Moscow. April 12. INTERFAX.RU — Russia will veto the draft updated resolution of the UN Security Council on chemical attack in Idlib, in its current form it is unacceptable, said to “Interfax” Deputy foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov. “This project is unacceptable to us, and we vote for him, of course, will not. We will vote against it, if our partners did not heed our calls and will not artificially to promote this project with the sole purpose to substitute the Russian Federation under the next veto,” — said Gatilov. Consideration of the draft resolution submitted by the United States, Britain and France in the UN security Council scheduled for Wednesday.

Zakharova said about regular attacks on the foreign Ministry website to IP address USA

Zakharova said about regular attacks on the foreign Ministry website to IP address USA The website of the Russian foreign Ministry is regularly exposed to hacker attacks from IP addresses registered in the United States. This is the official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova told reporters, the correspondent of RBC. “Their share [of hacking] of the total number of visitors was 88%. We are talking about that 1.5 million visitors from 1.7 million was from the United States,” — said Zakharov. According to Zakharova, 67% of the queries comes from California. She added that in 2017, the Ministry noticed “significantly increased activity” programs, which can have harmful effects on the website of the office of the United States. In October last year, the American channel CNN reported that a hacker nicknamed The Jester (Jester) made a successful cyber attack on the website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs

Lukashenka signed the Customs code of the EAEU

Lukashenka signed the Customs code of the EAEU President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has signed the Customs code of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU). This was reported by press Secretary of the Belarusian leader Natalia Eismont, BelTA has learned. The EAEU customs code will replace the code of the Customs Union, which was adopted in 2009. The new document provides for the transition to the unified customs regulation in the Eurasian Union. The new Customs code will come into force from 1 July 2017. All the other leaders of the EEU countries — Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan signed a single Customs code of the economic Union in Saint Petersburg on 26 December 2016 at the summit. The signing of the document took place without the leader of Belarus, who at a meeting has not arrived. His absence at the summit, Lukashenka explained. As told RBC a source familiar with

The Russian foreign Ministry stated rudeness and primitive in the current rhetoric of the United States

Photo: RIA Novosti Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Ryabkov said that accusatory, which are the counterparts of the US and other Western countries is the only thing that is in their statements. The words of a diplomat on Wednesday, April 11, RIA Novosti reported. “Generally primitive and rudeness is something that is very peculiar to the current rhetoric coming from Washington. Let’s hope that the primitive and rudeness will not be the content of American policies,” Ryabkov said ahead of the talks between the foreign Ministers of the United States and Russia, adding that Moscow’s desire to see American counterparts “to push some ready-made conclusions.”