NYT: North Korea may soon conduct a new nuclear test

NYT: North Korea may soon conduct a new nuclear test NEW YORK, April 13. /Offset. TASS Kirill Volkov/. North Korea in the near future may hold the next, the sixth nuclear test. This was reported by the newspaper The New York Times. According to the publication, this is indicated by the satellite images studied by American experts. According to the newspaper, the experts record “a broad spectrum of activity in the area of mount Mantapam” in the province of Hamgyong, where it is believed the US, Pyongyang conducted its underground nuclear test. Analysts believe that North Korea could coincide with a possible nuclear test to 105-th anniversary since the birth of first leader Kim Il-sung (1912-1994), which will be celebrated next Saturday, the newspaper said. It is in this context recalled that Pyongyang often celebrates significant dates with a demonstration of military power. According to the TV station KBS, Korea

Operator REN TV was not allowed in Estonia forum

Photo: RIA Novosti Estonia was denied entry operator REN TV channel Ilya Omelchenko, who went on a lighting forum “Open Russia”, reported on the website of the channel. “Estonian border guards have denied entry operator REN TV Ilya Omelchenko, heading for an editorial job at the forum “Open Russia”, – stated in the message. On the website States that the film crew went to Tallinn with all necessary documents – the journalists had the passport with the business visa, as well as accreditation for the event, “decorated with observance of all formalities”. Moreover, as noted on REN TV correspondent channel allowed on the territory of Estonia, and the operator similarly documented – no. As the reasons for the refusal, the border service said the “absence of documents confirming the purpose and conditions of stay in the country,” after which the employee channel passport was taken, the report said. Now, according

Zakharov: Russian foreign Ministry’s website is regularly exposed to attacks from IP addresses in the United States

Photo: RIA Novosti The website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia is regularly exposed to attacks from IP addresses in the United States. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Today we are confronted with it on a regular basis. I speak only for the Russian foreign Ministry’s website, but the websites of other departments are also under attack, she said. – According to experts, the foreign Ministry’s website is regularly exposed to attacks from IP addresses in the USA, in February there were three attacks, in March, the number has increased. The number of “bots” – malware, from the total number of visitors amounted to 88%”.

The justice Ministry will appeal against the ruling of the ECHR in the case of the terrorist act in Beslan

Sports hall of school №1 in Beslan © Anton Podgaiko/TASS MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. The Ministry of justice of Russia considers unfounded conclusions of the European court of human rights (ECHR) regarding the operation to free hostages captured by terrorists in Beslan and will appeal against them within three months. This was stated by the Ministry of justice in connection with the decision of the Strasbourg court awarded to pay victims a total of €2,995 million as compensation for moral damage.

The white house called victory trump the decision of China not to block a resolution on SAR

The white house called victory trump the decision of China not to block a resolution on SAR WASHINGTON, 13 APR — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. China’s decision to abstain on the draft resolution of the UN Security Council on Syria, proposed by Washington, London and Paris, is a “huge victory,” the US President Donald trump, said on Wednesday the White house spokesman Sean Spicer. China earlier Wednesday abstained from voting on the draft resolution, which the authors laid the responsibility for the chemical attack in the Syrian Idlib on the Syrian government. Spicer saw it as support of Beijing. “Receiving the support of Beijing is a huge diplomatic victory to this President of the country,” he told TV channel Fox News. Press Secretary of the White house also said that trump had a fruitful meeting with Chinese President XI Jinping recently in Florida. According to him, this allowed the “restore

NATO chief: Ukraine should decide itself whether it wants to join the Alliance

NATO chief: Ukraine should decide itself whether it wants to join the Alliance WASHINGTON, 13 APR — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Ukraine should decide itself whether it wants to join the Alliance. “It all depends on whether Ukraine wants to apply. If that happens, NATO will have to decide whether it meets the necessary requirements,” he said in a broadcast of CNN. The NATO chief noted that “Ukraine focuses on the formation of the defence sector, which would meet NATO standards”. Also Stoltenberg responded affirmatively to the question about support for a possible expansion of the Alliance “through the adoption of a country”. As an example, he cited Montenegro. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in December 2014, amended the two laws, abandoning non-aligned status of the state. The new military doctrine of the country stipulates the renewal rate in NATO: Ukraine by 2020

Syria has asked the OPCW to verify the existence of chemical weapons in Khan Sheyhun and Chirata

Syria has asked the OPCW to verify the existence of chemical weapons in Khan Sheyhun and Chirata UN 13 APR — RIA Novosti. Syria sent a letter to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW), inviting her to check the presence of chemical weapons in Khan Sheyhun, where it was allegedly used, and at the base of the government troops Shirt, which the US attacked under the pretext of chemical weapons, said on Wednesday the permanent representative of Syria to the UN Bashar ja’afari. “My country in the context of the ongoing transparent cooperation with the OPCW indeed sent a letter to the Director-General of the organization urging them to send a neutral, professional and impartial mission in Khan shaykhun and the base Shirt in order to establish exactly what happened, in a comprehensive, transparent and fair manner. Syria declares its readiness to grant access of the mission

The IMF has allocated $285,3 million to support economic reforms of Georgia

The IMF has allocated $285,3 million to support economic reforms of Georgia The international monetary Fund (IMF) approved the allocation of Georgia $285,3 million, the press service of the organization. The IMF said that the program lasts for three years and aims to “support the authorities’ economic reforms.” “The program will help Georgia to reduce the vulnerability of the economy to implement a well-coordinated economic measures to achieve economic growth,” — says the IMF. As noted in the Fund, the program includes “ambitious structural reforms” focusing on improving education, investing in infrastructure, improving the efficiency of public administration and to stimulate the private sector of the economy. To this end, the IMF has provided Georgia loan tranche in 2014. Then the IMF Executive Board approved the allocation of $58.1 million, which was the second tranche towards Georgia within the three-year credit program, the total volume of which reached $145.4 million

Secretary General: NATO must build up our forces in the East, but we can not allow a new cold war

Secretary General: NATO must build up our forces in the East, but we can not allow a new cold war According to Jens Stoltenberg, the only way to avoid an arms race and increasing tensions to continue to engage Russia in political dialogue. WASHINGTON, April 13. /Offset. TASS Anton Cranks/. NATO should build up our forces on the Eastern flank, but cannot prevent a new cold war and arms race. This was stated on Wednesday by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the joint press conference with US President Donald trump at the White house. “I firmly believe that the only way to contain Russia is to be strong. But the only way to avoid a new cold war, to avoid an arms race and to avoid tensions is to continue to engage Russia in political dialogue,” he said. “We are placing more troops on the Eastern flank of the