Putin arrived in Bishkek to participate in the summits of the EurAsEC and the CSTO

© Mikhail Metzel/TASS BISHKEK, April 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Bishkek, where the April 14 summit of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU) and will host an informal meeting of the leaders of the organization of collective security Treaty (CSTO). This is the second this year, the Russian President’s visit to the capital of Kyrgyzstan, the last time he came here in late February as part of a visit to Central Asia. As reported a press-service of the Kremlin, the focus on the meeting of the leaders of EurAsEC (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan) will be paid to questions of deepening of integration, removing trade barriers, and identification of the principal benchmarks of macroeconomic policy of the countries-participants of the Union for the coming years. The agenda also included the issues of international activities of EurAsEC, development of economic cooperation with foreign partners.

Putin will take part in the summits of the EurAsEC and the CSTO in Bishkek

BISHKEK, April 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will on Friday participate in a summit of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU) and in the informal meeting of leaders of the Organization of collective security Treaty (CSTO), which will be held in Bishkek. In the capital of Kyrgyzstan, the Russian leader will arrive in the night on Friday. Among the key topics on the agenda is the possible granting Moldova the status of observer at the EurAsEC. This is the second this year, the Russian President’s visit to Bishkek, the last time he came here in late February as part of a visit to Central Asia. The previous meeting of the Supreme Eurasian economic Council took place in late December in St. Petersburg. It was not attended by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. At this time, as reported by the press service of the Belarusian leader, he will take part

The justice Ministry will appeal against the decision of the ECHR on the case of capture of hostages in Beslan

The justice Ministry will appeal against the decision of the ECHR on the case of capture of hostages in Beslan Moscow. April 13. INTERFAX.RU — the Decision of the European court of human rights on payments on the case of capture of hostages in school in Beslan in 2004, will be appealed by mid-summer. This was reported on Thursday on the website of the Ministry of justice. “The corresponding decision of the European Court on the case was not entered into force and will be appealed against in established by the Convention three months. The legal position of the authorities of the Russian Federation will be formed taking into account the views of competent state bodies”, — is spoken in the message. The European court of human rights ruled that Russia should pay to relatives of victims at capture of school in Beslan of 2.95 million euros. 88 thousand euros

The head of the Rosselkhoznadzor told about the refusal of the Belarusian cheese

The head of the Rosselkhoznadzor told about the refusal of the Belarusian cheese The head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Sergey Dankvert stopped using Belarusian cheese after the charges against him by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. On Thursday, April 13, Dankvert said in an interview with video News Service. You know, a terrible thing happened. Because when Alexander G. said “you have a fridge full of Belarusian products,” I came and found six packs of Belarusian cheese from his wife. I told my wife that this is unacceptable, because someone knows what we have in holodilnika Dankvert Dankvert added that the more his house of the Belarusian cheese was not. “Maybe it is a defensive reaction of his wife. Incidentally, it was the cottage cheese of zero fat content — I will say that this is one of the companies which we monitor had seen less than others”, — said

In the state Duma supported the ban on leaving the police abroad

In the state Duma supported the ban on leaving the police abroad The state Duma Committee for security and combating corruption, supported the initiative of the ex-lawmaker Dmitry Nosov prohibiting officers to travel abroad. The bill is extremely important and relevant, said the Chairman of the Committee Natalia Poklonskaya. The head of the Committee Vasily Piskarev said that the second reading of the bill may be made all necessary corrections. Earlier the initiative was supported by the government, albeit with certain points. The interior Ministry supported the bill “subject to remarks” in the law should prescribe specific positions in bodies of internal Affairs, which include a ban on travel abroad. In response the government encouraged the foreign Ministry to compile a list of foreign States which are not recommended to visit the police. Not perespevshie in the new convocation of the Duma Nosov introduced a bill back in the fall

The White house was reluctant to worsen relations with Russia

Photo: AP Photo/ Pablo Martinez Monsivais The US does not want escalation of tensions with Russia, told reporters on Wednesday, a senior national security Council the White house. The White house asked moved whether Russia and the United States to escalate in the spirit of the cold war. “We don’t want escalation. The Secretary of state (Rex) Tillerson today in Moscow. We certainly understand that we need a dialogue with Russia that is very important. But they need to learn the areas in which we could carry with them specific cooperation. It is important that Russia has shown a serious attitude on cooperation with the us and reintegrate into the world order based on respect for the rules,” said a White house spokesman.

Putin appointed the head of the Republic of Mordovia Volkova acting head of the region

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed the head of Republic of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov, acting head of the region, the decision was made following a bilateral meeting. “Vladimir Dmitriyevich, you know, much has been done during this time, but still work enough, so on the basis of objective analysis of what succeeded, what failed to do on the basis of the analysis of the sentiments and wishes of the people living in the country, must adjust their work in the future, — said Putin. — I will offer you the performance of duties until the election in September.” The head of state expressed hope that the wolves will be able to appropriately conduct the campaign and to continue the work. For his part, the head of region has assured that he will try to do everything in his power.

Russia has submitted to the OPCW a proposal for additional inspectors in Idlib

© REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. Russia has submitted for discussion at the meeting of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) proposal on the allocation of additional inspectors to investigate the incident in Khan Sheyhun. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “We are very concerned about the desire of foreign partners in the UN security Council in every possible way to evade an honest investigation of this episode. Today in the Hague, sits in the extraordinary plan of the OPCW Executive Council, there made our proposal about the formation of such delegation, the organization with the involvement of additional inspectors,” – said the Minister. The US is not ready The Russian foreign Minister added that the initiative to establish such an extended group to investigate reports about the possible use of chemical weapons was put forward by Russia during a visit to Moscow

TFR proposes to impose pre-trial blocking of accounts of suspects for 30 days

TFR proposes to impose pre-trial blocking of accounts of suspects for 30 days The investigators should be able for pre-trial blocking of accounts of suspects, defendants and the close relatives of passing on cases of corruption citizens for up to 30 days, said in an interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin. The relevant changes he proposes to amend the code of Criminal procedure. “The investigation practice often there were cases when during the procedure validation when setting the property of the audited entity undertook actions to his concealment. This led to the fact that at the time of the initiation of criminal proceedings and receipt by the investigator of information on request, and a court imposing a lien on the property, it quickly was realized to third parties, including close relatives”, — explained his initiative Bastrykin. The Chairman of the RCDS are again

CNN learned of the interception by U.S. intelligence negotiations on the preparation of himataki

CNN learned of the interception by U.S. intelligence negotiations on the preparation of himataki Washington intercepted Syrian military specialists on chemical weapons, which discussed preparations for a chemical attack in Idlib, according to CNN. According to the newspaper, the talks “leave no doubt” of the guilt of Bashar al-Assad. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий US intelligence intercepted Syrian military specialists on chemical weapons, which discussed preparations for a chemical attack with sarin in Idlib, reports CNN, citing a senior administration official Donald trump. The source told CNN that the United States intercepted a high volume of messages in countries such as Syria and Iraq, but these data are often never processed, “unless there is some specific event that requires that analysts search for intelligence materials.” The intercepted conversation took place before the incident with the use of chemical weapons in Khan Sheyhun, however, was examined after the attack to find out who is responsible