The foreign Ministry explained the words “at least count on the head teshi” the speech of the representative to the UN

The foreign Ministry explained the words “at least count on the head teshi” the speech of the representative to the UN Criticism of the speech of the Deputy permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vladimir Safronkov, who demanded that their colleagues from the UK Matthew Rycroft “to look him in the eye”, is “strange”. The journalists said Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, reports “RIA Novosti”. According to him, Western colleagues “from year to year is an exercise in insulting remarks against Russia and its policy.” In the end there is a moment when “we need to send a serious emotional signal,” said Ryabkov. Otherwise, “just don’t get to” withdraw “from a state of such political indoctrination of those who sit for us one table in the hall of the security Council or the OPCW Executive Council”, said the Minister. Ryabkov said that if the representative of Russia would have

In the state Duma refused to ban the training of the bureaucratic children abroad

Nikolay Kovalev Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma Committee for security and combating corruption recommended that the lower house of Parliament to reject the bill prohibiting officials and employees of state enterprises to send their children to study abroad. It is reported RIA Novosti on Thursday, April 13. Member of the Committee Nikolay Kovalev said that the person constraint in the choice of school is unacceptable. Under the bill, the training outside of Russia is prohibited for children of all civil servants down to the municipal level, as well as employees of state enterprises and corporations. Exceptions are allowed only for those officials who are working abroad more than a year. According to the author of the document, MP of the Communist party Valery Rashkin, a ban would stimulate the authorities to improve the quality of national education. In August last year, the President of the Association of entrepreneurs for

The state Duma adopted the law on the registration of the hospital electronically

The state Duma adopted the law on the registration of the hospital electronically The state Duma adopted in the third reading the law on electronic hospital. Now, along with hospital letterhead on the paper, you can provide an electronic document of temporary disability. The state Duma adopted in final reading a bill that allows to make the hospital in electronic form, the correspondent of RBC. The law equalizes the sick list, was discharged on a prescribed form, “electronic document generated in the automated information system”. New electronic hospital must be signed by “qualified advanced electronic signature” of the medical worker and the medical organization. The law should endorse in the Federation Council will then pass to the President. It is planned that the document will come into force on 1 July 2017. Now for appointment and payment of temporary disablement allowances and on pregnancy and childbirth, the law requires you

Russia will continue cooperation with Kazakhstan on the “Baikonur”cosmodrome

Russia will continue cooperation with Kazakhstan on the “Baikonur”cosmodrome BISHKEK, 14 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russia has decided to continue cooperation with Kazakhstan with the use of the Baikonur cosmodrome for the long term, said President of Russia Vladimir Putin. “We made a decision on your proposal to continue expanding our cooperation in space with the use of Baikonur,” — said Putin, speaking at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian economic Council. “We are all our plans will adjust in the near future, having in mind the use of the cosmodrome East in order to actively along with you to work on existing projects that you created, using not only the Baikonur cosmodrome in the long term, but the implementation of those plans for joint launches, the development of new types of rocket space technology”, — said the President.

North Korea has said it is ready for a preventive strike against the United States

North Korea has said it is ready for a preventive strike against the United States Meanwhile, the United States is also prepared to launch a preemptive strike on North Korea to new nuclear tests. Moscow. April 14. INTERFAX.RU — Pyongyang, if necessary, may exercise the pre-emptive strike on US forces, while possessing sufficient nuclear power. This was stated by Deputy foreign Minister of the DPRK Han Ryul in an interview with The Associated Press. “If the United States will carry out reckless military maneuvers, then we, North Korea, will meet their pre-emptive strike”, — he said in Pyongyang. We already have a strong nuclear deterrent, and we certainly will not sit idly by in the face of pre-emptive strike the United States.Han, Relampable the DPRK foreign Ministry While in Pyongyang lay on the President of the United States Donald trump responsible for the tensions on the Korean Peninsula and noted

Putin and Tillerson did not discuss the organization of the meeting with trump

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson at the talks on Wednesday did not discuss the possibility of organizing a meeting between Putin and his American counterpart Donald trump, the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “No,” said Sands, answering the question, whether you discussed the possibility of organizing a meeting of the presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States.

Afghanistan has described the loss of the IG after the application of the U.S. “mother of all bombs”

Afghanistan has described the loss of the IG after the application of the U.S. “mother of all bombs” Moscow. April 14. INTERFAX.RU — the Use of the United States one of the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan has led to the elimination of at least 36 militants grouping “Islamic state”. About it reports on Friday CNN TV channel with reference to the defense Ministry of Afghanistan. In addition, managed to destroy three of an underground tunnel, weapons and ammunition, said the TV channel. It is noted that civilians in an attack has not suffered. Newsthe United States has shown “Mother of all bombs”: what is unique about this weapon As reported, the United States dropped the most powerful in their possession of non-nuclear bombs on positions of fighters of terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia) in Nangarhar province in Afghanistan. According to TV channel, we are talking about

Protivobolevoe superpowers

Protivobolevoe superpowers Russia proposes to change the rules of fighting cybercrime on a global scale. In the disposal of “b” was the draft UN Convention “On cooperation in the field of combating cybercrime” prepared by the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with the assistance of a number of other relevant agencies. This week it was discussed in Vienna during a closed meeting of the UN expert group “to conduct a comprehensive study of cybercrime.” The idea of Moscow the document to replace the Budapest Convention on cybercrime of 2001, which the Russian authorities saw a threat to the sovereignty of the country. However, previously submitted to Russia the UN Convention on related topic is broad support is not received. The first draft of the UN Convention “On cooperation in the field of combating cybercrime” was presented to foreign partners of the Russian Federation in the past year

The foreign Ministry of the DPRK: Pyongyang will conduct a nuclear test, when deemed necessary

The foreign Ministry of the DPRK: Pyongyang will conduct a nuclear test, when deemed necessary NEW YORK, April 14. /Offset. TASS Kirill Volkov/. North Korea intends to conduct another nuclear test when the country’s leadership deems it necessary. This was stated in interview to Agency AP, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the DPRK Han Rel. Deputy foreign Minister stressed that Pyongyang “will hold their next nuclear test when top management deems it necessary”, the Agency said, without citing direct quotations official. According to a statement to the AP, he called the situation on the Korean Peninsula, a “vicious circle”, without explaining his words. Han Ryul also expressed the view that the President of the United States Donald trump its “aggressive” tweets “creates trouble,” says the Agency. It recalls that previously the American leader wrote on his page on the microblogging service, “North Korea looking for trouble”. In addition, the