Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the head of the Sverdlovsk region

Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the head of the Sverdlovsk region MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin accepted resignation of Sverdlovsk region Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev, and appointed him acting head of the region before the elections. “To accept resignation of the Governor of Sverdlovsk region Kuyvashev on their own, — stated in the decree, the text of which is cited by the press service of the Kremlin. — Assign Kuyvashev, the acting Governor of the Sverdlovsk region until the entry into office of a person elected the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region”. The term of office Kuyvashev, the head of the region was due to expire in may 2017. Gubernatorial elections in the Sverdlovsk region in the single voting day in September of the current year. Kuyvashev was born in 1971 in the Khanty-Mansi district of Tyumen region, on education — a lawyer. In 2005

The former President of South Korea formally charged with corruption

The former President of South Korea formally charged with corruption MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. Formal corruption charges were filed Monday, the former President of South Korea Park Geun-Hye. This was reported by Yonhap news Agency. The ouster of the head of state is accused of bribery, abuse of office, divulging state secrets and a number of other criminal charges. Scandal, Park Geun-Hye broke out in October 2016, when the press appeared information about the impact of the head of state from her friend Choi sung-SIL. The investigation revealed that for several years she was devoted to the details of public administration and interfered with the course of political decision-making. Choi sung-SIL has put pressure on several companies, including Samsung, with the purpose of transfer them tens of millions of dollars in controlled assets. In December last year, the South Korean Parliament voted to impeach the Park Geun-Hye, and on March

Alfa-Bank has declared its apolitical

Photo: Kommersant Group alpha Bank officially declared that it does not interfere in the political life of the countries of its presence. This is stated in the press release financial structure received by the editors”.ru”. “For all time of existence of the group, its shareholders have considered it impossible not only to interfere in the political life of the countries of its presence, but even publicly to voice any political position”, — stated in the release. Alfa–Bank added that any business structure “should work in strict accordance with the laws and regulations of the country where it is present” and to maintain a working relationship with the authorities, regardless of their political orientation. In addition, the financial conglomerate consider careless statements by the press service of Alfa-Bank in Ukraine about the “occupied territories” of the Crimea and the Donbass. “We never replaced the management-controlled companies. Sometimes this had negative consequences.

Excluded from the liberal democratic party for stupidity Khudyakov was expelled from Tambov Duma

Photo: Kommersant Tambov regional Duma have deprived of the mandate of the Deputy of the Roman Khudyakov for failure to submit income declarations in due to the law, reports “Interfax” on Friday, April 14. “We as people should follow the laws. All were warned in time to submit data on income and that a violation of the law entails the deprivation of parliamentary powers”, — said the speaker of the regional Parliament Yevgeny mother. At the Duma meeting on Friday itself Khudyakov was absent. He explained to the Agency that failed to submit a Declaration within the period up to April 1, due to the illness. Earlier Friday it was reported that the income Declaration published by the Kremlin officials and members of the Cabinet. The President of Russia last year earned of 8.86 million rubles, the Chairman of Russian government Dmitry Medvedev — 8,586 million. Former state Duma Deputy

RF IC filed a case of abduction of Russians by the Ukrainian security forces

© Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. Russia’s investigative Committee opened a criminal case on the abduction of Russian citizens of the Ukrainian security forces. About TASS said the official representative SK the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko. “The investigators control the investigation of crimes involving the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, the Main investigation Department of insurance in the course of investigation of criminal case about abduction of Russian citizens by the employees of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies provided additional information about the abduction of Russian citizens by members of the criminal community in the period from 2014 to 2015, with a view to subsequent unfounded accusations of Russian citizens to criminal responsibility,” she said.

Lavrov: trump reaffirmed his desire to establish relations of Russia and the US

© Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, April 17. /TASS/. The Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the US President Donald trump advocated the establishment of relations with Russia, and reiterated that Moscow was ready for it. The Minister said, commenting on the words of the assistant to the American leader on national security Herbert McMaster that it was time for “tough discussions” with Russia regarding its ongoing action in Syria.

The opposition of Turkey to challenge the results of the referendum

The opposition of Turkey to challenge the results of the referendum Moscow. April 17. INTERFAX.RU — the Turkish Opposition Republican people’s party (CHP) has announced its intention to challenge the results of the referendum, the results of which the majority of the population voted for the amendments to the Constitution, said on Monday “bi-Bi-si”. The party stated about violations in the voting process, which it requires to challenge the results. The CHP requires a conversion of 60% of the vote. On the eve of Turkey held a referendum on changing the Constitution, it was submitted 18 amendments. In particular, they relate to the expansion of the powers of the President and of the transition from a parliamentary to a presidential Republic. As reported by the Turkish news Agency “Anadolu”, the results of counting 99, 97% of ballots for amendments to the Constitution voted 51,41% (25 million 156 thousand 860) voted

South Korea and the United States threatened the DPRK, a powerful response in the event of new provocations

South Korea and the United States threatened the DPRK, a powerful response in the event of new provocations TOKYO, April 17 — RIA Novosti, Ivan Zakharchenko. South Korea and the United States intend to punish the DPRK in case of further “provocations”, said acting South Korean President, Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-Ahn after talks in Seoul with the American Vice-President Mike Pence. “The Republic of Korea and the United States will take strong punitive measures in the event of further provocations North Korea”, — quotes the words of Hwang news Agency Yonhap. According to him, the Prime Minister also said that he agreed with Pence on the early placement and introduction into service of the latest system natmosphere of intercepting ballistic missiles, THAAD. “Korean-American Alliance — the support for peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and in northeast Asia,” stressed Hwang Kyo-Ahn. Washington and Seoul in July 2016 agreed to

The DPRK has officially unveiled the special operations Forces

The DPRK has officially unveiled the special operations Forces The DPRK has officially demonstrated a separate kind of troops — special operations Forces. This drew the attention of the South Korean military analysts, reports “Yonhap”. As noted, for the first time the commandos as representatives of individual units of the army were on parade in Pyongyang on the occasion of the 105th anniversary since the birth of the founder of the Republic, Kim Il-sung on April 15. During the broadcast on television of the DPRK special forces was mentioned, along with such branches of the military, like Navy, air force, and Strategic rocket forces. Officers SSO marched in black with sunglasses on their faces were black with camouflage cream. Armed forces a new type of rifle mounted with a grenade launcher it on their helmets — night vision goggles. “Once Supreme commander Kim Jong UN gives the order, they with

The former head of the Mari El Markelov was arrested on charges of bribery

Photo: RIA Novosti Basmanny court of Moscow sanctioned the arrest of the former head of Mari El Leonid Markelov, who is accused of receiving bribes by 235 million rubles, RIA news from the courtroom. “The petition of the investigator to satisfy: to elect against Markelov a measure of restraint in form of detention”, — announced the decision of the judge Yulia Safina. Thus, it agreed with the arguments that the freedom of the accused can escape from trial, to exert pressure on witnesses and destroy evidence.