In Paris, police gas dispersed the demonstrators on the eve of elections

In Paris, police gas dispersed the demonstrators on the eve of elections In Paris the day before the first round of voting in the presidential election was a demonstration of trade unions and student unions, which expressed disagreement with the proposals of the candidates. The police used to disperse them with tear gas. Law enforcement officers used tear gas to disperse demonstrators who took to the streets of Paris on Saturday, April 22, with protest slogans on the eve of the first round of voting in the presidential election. This writes the French magazine Valeurs. About 2 thousand people gathered on a Central square of Paris — from the Republic square and headed through the streets to the place de La Bastille. The event was organized by several trade unions and student organizations. In a press release, organizers called on supporters to generate power, which will lead to social changes

The new Secretary of the Public chamber Vyacheslav Bocharov elected

Photo: RIA Novosti First Deputy Secretary of the Public chamber (OP) Russia Vyacheslav Bocharov elected its Secretary. The decision was made in plenary in connection with the early termination of powers of the Secretary OP Alexander Brechalov, who on 4 April was appointed acting head of the Udmurt Republic. First Deputy Secretary of the Public chamber was elected Deputy Secretary of the OP Sergei Ordzhonikidze. The terms of office of the members of the chamber expire, a new convocation should gather for the first plenary session not later than 1 July.

Putin and Erdogan meet in Sochi on may 3

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov has confirmed that President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet in Sochi on may 3. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Informed about the upcoming visit of Turkish President to Russia, reported the press service of Erdogan. “Our dear President Tayyip Erdogan will visit 3 visit Russia”, – said the representative of the service. According to Peskov, the two leaders at the meeting are interested to focus on the discussion of issues concerning the Syrian settlement. Earlier official representative of the Kremlin said that Putin and Erdogan in a telephone conversation discussed the possible meeting.

Trump believes that protecting the environment should no extra financial cost

Trump believes that protecting the environment should no extra financial cost The US President also noted that economic growth contributes to environmental protection. WASHINGTON, April 22. /Offset. TASS Boris Makarov/. Environmental protection is an important task, but its implementation should not be accompanied by unnecessary financial costs becoming a financial burden for American citizens. That is the essence of the statement of the President of the United States Donald trump is dedicated to the International day of Mother Earth. “Our country is endowed with rich and spectacular natural resources and beauty. Americans are grateful for this gift of God and obligation to protect it for future generations. My administration is committed to preserving air and water, and protect forests, lakes and endangered species,” — said in a statement. “Economic growth contributes to environmental protection. We can and must protect her, but not harming the families of American workers. That’s why

In Iran overturned the decision not to show the candidates debate live

In Iran overturned the decision not to show the candidates debate live MOSCOW, 22 APR — RIA Novosti. The Iranian government has reversed its decision not to broadcast debates between candidates live, said on Saturday, Press TV channel with reference to the Ministry of internal Affairs of the country. The corresponding statement was made by the representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs Salman Samani after the meeting with the review Board of the campaign activities during the elections. Thursday following the meeting, Samani said that the debate will be broadcast in record. Saturday’s meeting followed a barrage of criticism from candidates, officials and ordinary Iranians. In this meeting, like the last, was attended by the head of the Iran broadcasting company (IRIB), the country’s Prosecutor General, interior Minister and others. Registration of candidates in presidents of Iran was held from 11 to 15 April. By the end of the

Trump said, why not shake hands with Merkel

Trump said, why not shake hands with Merkel The President of the United States Donald trump in an interview with the associated Press told about the incident at a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel when he shook her hand. “Then someone shouted, “Shake her hand, shake her hand,” but I have not heard. MOSCOW, 22 APR — RIA Novosti. The President of the United States Donald trump in an interview with the associated Press told about the incident at a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel when he shook her hand. Then someone shouted, “Shake her hand, shake her hand,” but I have not heard. You know, we were in each other’s company quite a long time, and I shook her hand four times already.Donald Trepresent USA The US President noted that he was able to achieve with Merkel “incredible understanding”, despite the differences in the contributions to NATO

Lavrov: Russia seeks to expand the list of participants of the truce in Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia is working on expanding the list of participants of the truce in Syria, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov after a meeting of the Ministerial Council of the SCO. “We now seek to adherence to the agreement on the cease-fire was expanded by new factions of the armed opposition” — quoted Lavrov RIA Novosti. According to him, difficulties arise due to the fact that there is a reverse process. “Those who support the terrorist organization “Dzhabhat-EN-Nusra”*, trying to engage in it additional armed forces, thereby to separate them from the Astana process”, — said the Minister. *”Jabhat Fatah al-sham” (“Frente al-Nusra”, “Dzhabhat EN Nusra”), “al-Qaeda” is a terrorist group banned in Russia.

Former adviser to trump ridiculed statements about connections with the “Russian agents”

Former adviser to trump ridiculed statements about connections with the “Russian agents” MOSCOW, 22 APR — RIA Novosti. A former adviser to Donald trump Carter page on CNN commented on the allegations that “employees of the Russian special services” allegedly tried to gain access to the campaign headquarters trump. “It’s really news, I read it with delight. “Russia tried to use advisers of trump, to infiltrate the election campaign”. Remember the headlines of recent months: “a Campaign trump in cahoots”, there is something nefarious And now you say the word “tried,” said Paige. He noted that last year was a lot of “attempts”, but they belong to the media who tried to spread false reports, including “compromising” on trump “All I ever talked with someone from the Russian officials, did not go beyond publicly available, of irrelevant information”, — said Paige. Earlier, CNN, citing sources in the FBI said that

Russia is ready to supply Syria’s air defense system as a priority

Russia is ready to supply Syria’s air defense system as a priority MOSCOW, 22 APR — RIA Novosti. Russia is in agreement can deliver Syria the necessary volumes of air defense as a priority, it will not require additional burden on the defense industry, said RIA Novosti Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov. Earlier on Friday in an interview with RIA Novosti Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that Damascus is interested in air defense systems of the last generation, and that specific negotiations between the defense ministries of Russia and Syria on the issue of a new air defense “part of the daily relationship.” The Syrian leader also said that earlier terrorists had destroyed more than half of the defenses. “The necessary volumes (air defense systems) can be supplied in priority, it will not require additional burden on the defense industry,” — said the

Russia declared full compliance with the criteria of Iran membership in SCO

Photo: RIA Novosti Iran is now fully meets the criteria for membership in the Shanghai cooperation organization (SCO). On Friday, April 21, Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, reports RIA Novosti. According to the head of the foreign Ministry, he hopes that in June in Astana, the heads of the SCO member States “to consider the possibility of connecting Iran as a full member of the organization.