Carrier group USA began exercises off the coast of the Korean Peninsula

Carrier group USA began exercises off the coast of the Korean Peninsula Carrier strike group the U.S. Navy, which includes the nuclear aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson started the exercise off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. Along with it, the exercise involved the ships of the Japanese Navy, the newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun. The publication notes that the purpose of the exercise is putting pressure on North Korea in the context of the ongoing testing of ballistic missiles of the DPRK. In addition, the American and Japanese sailors had to earn my cooperation. Maneuvers, participation in which will accept two Japanese destroyer Ashigara and Samidare, will last from three to five days. About sending a carrier strike group the U.S. Navy to the shores of the Korean Peninsula became known on 9 April. DPRK authorities Washington’s actions were regarded as a provocation and promised to give her “tough response”. Later,

The problem of migrants will provide the Subcommittee

Photo: NEWS/Alex Maishev The Committee on nationalities of the state Duma intend to create a Subcommittee for the regulation of migration processes. Will head the new structure, first Deputy Chairman of Committee on Affairs of nationalities Mikhail Starshinov (“United Russia”). The final decision will be taken on Friday at a meeting of the Committee, told “Izvestia” the head of Committee Ildar Gilmutdinov. After the terrorist attack in Saint-Petersburg have prepared a draft presidential decree, which determines who is responsible for the development and implementation of the law “On social and cultural adaptation and integration of migrants” Federal Agency for the Affairs of nationalities (FADH). Previously the authority on the integration and adaptation of migrants was assigned to the interior Ministry. Now the new Subcommittee will collaborate closely with FADH in the process of preparing the necessary legislative framework. In the state Duma Committee on Affairs of nationalities are going to

Dvorkovich called the condition of the lifting of restrictions on Turkey

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia will not lift the restrictions against Turkey if it does not abolish duties on Russian grain. This was on the sidelines of the Krasnoyarsk economic forum, said Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, reports TASS. “For us, the issue of lifting restrictions on grain is unconditional. Without this, any action on our part will not. Without the lifting of the ban on grain even chance that we’ll get there,” — said Deputy Prime Minister. However, he added that the lifting of restrictions on grain “has a certain set of actions for which we are ready to negotiate.” Earlier, on 7 April, Dvorkovich said that Turkey imposed restrictions on Russia’s grain irrational and lead to casualties on both sides, passed the “Prime”. Then he reported that Moscow and Ankara can hold a meeting on the grain question within two weeks. March 15 the Turkish authorities have changed the

The Pope compared the refugee centres with concentration camps

The Pope compared the refugee centres with concentration camps Pope Francis during a solemn service in memory of the new martyrs of the XX and XXI centuries in the Roman Basilica of St. Bartholomew deviated from the expected text and criticized the camp for refugees from the Middle East and Africa, in Greece and Italy. “These refugee camps are the many concentration camps, crowded with people. Because international agreements seem to be more important than human rights”, — quotes the Pontiff AFP. The head of the Roman Catholic Church also told the story of a refugee whose wife was killed due to the fact that she was a Christian. “They saw we have a crucifix and told us to throw it away. When she refused, she in my eyes slit the throat,” recalled Francis, the words of a migrant. At the end of 2016, according to the Italian authorities and

Throughout Venezuela have been mourning marches of the opposition

Throughout Venezuela have been mourning marches of the opposition Thousands of opposition supporters in Venezuela have taken part in mourning actions in memory of those killed during anti-government demonstrations continued in the country for three weeks. In Caracas, the protesters, mainly dressed in white — the color of protest in Venezuela — marched through the main streets of the city, but the police blocked the passage to the ultimate goal of the action — the building Department of the Archdiocese of Venezuela. Multitudinaria #marcha contra #represiónpolicial en #Venezuela vía @noroestemx — Noroeste (@noroestemx) 22 APR 2017 The same marches on this day took place across the country. The opposition will washalet blame for the death of almost 20 anti-government protests for the police. Authorities claim that police prevent riots and pursues the raiders. #Marcha silenciosa desborda calles de Caracas en #Venezuela — lapoliticamx (@lapoliticamx) 22 APR 2017 The

Trump confirmed his refusal to have dinner with journalists

Trump confirmed his refusal to have dinner with journalists Donald trump said he will mark 100 days in office meeting with his supporters. Thus, the 45th President of the United States indirectly confirmed its refusal to participate in the correspondents Association dinner at the White house, which is traditionally arranged for this reason. The US President Donald trump will celebrate the hundredth day of the Board meeting with his supporters. In the microblog in Twitter he wrote that next Saturday will hold a “big meeting in Pennsylvania”. As reported TASS, the event will be held in the city of harrisburg. Thus, trump has indirectly confirmed its refusal to participate in the correspondents Association dinner at the White house, which is traditionally arranged within the first 100 days in office of each President. 26 Feb trump has stated that he will not attend the dinner of the Association. The reasons for

Volodin will act as the sponsor of the bill to deprive terrorists of citizenship

Photo: RIA Novosti Chairman of the state Duma Vyacheslav Volodin will perform a co-author of the new, revised version of the bill to revoke citizenship from convicted terrorists. On Friday, April 21, reports TASS. The updated document will be submitted to the lower house on April 21. According to the speaker, their signatures underneath, along with the authors of the first edition (the leaders of all four Duma factions), will deliver the first Vice-speaker Ivan Melnikov, Irina Yarovaya and Chairman of the state Duma Committee on state construction and legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov. Volodin said that the new version of the document will be adjusted to the contradictions of the basic law. “What you are saying (check on the constitutionality of approx. “Of the”), we are also in discussion with a new edition of the bill worked and we proceed from the fact that we are talking about amending the

Polls: two-thirds of Russians support the burial of Lenin

Photo: TASS The majority of Russians (63%) expressed agreement with the idea of burying Lenin’s body, last year the figure was 60%. These are the findings of a poll conducted by the Russian centre for public opinion studies (VTSIOM) published on the website of the organization. “The majority (63%) generally agrees that this needs to be done, but 32% consider it necessary to implement it immediately, and 31% to wait some time until this issue will not affect those for whom Lenin roads”, – stated in the materials of the survey. One third of Russians (31%) propose to put “things as they are now.” According to the survey, 39% consider the mausoleum to tourist sites and are indifferent, 18% – believe that the body of Lenin as the great leader, is on the right in the heart of the country. On the other hand, 38% of citizens believe that the

The UN Secretary General said “very distant” end of the war in Syria

The UN Secretary General said “very distant” end of the war in Syria UN Secretary-General, antónio Guterres, believes that the end of the Syrian crisis is still “very far”. He reiterated the need for a speedy political settlement of the conflict. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий The Syrian crisis, which raises the level of security threats around the world, no end of, said in an interview with Bloomberg, which was held in the building of the International monetary Fund in Washington, the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN), antónio Guterres. “We are very far from the end”, — said the Secretary General of the international organization, commenting on the situation in Syria. According to him, requires a political settlement of the conflict and the cessation of civil war, which creates instability and increases the risk of the terrorist threat. “This threatens the lives of all of us, absolutely everywhere,” — said Guterres. Lately in

Former German Finance Minister was a comedian

Former German Finance Minister was a comedian Former German Finance Minister, former leader of the SPD and rival Angela Merkel in the 2013 election, peer Steinbrueck, has suddenly changed occupation — he became an actor-comedian. Former German Finance Minister, former leader of the SPD and rival Angela Merkel in the 2013 election, peer Steinbrueck, has suddenly changed occupation — he became an actor-comedian. He teamed up with a professional comedian Florian Schroeder to go on a tour in Germany with satirical stand-up Comedy show. Tickets to shows in Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne are already completely sold out. After he left the government last year, peer Steinbrueck has served on the Board of Directors of one of the Dutch banks. Being a politician and official, Steinbrueck has repeatedly been in the focus of public attention due to their witty and often provocative actions and statements. For example, in 2007, Steinbrueck family