Press conference of Sergei Lavrov and Federica Mogherini. Video

Federica Mogherini and Lavrov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and the EU high representative for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini hold a press conference after talks in Moscow. Mogherini arrived in the Russian capital on a working visit at the invitation of the head of the Russian foreign Ministry. During their meeting they discussed key aspects of bilateral relations and topical issues of the international agenda. Earlier, the Russian foreign Ministry said that Moscow hopes for a substantive discussion on ways to restore cooperation with the EU.

Le Pen withdrew from the leadership of his party during the election

Le Pen withdrew from the leadership of his party during the election The candidate for President of France, leader of the far-right party “national front” marine Le Pen said that moving away from party Affairs in order to concentrate on the election campaign before the second round elections in France. The leader of the French far-right party “national front” marine Le Pen has decided to temporarily postpone its activities to focus fully on the presidential campaign before the second round elections in France, where she will face with the head of the party “Forward,” Emmanuel Macron over the presidency. She declared it on air of TV channel France 2. “For starters, let me be clear: we are approaching a decisive moment. I have always believed that the President should not only be the President of the Republic, but of all Frenchmen, and should unite them. It is a deep conviction

The U.S. planned reduction in financial assistance to Ukraine by 70%

The U.S. planned reduction in financial assistance to Ukraine by 70% Moscow. April 24. INTERFAX.RU — Released in March by the US administration, the budget plan 2018 provides for the reduction of international aid to Ukraine by 68.8%, said on Monday the Voice of America. Released in March by the US administration, the budget plan envisages a reduction of one-third of aid to countries on the path of development, however the details then were not filed. According to 15-strychnia the budget document of the state Department obtained Foreign Policy, the restructuring involves a transfusion of money from the program development aid program, which is closely connected with the purposes of national security. The document is designated as “unclassified, but sensitive”. “As for Ukraine… aid for 2018 preliminary budget plan would have to be more than $ 570 million, however, the new draft envisages the reduction in funding to $ 177

Actor Kirill Safonov was denied entry to Ukraine

Actor Kirill Safonov was denied entry to Ukraine Russian theatre and cinema actor Kirill Safonov was denied entry to Ukraine. He said this on his page in Facebook, reports “RIA Novosti”. “I was denied entry to Ukraine. Sorry, I love this country. Well, so it should be”. — said the actor. For some reason Safonov denied entry, he said. On the eve of April 23, Ukraine did not let the singer lolita Milyavskaya the. That it was removed from going to Kiev trains, she said in his Instagram. The singer said that the entrance to Ukraine it is closed “for visiting Kerch in the 15th year.” The adviser to the interior Minister of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko confirmed that the Palladium was taken off the train. He said that “illegal entry [the Palladium] for a tour in the Crimea” was recorded and published by the volunteers of the project “the Peacemaker.”

Kosachev called the three threats to the modern world

Photo: RIA Novosti Not the phenomenon, and ideology are the real threats to the modern world. This opinion was expressed by the head of the international Committee of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev. In his article published in the newspaper “Izvestia”, the Senator highlighted three such ideological fundamentalism — Islamist (ISIS*), Communist (North Korea) and the liberal globalizatsii (part of Western elites). Kosachev noted that the carriers of these ideologies have the ability to harm everyone else, ready for this, as found in its ideology a moral justification for forceful measures and have a tendency to blame others for their problems, the “infidels”. “The response to the Trump before and after his election to the first office in the United States, the current well-organized and very dirty campaign in Europe against the “populists”, the whole history of the confrontation between Russia, from Sochi Olympics to “cyber attacks” from Ukraine to

The government approved a list of aquatic bioresources for the production of

Photo: RIA Novosti The government approved the list of types of water biological resources in certain areas of production in respect of which is granted rights to catch and allocated the quota for investment purposes. This is stated in the document published on the website of the Cabinet. As follows from the explanatory notes, the list includes 16 items. “It includes the types of aquatic biological resources Northern basin of the fisheries (cod, haddock and crab) and the far Eastern fishery basin (Pollock, Pacific herring, far Eastern flounders, lingcod, commander squid, Grenadier, cod, black, and Nephrolepis halibut, five species of crabs),” – said in the document. It is emphasized that the quota for investment purposes are allocated with respect to certain types of aquatic biological resources, the list of which is approves by the Cabinet. Earlier, Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on increasing investment in the

Trump discussed with Merkel Syria and Ukraine

Trump discussed with Merkel Syria and Ukraine The President of the United States Donald trump held telephone talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. This is stated in the official report the White house. In the administration of U.S. President said that the two leaders discussed the key issues of international relations, including conflicts in Syria, Yemen and the deteriorating situation on the Korean Peninsula. “The President also reaffirmed his support for the efforts of France and Germany to hold talks on the peaceful settlement of the conflict in Ukraine on the basis of the Minsk agreements”, — underlined in the message. Earlier, on March 17, Donald trump and Angela Merkel held a private meeting in Washington. During the talks, the U.S. and Germany also discussed the conflict in Ukraine. Following the negotiations, trump said about the leadership of France and Germany in solving the crisis in Ukraine.

Trump is proud of what has achieved in the first 100 days of presidency

Trump is proud of what has achieved in the first 100 days of presidency As reported by broadcaster CNN, the US President has managed to achieve progress in the solution of important problems in 23 of the 37. WASHINGTON, April 24. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The President of the United States Donald trump is proud of what he managed to achieve in the first 100 days of his tenure as head of state, but his team is already thinking about the next steps. About it journalists at a regular briefing, said the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. “I think we are very proud the President is very proud of what he has accomplished in the first 100 days. But we also want to start talking about the next 100 days, that is still left to do,” he said.Sean Spycicles Secretary of the White house As reported by

Putin held a telephone conversation with President of Kyrgyzstan

Putin held a telephone conversation with President of Kyrgyzstan MOSCOW, 24 APR — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed by phone with the head of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev issues of bilateral cooperation in political and trade-economic spheres, the press service of the Kremlin. “At the initiative of the Kyrgyz side had a telephone conversation with President of Russia Vladimir Putin with President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev. The two presidents discussed current issues of bilateral cooperation in political, trade-economic spheres,” — stated in the message.