Police fired tear gas at a protest of schoolchildren in Paris

Police fired tear gas at a protest of schoolchildren in Paris PARIS, 27 APR — RIA Novosti, Victoria Ivanova. The police accompanying the procession uncoordinated pupils and pupils against both candidates in presidents of France used tear gas to control the crowds, according to eyewitnesses. In response to a melted bottles at the police and garbage, the guards, as usual, sprayed the crowd with tear gas. Earlier it was reported that at least several hundred students came out in Paris for a March against both presidential candidates of France — the ex-Minister Emmanuel Macron and leader of the party “national front” marine Le Pen. Clashes during protests against the election system in #Paris #France today. Vid by @BlocusInfos #BlocusNiFnNiMacron pic.twitter.com/CYqqA1mAjX — Enough is Enough! (@enough14) 27 APR 2017 The protests of the students started in the French capital on Thursday morning when fully, or partially blocked it was several educational

The Ministry of justice introduced the “Open Russia” in the list of undesirable organizations

The Ministry of justice introduced the “Open Russia” in the list of undesirable organizations Moscow. April 27. INTERFAX.RU — the Ministry of justice of Russia on Thursday included in the departmental list of the three recognized unwanted in Russia foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including those founded by businessman and ex-head of Yukos Mikhail Khodorkovsky movement “Open Russia”. The registry joined the NGO “Open Russia” and the social network movement “Open Russia” (both registered in the UK), and “the Institute of modern Russia” (USA). On the eve of the official representative of the Prosecutor General Alexander Kurennoi said the “Interfax” that the results of the study submitted to the Agency materials, the decision to admit mentioned people in Russia. As noted by the Colonel, the Prosecutor’s office believes that these NGOs “carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, special programs and projects in order to discredit the results held

In Russia may ban alcoenergy

Photo: NEWS/Michael Tereshchenko The Finance Ministry proposes to introduce a ban on the production and sale in Russia of albanerpeton — alcoholic drinks with tonic additives. The Department has prepared the relevant amendments to the law “On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol…” (171-FZ). In the office of Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin supported the initiative, arguing that such drinks are dangerous to health. The Finance Ministry proposes “to introduce a ban on the production and turnover of alcoholic products with content of ethyl alcohol strength less than 22% volume of finished products containing tonic substances”, told “Izvestia”, the press service of the Ministry, adding that the only exception is the production for circulation outside the country and export sales. The relevant rule, the Ministry of Finance formulated in anticipation of the second reading of the amendments senators Sergei ryabukhina, Vitaly Shuba and others in the law

Naryshkin: the world becomes a global danger zone

Sergey Naryshkin © Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, April 27. /TASS/. No country, no region can be a life raft, no one is immune from terrorist attacks. This was announced by Director of the foreign intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin. “As the activity of terrorists in Syria and Iraq, Afghanistan, the recent tragic events in London, Paris, Brussels and Stockholm, the recent dastardly terrorist attack in St. Petersburg – no country, no region can be an island of prosperity, no one is immune from mass terrorist attacks”, – he said at the VI Moscow conference on international security.

Spring requires you to enter special control over the stay of migrants in Russia

Spring requires you to enter special control over the stay of migrants in Russia MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya believes that it is necessary to conduct additional control measures for migrants, but also hard to suppress their fictitious legalization. “Additional measures of control over the stay of migrants and the suppression of fictitious legalization necessary today, including in the format of the prevention of threats arriving in the territory of Russia of individuals to carry out extremist activities and terrorist crimes,” Yarovaya told reporters, commenting on the arrest in Kaliningrad, 12 members of terrorist organizations from Central Asia. According to Spring, registration in the hostels and residential premises should relate with an norm of living space, which should not be less than five square meters per person. “Registration at the address of a legal entity requires additional regulation: to qualify for the

The Patriarch agreed with Putin on the transfer of Isaac ROC — RBC

The Patriarch agreed with Putin on the transfer of Isaac ROC — RBC St. Petersburg Governor Georgy Poltavchenko took the decision to transfer to St. Isaac’s Cathedral the Church only after the question joined Patriarch Kirill, according to RBC with reference to sources. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church approved the transfer of the Isaac Church personally with President Vladimir Putin, said the portal source in Church circles and two sources close to the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church. According to one of them, the consent of Putin was received in December and high-ranking officials in the Kremlin, including the first Deputy head of presidential administration Sergey Kiriyenko, the decision did not know. Putin’s press Secretary Dmitry Peskov told RBC that the handover of religious objects “is not the prerogative of the President.” A high-ranking source of “Vedomosti” said on 17 February that the decision to transfer Isaccea

Zakharov proposed a symbol of the restoration of relations between Russia and the United States

Zakharov proposed a symbol of the restoration of relations between Russia and the United States American astronaut Peggy Whitson is shown in the photo in the spacesuit, made in Russia, said the official representative of the foreign Ministry. NEW YORK, April 27. /Offset. TASS Oleg Zelenin/. A photograph of an American astronaut Peggy Whitson, Russian space suit to orbit the Internet might be a symbol of the restoration of relations between the two countries. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova in an interview with the Internet portal Yahoo! News published on Wednesday. The diplomat regretted the “lack of trust” between Russia and the United States, noting that the two countries “have a lot in common”. Let me give you one example: yesterday, in your media, I’ve seen a lot of news about your woman astronaut, which congratulated your President, and there were pictures

Zakharov asked the UN to back broadcasts on Russian language

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova asked the UN Secretariat to resume the daily broadcasts of the world organization in the Russian language, and also to explain why they disappeared from the airwaves. This statement was made by the Committee to the General Assembly. The diplomat drew attention to the fact that the 15-minute transmission was stopped on UN Radio on 1 January 2017. “The data transfer was prepared pursuant to resolution of the UN General Assembly of December 6, 1999. The need for training programs approved by the resolutions Committee each year including 2016, and the decision on their abolition or reformation needs to take it to the Committee, and not solely the Department. I would ask the Department to clarify this situation and to take the necessary organizational steps to restore broadcasting in the Russian language”, – said Zakharov. It also encouraged

Naryshkin: the current phase of ideological confrontation exceeds the period of the cold war

Director of the foreign intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin © Anna Isakova/press service of the state Duma of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, April 27. /TASS/. The current phase of ideological confrontation in acuteness sometimes exceeds the period of the cold war, said the Director of the foreign intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin at the VI Moscow conference on international security. “A special tension different ideological conflicts in the information field. The current phase of ideological confrontation in the acuteness of approaching the passions of the cold war, and sometimes already surpasses it. The difference is that the ideology now promoted Eastern bloc, and the elite of the West, at least that part of them that is not willing to abandon neo-liberal, globalist approach,” he said.

The head of Khakassia dismissed the government for the slowness

The head of Khakassia dismissed the government for the slowness The head of Khakassia Victor Zimin dismissed the government of the Republic. He said this at the session of the Supreme Council. During a report on the work of the government Zimin complained about the sluggishness of his Ministers and a large number of unsolved problems, reports the edition “Khakassia-inform”. Is always some group of people cheated, and always my fault. It’s a shame… Enough to see off me to Moscow. I’m staying home. I am not God. In this regard, send the government in resignation.Viktor Zimin Zimin has promised to recruit new Ministers on a competitive basis. “We will build a new, constructive forms of interaction, and not to rock the boat that we are, after all, a good swimmer, not all”, — he said.