The aircraft carrier “Carl Vinson” has entered the sea of Japan

The aircraft carrier “Carl Vinson” has entered the sea of Japan U.S. aircraft carrier “Carl Vinson” on Saturday, April 29, entered the Japan sea through the Tsushima Strait, transfers TV channel NHK. The ship takes part in the outbreak on 23 April, the joint exercises of the US Navy and Japanese self-defense Forces. In the near future are expected to be joint exercises with South Korean forces. As noted, these activities are designed to exert pressure on the DPRK. Friday was launched North Korean ballistic missiles, related probably to the class of medium-range missiles KN-17. The test failed, the main part of the rocket, according to U.S. intelligence, fell about 35 kilometers from the airport American Aug, headed by the ship “Carl Vinson” was sent to the coast of the Korean Peninsula after a rocket launch by North Korea in early April. The aircraft carrier will be in the area

The DPRK for the third time in a month tried to launch a rocket

The DPRK for the third time in a month tried to launch a rocket North Korea conducted another missile test after only a few hours after a special session of the UN security Council on the situation around the actions of Pyongyang. TOKYO, April 29 — RIA Novosti, Yekaterina Plyasunova. The DPRK military has carried out on Saturday morning launch of a ballistic missile, which, according to the United States, South Korea and Japan, ended in failure. Another missile test of the DPRK was held after only a few hours after a special session of the UN security Council, during which the U.S. declared the need to strengthen the isolation of the DPRK and its willingness to tighten existing sanctions and impose new restrictions, while South Korea has offered to seriously ponder whether the DPRK to remain a member of the UN on the background of provocative actions. The third

Putin: documents from the state Archives give the opportunity to touch the cultural heritage of the country

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated employees and veterans of the State archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), with its 25-year anniversary. This was reported on the Kremlin website. “For the past quarter of a century GARF grew up in a large, modern store documents of the XIX-XXI centuries, which give the opportunity to touch the rich cultural, spiritual heritage of the country, contribute to the formation of objective opinion on the key events of history, keep our national memory” – the congratulatory telegram of the President. Putin noted profound knowledge, competence and responsibility of the archive staff, and their “sincere dedication”. “You spend a significant scientific and research work, introducing new information technologies, implement an important educational, publishing and education projects. Its multifaceted work have a unique contribution to the development of remarkable traditions of archives in our country,” the President added. On April 28,

The Ambassador of the Russian Federation: accession of Norway to NATO missile defense will have implications for the entire Alliance

© EPA/MAURIZIO GAMBARINI OSLO, 29 April. /Offset. TASS Yuri Mikhailenko/. The deployment of elements of the European NATO missile defense system (EUROPRO) in Norway will have consequences not only for the Kingdom but for the whole of the Alliance. About it in interview to the newspaper Dagbladet said the Ambassador of Russia in Norway Teimuraz Ramishvili. “From our side, followed by the answer, and not only the response of Norway but the whole of NATO,” – said the Russian diplomat in response to a reporter’s question about what would be Russia’s reaction to the possible accession of the Scandinavian countries to the deployment of European missile defense. “Russia and Norway can be different points of view on the issue of missile shield NATO, and this is perfectly normal. However, good neighbors should engage in dialogue and find solutions that suit both sides. Russia is not seeking to militarize the Arctic,”

The police are paid protection

The police are paid protection Lawyers seek to revise rates for the work intended. As it became known””, law enforcement and judicial authorities in Russia are finally fully repaid during 2016 on the remuneration of solicitors. The lion’s share of the debt was accounted for by the bodies of inquiry and investigation of the interior Ministry, which at the end of last year have not paid protection $ 700 million. However, since payments were made through the budget of the following year, the defenders already at the beginning of the summer, expect new problems with payments, especially as rates of solicitors can increase several times. Federal chamber of advocates of the Russian Federation (FPA RF), “Kommersant” reported that the debt to the defenders, who worked as intended in 2016, has finally been almost fully repaid. According to representatives of the Federal chamber of lawyers of the Russian Federation, now received

The President of Montenegro, commented on the country’s accession to NATO

The President of Montenegro, commented on the country’s accession to NATO BELGRADE, April 29 — RIA Novosti. Montenegro to join NATO has secured an eternal existence, said President Filip Vujanovic. On Friday, the Parliament of Montenegro, at the ceremonial meeting held in the historical capital, Cetinje, voted by 46 votes (of 81) for joining the Alliance. “Today’s historic decision in Cetinje Montenegro gets new numerous features, but first and foremost the conditions of its eternal existence,” — said Vujanovic on the national TV channel RTCG. He explained that this is especially important given the fact that in may of 2006 (the country’s withdrawal from the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro) Montenegro renewed its independence and geographical and geopolitical position of the country has its own specificity. If all this into account, then you must accept that through that security system of Montenegro is a guarantee of its existence, and

In Mexico approved the use of marijuana for medical purposes

In Mexico approved the use of marijuana for medical purposes MOSCOW, April 29 — RIA Novosti. The chamber of deputies of the Mexican Parliament approved the use of marijuana for medical purposes. “We have received 301 votes in favor, two abstained, and 88 votes “against”, — said the representative of the Parliament after the results of voting at the meeting, the video of which is available on the official Congress channel on YouTube. “…Approved a draft decree on amendments and supplements to the Law on health care”, — announced the Deputy of the Congress on the results of voting. Earlier it was reported that the Mexican Senate approved on Tuesday by a majority of voters legalizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes. The debate on this topic was over a year from when verhovye the court allowed the four who asked about it to the citizens to use marijuana

In Japan, praised the talks, Abe and Putin as rich and Frank

Photo: RIA Novosti The talks of Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin was intense and Frank, stated at a press conference, Secretary General of the government of Japan Acehide Suga. “Taking into account the working dinner, the negotiations lasted 3 hours and 10 minutes and was rich both in time and content. The content of the talks between the two leaders was candid and tight,” said Suga. He said that the leaders confirmed the specific progress in negotiations on signing a peace Treaty, which was agreed in December last year during Putin’s visit to Japan. Suga stressed that the discussed issues of joint economic activity, agreement was reached about the possibility of a Charter service between Japan and the four Islands of the South Kuril Islands and increases points of entry for the Japanese on these Islands. In addition, it was decided to send to

Gurtskaya and the Vine fell into the black list of Ukrainian website

Photo: riafan.EN Russian singers Diana Gurtskaya and Yuri Loza got in the black list of Ukrainian extremist website “Peacemaker”. According to information posted on the resource, they were charged with “illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine” and concert activities on the territory of Crimea, and support the reunification of the Peninsula with Russia. On the website “Peacemaker” already available data of other Russian artists, who visited the Crimea after its reunification with Russia. In particular, Valery Leontiev, Stas Piekha,, Julianna Karaulova, Tatyana Lipnitskaya (known under the name of Bianca), and Yulia Samoilova, who was supposed to represent Russia at the Eurovision song contest in Kiev. In the black list of this site also included the Russian film Director Karen Shakhnazarov, who was accused of “manipulation of information of public interest and intervention in the Affairs of a sovereign state.” Shakhnazarov himself called the situation stupid and fantasies. List

Donald trump approved a short-term budget

Donald trump approved a short-term budget The Federal government continues to operate. On Friday, the President of the United States Donald trump endorsed the decision of short-term budget. Thus, the government can not stop working due to the termination of funding. This could happen if the decision was not made until midnight Saturday. Earlier on 28 April a bill on short-term budget was approved in both houses of Congress. Up to September 30 must be approved by a long-term project of the Federal budget. Earlier it became known that in order to save budget can be significantly reduced, the staff of the U.S. Department of state. Their jobs can lose more than 2,000 employees.