SK found evidence for the involvement of the opposition in the killings of Russians in Chechnya

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia’s investigative Committee stated that it intends to bring former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk to trial and evidence of his involvement in clashes in Chechnya in 1994-95. “The TFR is evidence for the involvement of ex-Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk at least two armed clashes that took place on 31 December 1994 on the area Minute in Grozny in February 1995, as well as the torture and executions of captured soldiers of the Russian army in the Oktyabrsky district of Grozny on 7 January 1995,” reads the website of the UK. Yatsenyuk was declared in the international search February 21, 2017, April 28, the SC also sent materials to Interpol. In March, former Prime Minister of Ukraine was in absentia arrested by the decision of the court of Yessentuki.

The U.S. Senate decided not to prepare a new draft anti-Russian sanctions

The U.S. Senate decided not to prepare a new draft anti-Russian sanctions Moscow. May 2. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. Senate Committee on foreign relations is not going to prepare a new draft anti-Russian sanctions, reports Politico. The head of the Committee Bob Corker said senators intend to address the issue of sanctions against Iran and Russia’s influence in Eastern Europe, but I hope to stand up to Moscow, without resorting to restrictive measures. He said that he would like to wait for the completion of the investigation, which the Senate intelligence Committee is the alleged influence of Russia on elections of the President of the United States. Corker said that the Senate is going to wait, but in the future, against Russia may be introduced new restrictions. Did not agree with Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who in 2016, lost to Donald Trump in the primaries of the Republican party. According to

In North Korea called the exercises of the USA in South Korea the impetus for nuclear war

In North Korea called the exercises of the USA in South Korea the impetus for nuclear war Pyongyang sharply commented on the actions of American bombers in South Korea as part of the exercise with the country’s air force, reports Reuters, citing the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA). “This reckless military provocation that pushes the situation on the Korean Peninsula to the brink of nuclear war”, — reads the statement of the KCNA. The Agency reported that the US bombers conducted exercises for dropping bombs on key North Korean facilities. According to the Agency, two B-1B Lancer was sent to South Korea with the military air base on the island of GUAM in the Pacific ocean, where he spent training with the South Korean pilots. 29 April, Pyongyang conducted an unsuccessful test of a ballistic missile. The US has no diplomatic relations with the DPRK. Last week, U.S. Secretary

In Russia warned NATO about the consequences if the accession of Norway to the Alliance

Photo: Flickr / U.S. Department of Defense Russia will take a serious response to possible deployment of the European missile defense system in Norway. This was stated by Russian Ambassador to Norway Teimuraz Ramishvili in an interview with the newspaper Dagbladet. The Ambassador asked what would be the reaction if Norway will deploy a NATO missile defense system. “We will follow the answer, not only Norway, but all the NATO bloc,” – said the Russian diplomat. According to him, Norway and Russia must engage in dialogue and to be good neighbors. However, Oslo refuses to discuss the issues of European missile defense. “It’s very sad,” said Ramishvili. Earlier, the Norwegian authorities have stated that they are ready to participate in the creation of the European missile defense system. The country has modern frigates and radar systems that can be upgraded and included in the missile defense system.

The Kremlin confirmed the information about the upcoming telephone conversation between Putin and trump

© Alexei Nikolsky/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, 2 may. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov confirmed to TASS that the graph of the head of the Russian state of the planned telephone conversation U.S. President Donald trump. “Yes, we affirm,” said he when asked to comment on the corresponding message out of Washington, citing the White house. The press service of the American leader said that trump intends to hold a telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin. According to her, this is expected to occur at 12:30 local time (19:30 GMT). The leaders of the two States to date have not conducted personal meetings, but a few times spoke on the phone. In the schedule of the Russian President on may 2, will hold talks in Sochi with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The majority of Russians support Le Pen as a candidate for the French presidency

The majority of Russians support Le Pen as a candidate for the French presidency MOSCOW, may 2 — RIA Novosti. Of the two candidates reaching the second round of presidential elections in France, more than 60% of Russians sympathize with the leader of the party “national front” marine Le Pen, her opponent, former economy Minister Emmanuel Macron support 8%, the survey showed the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM). A nationwide survey “polls-Sputnik” was held on 25-26 April 2017 among 1.2 thousand respondents by telephone interviews. The statistical error does not exceed 3.5%. Among the candidates for the presidency of France most recognizable in Russia, according to the survey, was marine Le Pen, have heard about it or know 71% of respondents. Second place recognition was shared by françois Fillon and Emmanuel macron — heard about them every second Russian (52% and 50%, respectively). Name Jean-Luc Mélenchon are

Medvedev approved requirements to ensure transport security

Medvedev approved requirements to ensure transport security Moscow. May 2. INTERFAX.RU Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on approval of the requirements to ensure transport security, including protection from terrorists. “The document establishes requirements to ensure transport security, including requirements to anti-terrorist security of objects (territories), taking into account security levels for different categories of transport infrastructure objects of railway transport and vehicles of railway transport,” — said in the text of the decree published on the government website. The document is obligatory for execution by subjects of transport infrastructure and carriers. Requirements take effect from 1 July 2017.

The armed opposition has confirmed its participation in the talks in Astana

The armed opposition has confirmed its participation in the talks in Astana The arrival of opposition members is expected within a few hours. ASTANA, 2 may. /TASS/. The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan received confirmation about the participation of armed Syrian opposition in the next round of talks on Syria in Astana. On Tuesday, said Deputy foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Tleuberdi. “Yes, confirmed. We expect that their arrival should be within a few hours,” said Tleuberdi, answering the question about possible participation of the Syrian opposition in the talks. According to him, “all who were invited had confirmed their participation”. Observers at the talks Tleuberdi also said that the foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan has received confirmation of the participation as observers of representatives of the UN, the US and Jordan at the international meeting on Syria in Astana. “Observers at the talks all the same. Will arrive high-ranking

In Crimea, pointed out the error in a promotional video of Ukraine to

Photo: RIA Novosti In a promotional video of Ukraine to the song contest “Eurovision-2017” includes the monument, as if someone wanted to give back, said the Vice-Premier of the Crimean government — Minister of internal policy, information and communication Crimea Dmitry Polonsky. Ukraine has unveiled a promotional video to the song contest “Eurovision-2017”, where among its attractions were shown, including monuments of the Crimea — in particular, the castle “swallow’s nest”. The clip is called Come to Ukraine to celebrate diversity (“Come celebrate diversity”). “There is a saying: “even Though the eye sees, but the tooth is itching”. Here is the same story. Exactly the same situation. How much would you want it nor looked at it all, this beauty belong to them it will never happen. They would like it to be them, but it’s not them. And the fact that they put in a movie and thus once