Putin said that the relationship with Turkey is restored

Putin said that the relationship with Turkey is restored Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday began talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that he welcomes the opportunity to discuss key issues on the international agenda, including the situation in Syria. “Our relations are developing as we planned. And it is good that we have the opportunity so, in absolutely operating mode, to meet, to speak on key issues of bilateral cooperation and on the key issues on the international agenda. Including so acute as the Syrian crisis,” Putin said. According to him, the fact of such a mode of operation said that bilateral relations have a special status and complete format recover. Putin’s meeting with Erdogan takes place in the residence “Bocharov Stream” in Sochi, where the Russian President received German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The leaders of Russia and Turkey in addition to a wide range of issues

Russian ambassadors have identified an armed guard after the murder of Charles

Photo: RIA Novosti The number of countries allocated a personal armed security supervisor of Russian embassies and diplomatic missions at the request of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. As reported “Газете.Ru” in a press-service of the Russian foreign Ministry, it was made after the assassination of the Russian Ambassador in Turkey Andrey Karlov. “After the terrorist attack in Ankara, the number of States at our request, gave to the heads of Russian diplomatic missions personal armed escorts. Also made the necessary contacts between special services to ensure the safety of diplomats” – said in the Ministry. The Russian foreign Ministry stressed that with the emergence of potential threats diplomatic missions are taken under the strengthened protection of police. The Ministry noted that the basis for the physical protection of embassies and consulates is the duty of the commandants service, which is increasingly formed by specially trained military guards. “For the

The CEC of the Russian Federation recalled that persons convicted of serious charges may not stand

Secretary of the Central election Commission of the Russian Federation Maya Grishina © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, may 3. /TASS/. Convicted for grave and especially grave articles of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation are not eligible to nominate for election. About this provision of the law said the Secretary of the CEC Maya Grishina of Russia, commenting on the prospect of participation in the presidential campaign of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. On Wednesday, the Kirov regional court upheld the conviction of Alexei Navalny and Peter Ofitserova businessman convicted in the case of embezzlement of funds of the company “Kirovles” for 5 years and 4 years imprisonment respectively. The sentence came into legal force. “Without regard to any persons, Russian citizens are not eligible to be elected if they are convicted to imprisonment for committing grave and especially grave crimes and have a day of voting in elections and unwithdrawn

In Sochi started the negotiations Putin and Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President of Russia Vladimir Putin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS SOCHI, may 3. /TASS/. The opportunity to discuss the Syrian crisis demonstrates the full restoration of relations between Russia and Turkey. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, opening the meeting with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a narrow format. “It is good that we have the opportunity here, in operation, to meet, to speak on key issues of bilateral cooperation and major issues of the international agenda, including in such acute as the Syrian crisis, the President said. – The fact of such a mode of our collaboration suggests that Russian-Turkish relations have a special character in the complete format recover”.

US military aircraft to reconnoiter the situation at the borders of the Russian Federation on the Baltic sea

US military aircraft to reconnoiter the situation at the borders of the Russian Federation on the Baltic sea Moscow. May 3. INTERFAX.RU — Two U.S. warplanes on Wednesday carried out another reconnaissance flights on the borders of the Kaliningrad region. This is evidenced by data from Western sites, tracking movement of military aviation. According to them, the patrol anti-submarine aircraft of the US Navy P-8A Poseidon tail number and call sign 168762 TALON83 taking off from Ramstein air base in Germany, three hours was a reconnaissance marine borders of the Kaliningrad region, performing a flight along the coast at a height of 4.5 thousand meters. In some moments the American plane was approaching the Russian coast at a distance of 35-40 km. At the same time on Wednesday, strategic reconnaissance aircraft, the U.S. air force RC-135W tail number and call sign 62-4139 VELVA58, rising from the air base Mildenhall in

Russia will write off Kyrgyzstan’s debt of $240 million

Russia will write off Kyrgyzstan’s debt of $240 million MOSCOW, may 3 — PRIME. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree which approved a one-time write-off of Russia’s debt on loans to Kyrgyzstan in the amount of $ 240 million, should be published on the official portal of legal information of the document. “As of March 30, 2017, the amount of debt of the Kyrgyz side to the Russian side … is 240 million dollars … 100% of the amount of debt of the Kyrgyz side to the Russian side … are subject to non-recurring write-off of the date of entry into force of this Protocol”, — stated in the message. It is noted that the cancellation is made within the framework of Russian official development assistance to Kyrgyzstan. Moscow and Bishkek in 2012 signed an intergovernmental agreement on the settlement of debt totaling some 500 million dollars. The document

The court upheld the sentence Navalny in the case of “Kirovles”

The court upheld the sentence Navalny in the case of “Kirovles” KIROV, may 3 — RIA Novosti. Kirov regional court on Wednesday upheld a 5-year suspended sentence Alexei Navalny on charges of embezzling more than 16 million rubles of the company “Kirovles”, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. In addition, the court upheld the lower court decision to forcibly deliver the Bulk process in the Leninsky district court of Kirov, as the opposition has repeatedly missed meetings without valid reason. According to investigators, Alexei Navalny and businessman Pyotr Ofitserov organized a supply agreement with forestry unitary enterprise “Kirovles” on obviously unprofitable conditions for the latter, and then spent transferred under this agreement, the timber 16.1 million rubles. Earlier the court during the retrial found Navalny guilty and sentenced to five years probation. The first sentence Navalny on the case (also five years ‘probation) was cancelled by the

Putin signed the law on the transfer of public sector employees by the card “the World”

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed the law on gradual transition public sector employees and pensioners in the Russian payment card “the World”. The document was published on the official the official site of legal information on Monday, may 1. According to the law, all credit institutions until July 1, 2017 must provide a receipt at ATMs instruments of the national payment system cards, “Peace”, transfers “Prime”. In addition, all state employees must be transferred to the payment card “the World” until July 1, 2018. Pensioners will be able to obtain the card “the World” instead of already previously released cards until July 1, 2020. In February, the Bank of Russia approved the proposal of “United Russia” on transfer of state employees and retirees on a “World”. Mandatory transfer to the card “the World” had also approved the Ministry of Finance.

Find out where the grants the Foundation has allocated $10 million for projects in Russia

Photo: Reuters As RT found out, the national endowment for democracy, NED funded by the Federal American Agency USAID, in 2016 allocated activists in Russia more than $10 million the Money went to the implementation of 108 projects on the territory of Russia. Documents NED says the grants are aimed at fighting corruption, support of minorities and the protection of human rights. Recipient names are not disclosed. Fighters with corruption National endowment for democracy (National Endowment for Democracy, NED), which operates on the American taxpayers ‘ money, allocated last year more than $10 million for 108 projects in Russia. This amount has doubled compared to the year 2015: then NED sent Russian activists, human rights defenders and Champions of corruption $4.7 million for 77 projects. As noted in the report of the Fund, in 2016, the NED provided more than $53 thousand on a project to support the anti-corruption website,

In the Federation Council proposed to deprive of Russians of self-employed full pension

In the Federation Council proposed to deprive of Russians of self-employed full pension For self-employed Russians can be created certain conditions that will cause them to think about what is more profitable — to pay taxes or continue to work only for themselves. Among such measures it is proposed to include a ban on travel abroad and the deprivation of the full pension, said Senator Valery Ryazansky. For self-employed Russians have not legalized their relationship with the state, can be created certain conditions that will cause them to think about what is more profitable — to pay taxes or continue to work only for themselves. Among these measures it is proposed to include a ban on travel abroad and the deprivation of the full pension. This was reported by “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on social policy Valery Ryazan. However, he noted that the government will not