It became known about one more dead in Syria, the Russian military

It became known about one more dead in Syria, the Russian military Moscow. May 3. INTERFAX.RU IN Syria killed a Russian soldier Bogdan Derevitsky from Bratsk (Irkutsk region), said Wednesday in a press-service of a city administration of Bratsk. “In Syria, he passed military service under the contract”, — said the press service. Wednesday in Bratsk held a farewell ceremony for the dead. The ceremony was attended by the leadership of the city and representatives of the command of the Eastern military district. Previously, the newspaper “Kommersant”, citing official figures reported that as of April 11, in Syria killed 30 Russian soldiers. On may 2, the defense Ministry reported that in Syria the shelling militants killed a Russian military adviser, Lieutenant Colonel Alexei buchelnikov. The Russian military operation in Syria is from September 30, 2015.

Gryzlov: in the events of may 2 in Odessa to blame those who indulged Ukrainian radicals

Photo: RIA Novosti Plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Federation in the Contact group on settling the situation in Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov blamed the tragedy in Odessa gave the freedom of action of right-wing groups. He said this to journalists, commenting on the third anniversary of the events in Odessa on 2 may 2014. “Today is the third anniversary of the tragic events in Odessa. On this day the whole world learned of the brutal crime, which killed at least 50 people. So far there is no clear-cut information about the results of the investigation, although we know exactly who is responsible for this crime, who gave the freedom of action of right-wing groups responsible for the death of people”, – said Gryzlov. In Odessa on 2 may 2014, the radical “Right sector” (organization recognized as extremist in Russia) and the so-called “self-Maidan” burned the tent city on the Kulikovo field,

Putin and Merkel summed up the results of negotiations in Sochi

Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel summed up the results of the negotiations. Among the topics covered – the development of bilateral relations, the situation in Syria, the armed conflict in Ukraine, the fight against international terrorism. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “Speaking about the situation in bilateral trade, we welcomed the emerging growth of the trade turnover: in January-February volume increased by 43%. I note that Germany is the largest buyer of Russian natural gas deliveries from Russia cover almost 35% of the needs of the German market”, — said Putin. The German Chancellor has called “a constructive partner” and noted the intensity of the ongoing negotiations. Putin and Merkel expressed concern over the situation in Ukraine. The two leaders stressed that the work in Normandy format to continue. “Agreed that among the main tasks should be the breeding of forces and means of the parties to the conflict

Putin rejected criticism of police actions at meetings

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected the West’s criticism against the actions of Russian law enforcement agencies at the meetings, the head of state said that they are acting within the law and this will continue. “About the protests in Russia and behavior of our authorities — we discussed this with the Federal Chancellor. I drew her attention, and so I want to draw attention to the fact that Russian law enforcement agencies behave much more restrained and liberal than their counterparts in some European countries, where used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators and batons. Yet, thank God, it was not necessary”, — said Putin after talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “Our law enforcement and judicial bodies operate within the framework of the applicable law and will act on, keeping order, discipline, but also the rights of all citizens of Russia to Express to Express their

The FBI Director has called Russia the biggest threat of the possible

The FBI Director has called Russia the biggest threat of the possible James Komi Republic is convinced that Russia is still actively trying to influence us policy, convinced last year that her methods work. Moscow. May 3. INTERFAX.RU — the Director of the FBI, James Comey, believes that Russia poses a major threat. According to him, Russia “is the biggest threat of all on Earth, on the basis of its intentions and capabilities.” Statement of Komi was made at the Senate hearings, during which was again considered the question of Russia’s influence in the 2016 elections in the United States. According to CNN, the FBI Director was asked pointed questions about what Russia allegedly interfered in the course of American elections. Komi said that Russia is “encouraged by the outcome of last year’s election, and to this day actively trying to influence American policy.” “I think one of the lessons

Topilin: the regionalization of the minimum wage will not

Topilin: the regionalization of the minimum wage will not Labor Minister of the Russian Federation noted that the size of the minimum wage when it is increased to the subsistence minimum will be uniform for the whole country. Labor Minister Maxim Topilin said that the regional differentiation of the minimum wage (SMIC) during his increase to the minimum wage will not. That was the idea, we discussed it, weighed the pros and cons, but abandoned it, decided to leave a single minimum wage.Maxim Topelement of labour and social protection On the eve of Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said that the Cabinet rejected the idea of regionalisation of the minimum wage. Earlier, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the ministries of labour, Finance and economic development to develop a bill that increases the minimum wage to a living wage. Today the minimum Wage in Russia amounted to 7.5 thousand rubles, from

Mei announced the termination of activities of the Parliament of great Britain

Mei announced the termination of activities of the Parliament of great Britain After 36 days, the country will choose a new government and a new Prime Minister. LONDON, may 3. /Offset. TASS Maxim Ryzhkov/. The current composition of the house of Commons of the British Parliament ceased operations. This was announced by Prime-Minister Theresa may at the conclusion of his visit to Queen Elizabeth II, at a meeting at which was agreed the issue of the dissolution of the lower house of Parliament in connection with the conduct of 8 June early General elections. The Parliament formed in 2015, has now completed its work, and after 36 days, the country will choose a new government and a new Prime Minister.Teresa Maglawa the UK government According to may, whoever wins the upcoming election, he will face the paramount task of achieving the best for the UK agreement talks with the EU

Pushkov told about those who are behind the times by 30 years

Photo: RIA Novosti The Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on information policy Alexei Pushkov said that America is no longer a third world economy. Such an entry he posted on his personal Twitter page. Pushkov says that in the moment the United States is 14.5 percent of the world economy. A third of the world economy accounted for by the United States in 1985. According to Pushkov, all the people who still live with such notions, and behind the times for 30 years. USA no longer a third world economy, and 14.5%. A third of them were in 1985. Those who live these views are behind the times for 30 years. — Alexei Pushkov (@Alexey_Pushkov) may 2, 2017. Earlier it was reported that Alexei Pushkov called the cynicism the statement of the Minister of Commerce Wilbur Ross on the impact on Syria of 7 April.

Russia and Turkey will remove almost all trade restrictions

Russia and Turkey will remove almost all trade restrictions In effect will be a ban on the import of Turkish tomatoes, which will operate as long as the Russian manufacturers will not pay back investments made in connection with the closing of the market. Moscow. May 3. INTERFAX.RU — Russia and Turkey during the talks in Sochi have agreed to withdraw all trade restrictions except for a ban on imports of Turkish tomatoes. This was stated at a press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference after talks with Recep Tayyip Erdogan. You asked when it will be possible to say that the limitations that arose some time ago, taken: to say about that today. We agreed on a comprehensive solution of all these problems associated with restrictions.Vladimir Putin “We believe that any restrictions destroy the economy, harm the end up our producers,” — said the Russian President.

In the US, an influential group of senators has drafted a bill to resolve the crisis in Venezuela

In the US, an influential group of senators has drafted a bill to resolve the crisis in Venezuela An influential group of senators from both parties will submit to the Congress a massive bill on measures to resolve the Venezuelan crisis, including sanctions against fighters with democracy, reports Reuters with reference to sources among the assistants to the senators. Also, these congressmen call on President Donald trump to make infrastructure in the US could not pass under the control of “Rosneft”. In 2016, the Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA used it owned a 49.9% stake in the U.S. Citgo Holding Inc. to ensure obligations to Rosneft. In January 2017, it became known that ConocoPhillips filed in the court of the state of Delaware a lawsuit against PDVSA, challenging the legitimacy of this transaction. From the claim it follows that the asset was collateral for the loan from the Russian company