Media: the US administration has set a goal to eliminate the leadership of the DPRK

Media: the US administration has set a goal to eliminate the leadership of the DPRK According to the government newspaper of the DPRK, “Chosun mingzhu”, it is provided was developed by Washington, “the military strategy aimed against the people’s Republic.” PYONGYANG, may 4. /Offset. TASS Yuri Sidorov/. The white house is committed to regime change in Pyongyang. This is stated in the article, published in the official newspaper of the DPRK, “Chosun mingzhu”. According to the publication, the administration of President Donald trump “considers its main objective the elimination of the leadership of the DPRK in the framework developed by the United States military strategy against the people’s Republic.” In this regard, the newspaper warns that “a powerful revolutionary army of the DPRK will deal merciless blows at slightest US attempts to insult the dignity of the Supreme leadership of the country.” In Pyongyang, according to the article, believe that

Ukraine will appeal against the decision of Interpol on the removal from search of Yanukovych

Ukraine will appeal against the decision of Interpol on the removal from search of Yanukovych The Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine has declared intention to appeal against the decision of Interpol on the withdrawal from the international wanted list ex-the President Victor Yanukovych. This was announced by the head of the Department of special investigation Sergey Gorbatyuk, reports the portal The decision about deleting files with a red card for international investigation of Yanukovych was adopted by the Commission for control over files Interpol in early March. In law enforcement bodies of Ukraine the information about this came at the end of April. The decision of Interpol “motivated by existing weaknesses of the Ukrainian legislation on election of a preventive measure in respect of wanted persons and suspect status”. After processing these findings might be taken the decision on amendments to existing legislation, said the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

During the dispersal of protests in Caracas 161 people have been injured

During the dispersal of protests in Caracas 161 people have been injured During the dispersal of anti-government demonstrations in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas, 161 people have been injured, according to El Universal, citing the head of the municipality of Chacao, ramón Muchacho. According to him, the injured protesters suffered from tear gas or blows with blunt objects. Currently, all the wounded continue to seek help in medical institutions. In addition, during protests over the past day were killed a teenager. “Confirmed information about the death of 17-year-old Armando Canizales killed by the National guard on the bridge between Las Mercedes and highway Fajardo,” — said in a Twitter Deputy of the National Assembly josé Manuel Olivares. This week Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced the convening of a Constitutional Assembly, a body able to amend the country’s Constitution and the current political system. Thus, the President is trying to regain

For Syria will look into four zones

For Syria will look into four zones Russia proposes to create in Syria’s four security zones. This was yesterday in talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared Russian President Vladimir Putin a day earlier to discuss this initiative with the head of the White house Donald trump. According to the Russian leader, the appearance of these zones will help to stop the bloodshed in Syria will help launch political dialogue. The Russian authorities hope that the Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation will be signed today in Astana during the new round of inter-Syrian negotiations in which in addition to Russia, representatives of two more intermediary countries (Turkey and Iran). From the draft document at the disposal of “Kommersant”, in particular, it follows that on the boundary line around areas of security can be posted foreign troops. The opinions of respondents ‘ b ‘ experts about the

The government has published the results of execution of the may decrees Putin

The government has published the results of execution of the may decrees Putin MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. The government on Thursday published the results of execution of the may decrees of the President 2012, in particular, in the sphere of development of the Armed forces and the modernization of the military-industrial complex. “As of 7 April 2017 completed and removed from the control of the control Directorate of the President of the 12 orders,” — said in the message. It is also noted that the Cabinet of Ministers continues to monitor the progress of equipping the armed forces with modern weapons, military and special equipment. By 2020, according to the presidential decree, their share should be increased to 70%. The government also continues to implement orders of the President about the priority development of nuclear deterrence forces, aerospace defence, precision weapons and the Navy — primarily in the

Russia has refused to give Gorbachev a subpoena Vilnius

Photo: RIA Novosti Moscow has decided not to present the agenda to the ex-President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev summoned to the Vilnius district court as the witness on the case about the events of 13 January 1991 in Lithuania. Vilnius regional court has received from the Ministry of justice of Lithuania a notification that the Ministry of justice of Russia refuses to hand over documents – subpoena – Mikhail Gorbachev, reports “Interfax”. Moscow explained this by the fact that the Treaty between Russia and Lithuania, there is a provision under which legal aid is not provided if it could harm the sovereignty, security or is contrary to the basic legislative principles of the state. Gorbachev himself said that not going in person or in absentia to participate in the trial. The judge of the Vilnius regional court, Ignore Cornelia Macavine in January 2017, said that Gorbachev received a summons,

The Cabinet has published a report on the results of the implementation of “may decrees” of the President

© Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. The Russian government has published on its website information about the results of the implementation of the may decrees of the President from 2012 in 11 areas of economic, social, defense and public policy. The relevant departments have led them in the performance of its work on the development of Federal laws and normative acts, and statistical data for specific areas. 4 may the President of Russia Vladimir Putin will hold in the Kremlin a joint meeting of the State Council and the Commission on monitoring of achievement of target indicators socially-economic development of the country. The Commission was formed to monitor the implementation of the tasks set in the may decrees of the head of state in 2012. Discussion will be on the three clusters of issues: the provision of public and municipal services through a network of

“Spirit of destruction” and “war against all”: how was the debate Rules and Le Pen

“Spirit of destruction” and “war against all”: how was the debate Rules and Le Pen MOSCOW, may 4 — RIA Novosti. France held a debate between candidates for the presidency Emmanuel Macron and marine Le Pen. The teams have dedicated the lion’s share of airtime to the discussion of internal problems of the country, referring, however, issues of terrorism and foreign policy. Mutual accusations and the “spirit of defeat” In contrast to the “spirit of defeat”, which, according to Macron, represent the French extreme right, he wants to see “spirit of victory” and triumph of France. Macron recalled that France “has always been successful, because French is spoken around the world, the French culture is known all over the world.” Le Pen stressed that, in contrast to his opponent, is a “popular” candidate. She noted that the French can see the “true nature” of the Macron, which, in her words,

Makron defeated Le Pen in debates, showed survey data

Makron defeated Le Pen in debates, showed survey data PARIS, may 4 — RIA Novosti. The founder of the movement “Forward” Emmanuel macron has prevailed during the televised debate with the leader of the party “national front” marine Le Pen before the second round of presidential elections in France, according to a survey conducted by the research Institute Elabe for TV channel BFMTV. According to the survey, the Makron, the preference was given to 63% of television viewers, Le Pen 34%. Another 3% did not answer the question. The study involved 1314 people, selected on a sample basis. Macron also won the poll on the website of the newspaper Le Figaro: 64% vs 36% (24.3 thousand voters). The first round of presidential elections was held on 23 April, according to its results the best from 24.01% of the vote was the macron, Le Pen finished next with 21.3%. The second