Putin has warned governors against attempts at deception to report on the implementation of “may decrees”

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned governors against attempts to comply with the terms of performance “may decrees” to the detriment of the quality of the work and deception of the people in this area. Summing up the results of the joint meeting of the state Council and the Commission to monitor the implementation of the “may decrees” the President called to listen to the report of the head of the Executive Committee of the Russian popular front (onf), Alexey Anisimov, who reported on the cases of resettlement of citizens from emergency housing in a substandard home and brought other examples of unsatisfactory performance.

French prosecutors opened a case about attack information on the Macron

French prosecutors opened a case about attack information on the Macron After the address of Emmanuel Macron, the French Prosecutor’s office launched an investigation in connection with spread information that the candidate owns in offshore accounts. Macron denies it and suggests that for the publication about this can be responsible for supporters of marine Le Pen. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Prosecutors in France said that she received a complaint from the party of “Forward!” and the candidate in presidents of Emmanuel Macron on distributed social networks is evidence that the macron holds the account in the offshore, according to Reuters. The source in the Ministry told the news Agency that the investigation has already begun. However, officially, the Prosecutor’s office confirmed only the presence of complaints from the headquarters of Macron. It gave no indication of a specific person, said the Prosecutor’s office. Publication about the offshore accounts of Him appeared on the

At the talks in Astana adopted a Memorandum on the security zones in Syria

At the talks in Astana adopted a Memorandum on the security zones in Syria ASTANA, may 4 — RIA Novosti. The participants of the negotiations in Astana signed a Memorandum on the four security zones in Syria, the ceremony was interrupted by representatives of the Syrian opposition, the correspondent of RIA Novosti. Initially, that participants of the talks on Syria adopted a Memorandum, a spokesman for the foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan. Later signatures under the document were put by representatives of countries-guarantors — Russia, Iran and Turkey. As the correspondent of RIA Novosti, the ceremony is interrupted by the cries of the opposition, some opposition members left the hall of negotiations, a large part of the opposition left the hall. In Astana on may 3-4 held talks on Syria with the participation of the guarantor countries — Russia, Iran, Turkey and the U.S., the UN, the Syrian government and the

Navalny issued passport

Navalny issued passport Politician Alexei Navalny said on receipt of the passport. He wrote about this in his blog. He added that he is now able to examined in one of the European clinics, which specializiruetsya eye burns. The politician said that the passport did not give him for five years. According to Navalny, the Russian doctors advised him to go to specialized clinics, given the fact that the policy could face a corneal transplant. He added that the measurement of vision before showed 15% remaining vision in my right eye. “But there is a chance, will be treated,” — said the politician. Attack on Alexey Navalny occurred April 27 outside his Moscow office of the Fund of struggle against corruption (FBK). Unknown splashed him in the face with green paint. After that, the policy was diagnosed with a chemical burn of the eye. Later, on may 2, Navalny said

The defense Ministry has posted a new photo red and striped Sergei Ivanovich

Photo: official page of the Ministry of defense of Russia in Facebook The defense Ministry announced the name of the cat who participated in the campaign of Russian ships to the shores of Syria. Appropriate post posted on page offices in Facebook. “Mediterranean campaign “sailor” Sergei Ivanovich, on Board guard missile cruiser “Moskva”,” — noted in the publication. The social network has also appeared a few new photos of red striped pet. One of the photos he beats bottles — rings the bell (this is, in particular, to indicate the time). According to “Moskovsky Komsomolets” Sergey Ivanovich — the name and patronymic of the commander of the “Moscow”. “The cat is a native of Sebastopol was curious — in good weather, walked on the deck and often attended the morning constructions”, — the newspaper notes. After Facebook, the Ministry of defence appeared the first picture of this cat, users have

Putin meeting with Erdogan made a joke about the reluctance of the Turkish delegation to work

Photo: kremlin.EN The President of Russia Vladimir Putin before the talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan mocked members of his delegation, which did not immediately managed to find a place to sit. On Wednesday, may 3, RIA Novosti reported. “Don’t want your work”, — said the Russian leader. After a few seconds, after this delay the negotiations started. Conversation Putin and Erdogan held in Sochi residence “Bocharov Ruchey”. It is noted that the heads of state will discuss topical international and regional problems relating to the joint fight against terrorism and settlement of the Syrian crisis. Also we will focus on the construction of the pipeline “Turkish stream” and the lifting of restrictions of Ankara for delivery of Russian grain. Shortly before the meeting with Putin, erdoğan said he intends to ask his Russian counterpart to expedite the process of removing trade restrictions imposed by Moscow against Ankara

Human rights activists have requested a video examination by the doctors Nepomnyashchikh

Photo: RIA Novosti Human rights officially requested the records from surveillance cameras of prison №1 of Yaroslavl to ensure that prisoners, including the defendant in the “Bolotnaya case” Ivan the forgetful, indeed, were examined by doctors, the human rights Fund “Public verdict”. Ivan Sciences and two convicts – Ruslan Vagapov and Evgeny Makarov said about his beating at the colony on April 21. The European court of human rights on April 28 ordered Russia to conduct an independent medical examination of prisoners. According to human rights activists, medical examination should take place in their presence. According to the Federal penitentiary service in the region, April 28 at the colony arrived independent Commission of the Yaroslavl doctors employees of hospitals №10 and №7. Doctors described the condition of prisoners as satisfactory, injuries not identified. Moreover, the representatives of protection for medical tests, according to them, was not invited. “We have officially

Putin has instructed to start the mechanism of resettlement of dilapidated housing from 1 January 2019

© Valery sharifulin/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to develop a permanent mechanism for the resettlement of dilapidated housing and run it from 1 January 2019. “I instruct the government together with the regions to develop ongoing mechanisms for the resettlement of dilapidated housing and run them from January 1, 2019, and for the transition period, propose to extend the work of the Fund of housing and communal services, which overall has proved its efficiency”, – said the head of state at a joint meeting of the State Council and the Commission on monitoring of achievement of target indicators socially-economic development of the country.

Putin discussed the issue of resettlement of emergency housing and appraised the implementation of “may decrees”

© Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a joint meeting of the State Council and the Commission on monitoring of achievement of target indicators socially-economic development of the Russian Federation discussed with the participants the problem of resettlement of dilapidated housing, the implementation of the may decrees and the delivery of social and public services. The head of state urged to actively consider the opinions of citizens and communities on these issues. Separately, he noted the positive impact of public control on the part of the Russian popular front and other social organizations for the implementation of “may decrees” in the regions and evaluation of the quality of social services. “May decrees” Putin pointed out that although the implementation of “may decrees” gave new impetus to positive changes in the most sensitive for citizens, such as health, education,

Surkov: don’t cry for me, Ukraine

Vladislav Surkov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. The Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov with irony reacted to an active discussion in social networks photos taken by journalists during his recent visit to Russia by Chancellor Angela Merkel. Users were surprised by its thinness and “unhealthy.” However, as reported on his page on Facebook Director of the Center for political conjuncture Alexei Chesnakov, with Surkov’s all good. “Was now Surkov. He last night returned from Sochi. Looks great. Healthy. My question about the strange photo and the violent reaction of the Ukrainian media with the usual sarcasm said, “don’t cry for me, Ukraine!”, – wrote Chesnakov. According to the analyst, the photo was a result of unflattering angles and lighting. “By the way, normal images from official archives, which are found in the network,” he said.