The foreign Ministry called

Photo: RIA Novosti Kosovo “quasi-state” is the main source of regional instability, according to published comments by the Russian foreign Ministry. The Russian foreign Ministry drew attention to the “aggressive statements of the Kosovo Albanian odious figure (Ramush) Haradinaj in Belgrade and the Serbian leadership”. According to media reports, Haradinaj after his release by the court of France has threatened the Serbs with deportation, stating that “Albanians must specify the place to the enemy and do the same thing that made the Croats”. In Moscow found unacceptable the lack of adequate response from the patrons of Pristina, particularly the EU and the United States, such “unbridled extremist statements”. “We regret that such a development, the discharge of the passions one would expect in light of the decision of the French court, ignored the legitimate request of the Serbian side liberated and Haradinaj, who is accused of committing many abductions, rapes

Trump has allowed religious groups to support politicians

Trump has allowed religious groups to support politicians Moscow. May 4. INTERFAX.RU — U.S. President Donald trump on Thursday signed a decree aimed at “the expansion of religious freedom and freedom of speech” in the United States, reports USA Today. “Today I signed a decree that will protect religious freedom and freedom of speech in America,” said trump before signing the Executive order on the White house lawn. Today, our administration is an example of making historic steps to protect religious freedom in the United States, we will never support religious discrimination.Donald Trump The decree signed by trump, will cancel the effect of the so-called “the Johnson amendment” passed by US President Lyndon Johnson in 1954, and prohibiting churches and religious groups to directly support political candidates. The group of American human rights activists and the LGBT community have condemned the decree, saying it will result in greater discrimination against

Philip politically incorrect: the scandalous remarks of the Prince

Philip politically incorrect: the scandalous remarks of the Prince The Duke of Edinburgh are known for their reckless and often very politically incorrect remarks. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Russian service Bi-bi-si has made is not a complete collection of statements of Prince Philip, which made many people feel uncomfortable. 1965 The exhibition of primitive art of the ancient Ethiopians, the Prince muttered: “something like this could bring my daughter with a school lesson on the fine arts”. 1966 The Duke made a lot of noise, publicly claiming that “British women can’t cook”. 1967 Answering the question if he would like to visit the Soviet Union: I would love to go to Russia, although those bastards and killed half my family. The Greek Royal family, of which Prince Philip had numerous family ties with the Russian Imperial house: in particular, his grandmother on the paternal side, nee Olga Romanova, was the daughter of Grand

The senators withdrew the bill on the prohibition of advertising with a map of Russia without the Crimea

The senators withdrew the bill on the prohibition of advertising with a map of Russia without the Crimea The members of the Federation Council Olga Cowicide and Sergei Tsekov withdrew the bill on the prohibition of advertising with a picture of Russian map without Crimea and Sevastopol. “When they began to work on it, I realized that this problem is much broader and requires a more detailed explanation,” — said Tsekov. The members of the Federation Council Olga Cowicide and Sergei Tsekov withdrew the bill on the prohibition of advertising with a picture of Russian map without Crimea and Sevastopol. This is recorded in the parliamentary database of the legislative activity. “We made a bill, but when they began to work on it, I realized that this problem is much broader and requires a more detailed explanation,” — said Tsekov in an interview with TASS on Thursday, may 4. The

Kadyrov has appointed a new head of administration and head of government of Chechnya

Photo: RIA Novosti The new head of administration of head and government of Chechnya appointed Vakhit Usmaev, who held the post of head of the Secretariat of the President. This Ramzan Kadyrov said on his page on Instagram. “As the head of administration of head and government CHR has appointed the Hero of Russia of Vakhit Usmaev worked in the last time the head of Secretariat the head of the Chechen Republic. Vakhit Usmaev is a veteran team, founded by the first President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia Akhmat-Hajji Kadyrov. He for ten years he commanded a regiment PPSM named after Hero of Russia Akhmat-Hajji Kadyrov, directed hundreds of special operations, was awarded the order of Kadyrov, three orders of Courage, is an honorary citizen of the Chechen Republic”, – Kadyrov wrote. Osmaev also has experience as Secretary of the Council of economic and social security and head

Venezuela’s Parliament intends to stop the country’s withdrawal from the Organization of American States

Venezuela’s Parliament intends to stop the country’s withdrawal from the Organization of American States The President of Venezuela at the end of April said that the country will never return to the regional bloc. WASHINGTON, may 4. /TASS/. The Venezuelan national Assembly, under the control of the opposition, will hamper the country’s exit from the Organization of American States (OAS). This was stated in the capital of the United States, the speaker of Parliament Julio Borges following the meeting with Secretary General of the regional bloc Luis Almagro. In late April, Venezuela sent Almagro signed by President Nicolas Maduro’s official statement that it was leaving the OAS. “We came here to slow down the exit of Venezuela from the OAS, we present the documents which suspend this process — quoted Borges electronic version of the newspaper El Nacional. — As you know, (President) Nicolas Maduro made the unilateral decision to

Austria gathered to strengthen border controls despite the Schengen rules

Austria gathered to strengthen border controls despite the Schengen rules Moscow. May 4. INTERFAX.RU — the Austrian Government intends to amend the rules of movement within the Schengen area and extend the borders of the country. Earlier this week the European Commission recommended that Austria, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Norway in the next six months to gradually cancel temporarily put some control on the internal borders of the Schengen area. In addition, the European Commission advised the member States to resort to “other measures that could provide the same level of security, in particular, to a proportional police control in border areas and along important transportation corridors”. “If the European Commission now says that the strengthening of control measures at borders after November, it is impossible for legal reasons, so we have to adapt the law and thus provide for additional control measures,” — said on Thursday to journalists the

Artist Peter Pavlensky received political asylum in France

Artist Peter Pavlensky received political asylum in France MOSCOW, may 4. /TASS/. A Russian artist-actionist Peter Pavlensky received political asylum in France. This was reported by AFP, citing his lawyer. Pavlensky has become known after several high-profile actions. So, in October 2014, Nude, the artist cut off his earlobe on the rooftop of the Serbsky Institute in Moscow, in the summer of 2012, sewing up his mouth, came to the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg with a poster in support of the band Pussy Riot, in November 2015 Pavlensky torched the front door of the main FSB building on Myasnitskaya street in Moscow. In Russia against Pavlensky, a criminal case under article “Beating”.

Putin said that the United States supports the establishment of security zones in Syria

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he discussed with his American counterpart Donald trump, the establishment of security zones in Syria, the US supports these ideas. “Talking about it, we heard it from one of the speeches of the President of the United States of America, which talks about areas of de-escalation. We are on the phone yesterday with Mr. trump discussed this topic. As I understand it, the us administration supports these ideas,” Putin said at a press conference following Russian-Turkish talks. Earlier, a source in the Syrian opposition delegation told RIA Novosti on Russian proposals for a settlement in Syria. In the received from him documents saying that Russia proposes to create in Syria four zones to reduce tensions: in Idlib province, to the North of the city of HOMS, Eastern ghouta and in the South of the country.

Putin holds a meeting of the Commission on the implementation of “may decrees”. Video

© Valery sharifulin/TASS Russian President Vladimir Putin holds in the Kremlin a joint meeting of the State Council and the Commission on monitoring of achievement of target indicators socially-economic development of the country. “For a discussion of three clusters of issues: the provision of public and municipal services through a network of MFCS (multifunction centers), independent assessment of the quality of social services and resettlement of citizens from dilapidated housing”, – said earlier in the press service of the Kremlin. A presidential Commission was formed to monitor the implementation of the objectives of the “may decrees” of the President in 2012.