Lavrov: decisions in Astana on areas of de-escalation in Syria in common with the initiatives of the United States

The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, may 6. /TASS/. Decisions on areas of de-escalation in Syria, adopted in the framework of the negotiation process in Astana, in common with the U.S. initiatives to end the violence in Syria that were voiced in the beginning of this year. This was stated by Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov on air of TV channel “Mir”.

Defense Ministry: statements of the US military about the threat of the Russian Federation for America is based on the rhetoric of the cold war

Igor Konashenkov © Press service of the defense Ministry of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, may 6. /TASS/. Statements by U.S. General Raymond Thomas about the fact that Russia is a major threat to America based on stereotypes of the cold war. This was reported by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of defense (MO RF), major-General Igor Konashenkov. “The narrow-mindedness of a separate Pentagon generals on the stereotypes of the cold war, and a lack of understanding of real security threats, should not surprise. We are often asked what the officers of the Russian special operations Forces differ from their American colleagues. We always stress that the major qualities of Russian officers are intelligence and determination”, – stated in the message. In the opinion of the representative of the defense Ministry, from the speech of General Thomas it is easy to understand that the Pentagon “demands on the military

The Pentagon began a review of its missile defense program

The Pentagon began a review of its missile defense program WASHINGTON, may 5 — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis ordered the revision process for the missile defense program (ballistic missile defense), said on Friday the press service of the Pentagon. According to her, “the aim of the review is to identify ways to enhance the missile defense system, rebalancing of priorities and providing the necessary strategic assessments”. As noted, the revision process will be led by Deputy Minister of defence and Deputy chiefs of staff. The final report on this matter will be presented to the President of the United States before the end of the year.

Trump signed the US Federal budget

Trump signed the US Federal budget The President of the United States Donald trump signed on Friday, may 5, the law on funding the Federal government until September inclusive. Reported by the Associated Press. Previously, the law was passed by both houses of Congress. Budget expenditures will total $ 1.2 trillion. As noted by Reuters, the signing of a trump budget prevented the suspension of work (the”closing”) of the government, which took place at the end of the current day. According to the document, on defense spending allocated nearly $ 600 billion, of which $ 15 billion — the additional costs of strengthening the fight against terrorism, $ 1.5 billion of emergency spending on border security. The cost of operation of the energy sector will amount to $ 39 billion, national security $ 50 billion. The state Department released $ 57 billion, reports TASS.

Lavrov and Tillerson discussed by telephone the de-escalation of the situation in Syria

Lavrov and Tillerson discussed by telephone the de-escalation of the situation in Syria Moscow. May 5. INTERFAX.RU — American initiative on Friday held a telephone conversation between Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov with the US Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, said the foreign Ministry. “In the center of attention was the subject of the Syrian settlement. In the light of the outcome of the International meeting on Syria in Astana on may 3-4, discussed the goals of de-escalation of the situation in this country, the sustainability of the ceasefire, increased efforts in the fight against terrorism, activization of external assistance to the inter-Syrian negotiation process”, — stated in the message. It notes that “touched on several other regional issues and the bilateral agenda,” the sides have agreed on further Russian-American contacts.

Zyuganov supported the program of renovation of housing in Moscow

Photo: Moskva24 Communist party leader Gennady Zyuganov supported the bill on the renovation of housing in the capital. He stated this at a joint meeting of the State Council and the Commission on monitoring of achievement of target indicators socially-economic development of the country. Zyuganov noted that the housing of the Khrushchev era are 40 percent of Russians. Meanwhile, Khrushchev was designed for a 30 (maximum 40) years, and stood for 50 years and the overhaul will not be considered According to the politician, this program should be extended to other regions. He called the new development a very complex task that requires a comprehensive solution. “Development of new projects (housing), which will stand 80-100 years, and all communications is a daunting task that requires a comprehensive solution. In this respect we have a unique experience in many cities,” – said the head of the Communist party.

The artist Pavlensky received political asylum in France

Photo: TASS In January it became known that he emigrated from Russia together with his wife and two daughters due to allegations of sexual violence. Artist-actionist Peter Pavlensky received political asylum in France, according to Agence France-Presse, with reference to the lawyer of the artist. In January 2017 Pavlensky appealed to the authorities of France to grant him, his wife and two daughters political asylum. In Russia against the painter’s actress “Театра.doc” Anastasia Slonina filed charges of rape. The artist Pavlensky is known for performances. Mostly, they are associated with self-hatred. For his latest loud action – the arson of the doors of the building of FSB on Lubyanka, he was sentenced to a fine of 500 thousand rubles.

Four countries after the EU extended sanctions against Russian citizens and Ukraine

Four countries after the EU extended sanctions against Russian citizens and Ukraine BRUSSELS, 5 may. /Offset. TASS Asya Harutyunyan/. Four of the country after the European Union extended by six months the effect of individual sanctions against citizens of Russia and Ukraine. This is stated in the statement of the head of the EU diplomacy Federica Mogherini, issued in Brussels. “Candidate countries (EU accession) Montenegro and Albania, and Norway and the Ukraine joins the EU Council decision. The European Union takes note of and welcomes the decision”, — stated in it. On March 13 the European Union has extended for another six months, until 15 September 2017 — action blacklist of citizens of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. It includes 150 individuals, including representatives of the Russian authorities, Russian politicians, businessmen and security forces, as well as the leaders of the proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk national republics (DND and LNR).

Kadyrov promised to facilitate the verification of reports of harassment of gays in Chechnya

Kadyrov promised to facilitate the verification of reports of harassment of gays in Chechnya However, according to the head of the Republic in the Chechen society there is no such thing as homosexuality. Moscow. May 5. INTERFAX.RU — Leadership and law enforcement bodies of Chechnya are ready to cooperate with Federal authorities to verify the media reports on the situation of sexual minorities, but no official statements about their harassment is still not received, told reporters on Friday the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. “Leadership and law enforcement bodies of the Chechen Republic is ready to cooperate closely with the Commissioner for human rights under the President Tatiana Moskalkova, the General Prosecutor’s office, interior Ministry and other law enforcement agencies to verify the media reports on the alleged harassment of homosexual persons”, — said Kadyrov. The head of Chechnya said that “this phenomenon is not typical for the Chechen people”

Experts of the OPCW and the United Nations has begun to investigate the incident with chemical weapons in Idlib

Experts of the OPCW and the United Nations has begun to investigate the incident with chemical weapons in Idlib The incident in Khan Sheyhun, located in Syria’s Idlib province, took place on 4 April. According to the Ministry of defense, Syrian air force bombed fighters of the shop, where they produced toxic chemicals. MOSCOW, may 5. /TASS/. An international group of experts began to investigate the incident with the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib in order to ascertain the perpetrators. About it in interview to Agency The Associated Press announced the General Director of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) Ahmet üzümcü. According to him, the team, consisting of experts of the OPCW and the UN, “has already begun to work in our room (the headquarters of the OPCW in the Hague — approx. TASS)”. The joint UN and OPCW to investigate