In the Parliament building Austria found the busts and portraits of Hitler

In the Parliament building Austria found the busts and portraits of Hitler In the basement of the building of Austrian Parliament in Vienna found two busts of Adolf Hitler, as well as four paintings and a few reliefs with the image. It is reported by local newspaper derStandard. As the newspaper notes, the artifacts were discovered during the renovation of the historic building, which in 1938 was the residence of the Reichskommissar for the reunification of Austria with the Third Reich (Anschluss), as well as the base of the National socialist German workers party (NSDAP). The speaker of the National Council of Austria Doris Bures said that this finding “emphasizes the importance of a complete analysis of the history of Parliament”. She recalled that in 2015 the historians were ordered to find out what was happening with the construction of the 1933-1945 years. According to the results of their research

Deputy Prime Minister of Libya’s hopes for Russia’s help in resolving the conflict in the country

Photo: RIA Novosti Russia can play a major role in resolving the Libyan conflict and the reconciliation of all parties, said on Thursday Deputy Prime Minister of the Libyan government Ahmed Mitig at the meeting with head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov. Mitig arrived on Thursday evening in Grozny. He will discuss with the head of Chechnya, the prospects of development of relations between Russia and Libya, as well as ways of resolving the inter-Libyan conflict. “We appreciate your efforts in resolving the Libyan host and the help you provide to the Libyans. Russia and the Chechen Republic can play a major leading role in resolving the Libyan conflict and in the reconciliation of all parties,” — said Deputy Prime Minister in the beginning of the meeting. He recalled that one of the first among the recognized government of Libya in July 2016, visited Russia, still convinced of the key role

In Iran announced the creation of a heavy duty non-nuclear bomb

In Iran announced the creation of a heavy duty non-nuclear bomb MOSCOW, 16 sen — news. Iran has a ten-ton bomb of its own production, said the commander of aerospace forces of Islamic revolution guards Corps Amir Ali Hajizadeh. “Organization of the defense industry on behalf of the military space forces planted a bomb weighing some 10 tons, which can be reset with the aircraft “Ilyushin”,” — said Hajizade in an interview with broadcaster IRIB, noting that the bomb has a very large destructive capability. A senior Iranian military declared it on air of TV channel on Friday evening, when he was asked to comment on his own words that “if the US has the mother of all bombs, that Iran is the father of the bombs”. USA in mid-April used a heavy duty non-nuclear bomb GBU-43 in Afghanistan against militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state”* According to the

Putin called the reliability the most important quality in people

Putin called the reliability the most important quality in people The President of Russia Vladimir Putin considers reliability and the ability to keep the word the most important human qualities. In his opinion, it is these characteristics of the President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev. About it reports TV channel REN TV, citing Kyrgyz media. The most important thing for me is reliability; it is one of the most important characteristics is the ability to execute what was agreed, to keep his word.Vladimir Putin The President noted that Atambayev is sometimes very hard about something to agree, but “if we did a deal — he goes to the end.” The Russian leader stressed that, due to the availability of Kyrgyz President, the country was able to gain credibility in the international arena. Putin noted that the state job, which he does together with Atambayev, is “very important” and she “pretty well”.

In California, the court re-imposed a ban on the sale of foie Gras

In California, the court re-imposed a ban on the sale of foie Gras Animal advocates expressed satisfaction with the new regulation. NEW YORK, September 16. /Offset. TASS Ivan sawyers/. The court of appeal in California on Friday reinstated a ban on the sale on the territory of this state’s famous delicacy foie Gras, which is prepared from the liver of a goose or duck. This was reported by AP. Litigation concerning foie Gras continues in California for many years. So, in June 2012 the state government under pressure from environmental organizations adopted a law according to which force-feeding the birds through a tube, used for making delicacy, recognized as cruel and unacceptable. Challenge it tried some companies from USA and Canada, specializing in the production and sale of foie Gras.

Bortko told about the conversation with poklonsky

Vladimir Bortko has held talks with state Duma Deputy Natalya Poklonskaya about the movie “Matilda”. About the content of the conversation was told by the Director himself. His words “Moscow Komsomolets”. “I said why are you doing this? She says: “are you with them?” I said, “I’m with the state Duma, and I would advise you to be quiet.” And she said, “I will act in a way that tells me… she says something,” said Bortko. Bortko made his statement at the meeting of the state Duma Committee on culture. The head of the Committee, the Director Stanislav Govorukhin noted that in connection with the hysteria surrounding the film “brightened all the dark forces, hysterical, crazy, vandals, bigots” who “burn cars of innocent citizens, the truck crashed into a cinema”. The situation around art Director Alexey Uchitel Govorukhin called “mini-Islamic state” (IG banned in Russia). Govorukhin said that after the

“Gazprom” will invest one hundred billion in the energy sector of Kyrgyzstan

“Gazprom” will invest one hundred billion in the energy sector of Kyrgyzstan MOSCOW, 16 sen — news. “Gazprom” in the coming years to invest 100 billion rubles in the energy sector of Kyrgyzstan and to bring the level of gasification of the Republic up to 60%, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. “You know that Gazprom has big plans for energy development. I think that in the coming years, if we implement what was agreed with the President of Kyrgyzstan, could bring the gas up to sixty percent”, — Putin said in an interview to a journalist from Kyrgyzstan, which was recorded in Sochi. This entry was posted on the website of the TV channel REN TV. “Gazprom intends to invest in the coming years to 100 billion rubles,” — said the Russian leader.

Source: Deir-ez-Zor, a group of militants* surrendered to the Syrian army

Source: Deir-ez-Zor, a group of militants* surrendered to the Syrian army DEIR EZ-ZOR (Syria), 16 Sep — RIA Novosti, Mikhail Alaeddin. A group of militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” surrendered to the Syrian army in Deir ez-Zor, told RIA Novosti source in the city. On the eve of the Syrian troops managed to enter the town of al-Muria, and release of militants in the mountain massifs of Sarda and Carrum. Militants driven from Deir-ez-Zor at a distance of 5-7 kilometers to the East of the city limits, the river Euphrates. Earlier it was reported that released in early September of Deir ez-Zor is slowly returning to civilian life after the lifting of the blockade. “Some of the militants have surrendered to government forces. While we are talking about a small amount,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Under no circumstances will the terrorists surrendered, the source did not specify.

Three Ural resident handcuffed himself near the landfill in protest against the disposal of municipal solid waste

Three Ural resident handcuffed himself near the landfill in protest against the disposal of municipal solid waste The organizers said that “we decided on this action because the President of the Russian Federation declared the Year of ecology, and here the law is violated”. YEKATERINBURG, September 16. /TASS/. Three residents of the Sverdlovsk region on Saturday, handcuffed themselves to the entrance to an unauthorized dump, which had previously been closed by the court. Thus the Urals protest against the illegal storage of solid household waste (MSW) in the region, reports the correspondent of TASS. Inconsistent with the local authorities the action is in 12 km from Ekaterinburg, which involves five people. We decided on this action because the President of the Russian Federation declared the Year of ecology, and here the law is violated. Dump unauthorized, was a court decision about its closure, but it still continues to function. We