Nebesa: Kiev may present its draft resolution on the placement of the UN mission in the Donbass

Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Valery sharifulin/TASS UN, September 18. /TASS/. USA and Ukraine expressed their unwillingness to work on the text of the draft resolution on the deployment of security for the UN mission in the Donbas, with Kyiv may submit an alternative document. This was stated Monday in an interview with TASS, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia. “This project has already been discussed in the framework of the Security Council, it was the reaction from partners, the diplomat said. – We offered work on the text, but the delegations of Ukraine and the United States after the first debate said they hereinafter are not willing to work, they will have substantive comments, and perhaps the Ukrainians will be a counter-proposal on the issue of deploying a peacekeeping mission in the Donbas.” “The Ukrainian side has long walked with this issue –

Putin had a telephone conversation with Macron

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with President of France Emmanuel Macron. This was reported to journalists the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. “The President in Moscow has just held a telephone conversation with President of France by Macron. Just it ended. Soon we will give the message,” said Sands. On Friday, Putin, according to his press Secretary, scheduled routine meetings. “During the day he will also hold a meeting with permanent members of the security Council”, — said Peskov.

Tillerson expressed the hope that the pressure of China on North Korea

Tillerson expressed the hope that the pressure of China on North Korea The United States hopes that China will exert pressure on North Korea, said in an interview with the American channel CBS, U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. Tillerson noted that the leadership of the United States and China are actively consulted about the “dangerous” situation on the Korean Peninsula. “I think we can work together with China in order to change the mindset of the leadership of the DPRK,” he said. Earlier it was reported that on 17 September the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson made the military solution to the North Korean problem, if not will be opportunities for peaceful settlement. At the same time, he noted that the aim of Washington is a coalition of “peaceful pressure” on Pyongyang. On the same day, US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley said that the UN Security Council

Raul Castro responded to the ultrasound

Raul Castro responded to the ultrasound Washington behind closed doors was a meeting of representatives of the United States and Cuba to discuss inter alia the problem of semi-mystical incidents involving U.S. diplomatic personnel in Havana. At the same time, as reported by AP, having accredited in Havana, the correspondents, the Cuban leader Raul Castro has taken quite unusual for the leadership of his country step. He asked for a private meeting with the US Ambassador in Cuba Geoffrey de Laurentiis, to discuss the mysterious and alarming health situation of American diplomats. As previously reported by “Kommersant”, the result of external influences, whose source is not installed, Cuba suffered a large number of employees of the U.S. mission. They complained of nausea, dizziness, partial hearing loss and other ailments. According to U.S. media, speech can go about carrying out some kind of “acoustic attack” against the U.S. Embassy in Havana.

Saakashvili promised not to make a new revolution in Ukraine

Saakashvili promised not to make a new revolution in Ukraine A former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili said he will not organize a new revolution in Ukraine. He said this during a rally in Vinnytsia, reports the edition “Gordon”. According to the politician, he will try to enforce their claims “legally.” He noted that along with their supporters will ride “in Ukraine and to gather the requirements”. “Then these requirements will give the Parliament and Supreme huckster,” he said. Saakashvili also said that “the new government of Ukraine will, too, from Vinnitsa, but of good citizens, not from the huckster”. The former Governor of the Odessa region, deprived of Ukrainian citizenship, September 10, broke through the cordon on the border with Poland and crossed the territory of Ukraine. As a result, 13 border guards were injured. Ukrainian police has described Saakashvili’s actions in four articles of the Criminal

Aksenov: the EU’s decision to extend sanctions against Russia harm Europe itself

Photo: RIA Novosti The decision of the Council of the European Union (EU) to extend by six months the validity of sanctions against Russians and companies from Russia’s destructive and hurts Europe itself. This opinion on Friday was expressed by the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov, which was included in the first sanctions list of the EU. The EU began to impose sanctions against Russia in connection with events in Ukraine in March 2014. The decision that “in the absence of de-escalation of tensions in Crimea,” the EU will apply “measures of pressure on Russia”, was adopted at an emergency EU summit on 6 March 2014. The day before, on 14 September, the EU Council decided to extend for six months the validity of the blacklist of individuals and organizations of Russia and Ukraine, September 15 it has entered into force. “With the help of sanctions, the EU is

The Ministry of health proposed to punish refused to vaccinate children parents

The Ministry of health proposed to punish refused to vaccinate children parents The Ministry of health is considering “influence” on parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. In the Department, as stated by the Minister of health Veronika Skvortsova, offer to “change” the paid sick leave. The health Ministry has proposed to “change” the paid sick leave for parents who refused to vaccinate their children. About it in interview to the program “week” on NTV, said the Russian Minister of health Veronika Skvortsova. “We can’t, say, directly affect the parents, but we are trying to negotiate with the social insurance Fund, so that some mechanisms, including material that was involved,” she said. For example, if a child falls ill due to Your fault, You refused his vaccination, can be important to the sick list You paid for not like everyone else.Veronica Skvortzowii health In addition, as stressed by the head

The U.S. has called the situation with North Korea “have been exhausted for the UN”

The U.S. has called the situation with North Korea “have been exhausted for the UN” USA has exhausted the opportunity to resolve the North Korean issue through UN agencies, the authorities may need to refer the matter in the hands of the Pentagon, said in an interview with CNN, the Ambassador of the country to the world organization for Nikki Haley. CNN reminded Haley that the President of the United States Donald trump has promised to respond to North Korea “fire and fury”, but since then, Pyongyang has threatened to strike the island of GUAM, produced a new missile launches and tested a hydrogen bomb. These words were not an empty threat. We tried to behave responsibly, and the behavior of the DPRK remains irresponsible and reckless.Nikki Heliported USA at the UN According to her, Washington tried to take advantage of every opportunity to solve the problem through diplomacy. “We

Refused vaccinations, parents may review the sick pay

Refused vaccinations, parents may review the sick pay MOSCOW, 17 Sep — RIA Novosti. The Ministry of health of the Russian Federation is considering the possibility of changing the sick pay to those parents whose children got sick because of vaccination refusal, said the Minister of health Veronika Skvortsova in the program “week” on NTV. She also noted the importance of vaccination. “Many mental preserved the feeling that it is necessary in childhood to recover from infections. But now it is contrary to common sense. In countries that are near us are in the same Europe — measles outbreaks are quite frequent and they are accompanied by very serious complications. So, of course, it is necessary to vaccinate,” said Skvortsova, noting that in Russia the quality of the vaccines tested like nowhere else in the world.

Trump has called Kim Jong-UN “missile man”

Trump has called Kim Jong-UN “missile man” WASHINGTON, 17 Sep — RIA Novosti, Dmitry Zlatarev. The US President Donald trump said Sunday that the day before discussed North Korea with South Korean President mun Jae Otherwise. “The night before, talked with the President of South Korea. Asked him how’s “rocket man” (North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, ed.). In the DPRK are formed long queues for gasoline. Too bad!”, — trump wrote on his Twitter page. The white house said that during a telephone conversation of the American and South Korean leaders discuss North Korea’s missile launch that flew over Japan’s territory. “The two leaders noted that North Korea continues to defy the world community, even after the UN severely condemned the repeated provocations by Pyongyang,” — said in a statement received by RIA Novosti. The leaders of the United States and South Korea reaffirmed their commitment “to take steps to