Lavrov on 19 September at the UN General Assembly plans to meet with Tillerson and Johnson

© Valery sharifulin/TASS UN, September 19. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov Tuesday on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly in new York, plans to meet with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, the British foreign Secretary Boris Johnson and EU high representative for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini. About it journalists were reported by the Russian delegation.

Matviyenko called illogical the idea of the state Department to place UN peacekeepers on the border of Russia

Photo: IGOR SAMOKHVALOV The Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko said that he sees no logic in the suggestion of the US state Department to place UN peacekeepers on the border of Russia and Ukraine. “No logic in this sentence, I do not see” — said the head of the upper house of Parliament, reporters, reports TASS. Valentina Matvienko has reminded that the Russian leader Vladimir Putin instructed the foreign Ministry to appeal to the UN with the request to place the peacekeeping contingent in the conflict zone in the Donbass. Thus it was that today on the territory of DND and LNR, as well as in the area of the contact work with representatives of the OSCE, said the Senator. Matvienko added that peacekeepers are needed to ensure the safety of the OSCE mission, because the organization does not have armed protection to those employees who participate in

Senator on

Photo: RIA Novosti The Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs, head of the Commission for the protection of the sovereignty Andrei Klimov believes that reports about the fall in the Donetsk region Russian drone can be a provocation, reports RT. “I do not rule out a provocation when someone’s camera will intentionally be issued for Russia, given the disinformation, which is now in its third year Kiev is spreading around the world about non-existent Russian army on the territory of Ukraine”, — he said. Ukraine said about the fall in the Donetsk region of the drone Russian-made “Orlan-10”. This was reported on the page of the headquarters of the ATO in Facebook. The fall of the machine, produced in Russia, regarded as another proof that Russia is involved in the war against Ukraine. “This UAV Russia often applies in the Donbass for reconnaissance and adjustment of

The defense Ministry responded to the accusations of the Pentagon

Photo: RIA Novosti The official representative of the defense Ministry major-General Igor Konashenkov denied the information about the applied videoconferencing impact on the Syrian opposition, RIA Novosti reported. “Syrian government forces backed by the Russian space forces for more than a week lead successful battles to elimination of the last foothold of ISIS in Deir ez-Zor. In order to avoid unnecessary escalation, the command of the Russian forces in Syria, according to the existing communication channel in advance, brought to the American partners of the boundaries of the military operation in Deir ez-Zor”, he said. As noted Konashenkov, in the context of the operation destroyed the manpower, armored vehicles and terrorist targets on the Western and on the Eastern Bank of the Euphrates. Russian aerospace forces, inflicting precision strikes in areas controlled by ISIL (ISIS, is prohibited in Russia) regions to destroy firing points of terrorists from which leads a

In Russia first selected far Eastern hectare

In Russia first selected far Eastern hectare The court of the district of Vanino in Khabarovsk territory deprived local resident land rights received under the program of the far Eastern hectare. On Tuesday, September 19, TASS reported in the regional headquarters of the popular front. “The disputed territory with a total area of 419 square meters is one of the most traffic places in Vanino, there are the local Bank, book store, children’s store, socially important objects. We were able to ensure that the Park stays within its borders, and a woman can choose a site elsewhere or to appeal the court decision”, — said the activist of the popular front Khabarovsk Yuri Svetlichnaya. Earlier, residents of Vanino collected signatures 1.5 thousand people against “non-transparent” allocation of the site in the village centre. According to Svetlichny, this is the first case in Russia when the decision of the court was

Poroshenko said that the U.S. Senate has approved $ APU $500 million

Poroshenko said that the U.S. Senate has approved $ APU $500 million MOSCOW, 19 Sep — RIA Novosti. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the U.S. Senate approved the allocation of $ 500 million to support Ukraine in security and defense. Meanwhile, earlier it was reported that the U.S. Senate on Monday approved a draft defense budget for the 2018 fiscal year in the amount of 692 billion dollars. According to the approved budget, in part military assistance to Ukraine, provided $ 150 million (last year was 350 million). In this case you will have available only $ 75 million of this amount and the remaining funds should be a separate resolution of the Senate. Also, the bill contains a promise to help Ukraine in strengthening cyber security, but without a specific commitment from the American side. “The U.S. Senate approved the draft “Law on the U.S. budget

The hawks gathered for a prayer vigil against the “Matilda”

In Omsk started a prayer vigil against the film “Matilda” directed by Alexei Uchitel. On Sunday, September 17, in “Vkontakte” said the Abbot of the local temple priest Alexander Lemeshko. He also posted a photo of the procession. Among the slogans — “Teacher hands off the Russian Tsar, Russia with God” and “People have every right to protect their shrines”. In August in several cities of Russia, including in Moscow, also held prayer vigils, designed to prevent the release of “Matilda” in the car. Picture of a romance of the future Emperor Nicholas II and the ballerina Matilda Kschessinska will be released on October 25. Nicholas II was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church canonized in 2000 (however, as a Martyr, not as a righteous man), therefore, the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church has seen in the plot insult the feelings of believers.

Matvienko reported on the preparation of Russian President’s visit to Turkmenistan

Photo: RIA Novosti The Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko reported active preparation for the visit of the President of Russia to Turkmenistan. “Now, as you know, preparing the visit of the Russian President to Turkmenistan, which will be very important for further deepening of relations between our peoples and States”, — said Matvienko to journalists after a meeting with speaker of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan akjai Nurberdyeva. “The Turkmen and Russian sides are actively preparing for this visit, a number of interstate, intergovernmental, interdepartmental agreements, and, of course, meetings and talks the leaders of our States, the documents to be signed, the agreements will give new impetus to the development of our relations”, — said the head of the upper house of the Russian Parliament.

The socialist leader thanked Russia

The President of Moldova Igor Dodon thanked Russia for its wise and balanced position shown in situations of provocations against Russian officials and diplomats, according to RIA Novosti. Earlier, the government of Moldova has gone on a number of anti-Russian measures, including the expulsion of five Russian diplomats, refusal of entry to the country leaders of Russia, the Declaration of persona non grata in the Republic Vice-Premier of Russia Dmitry Rogozin. “This was not in our bilateral relations, I’m sure that the vast majority of citizens disagrees — as I do not agree, the President, whom the people had confidence in the elections last year”, — said the head of Moldova. Russian-Moldovan relations he discussed at the meeting with Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko in Ashgabat. Dodon stressed that despite the negative situation, “the Russian leadership is very wise and balanced approach to all these processes.” “I am