Putin called the General problem of the Russians

Photo: RIA Novosti Russian President Vladimir Putin called the General problem of the Russians. The President’s statement was contained in a telegram to participants of the solemn events dedicated to the 1155-th anniversary of Russian statehood and the 155-th anniversary of the opening of the monument “Millennium of Russia” in Veliky Novgorod. According to him, the Russians need to honor the heritage of generations, to nurture the values of patriotism and care for the welfare and prosperity of the Motherland. The document also States that the current anniversary “marks an important stage of Russian history”. “It was then, in the distant 862, our ancestors chose the path of building a strong state on the basis of unity and accord,” Putin said. Also, the President noted the symbolism of festive events on the Novgorod land, where, in his words, “formed the tradition of civilization, a rich cultural, spiritual and moral heritage

Trump has promised to deal with the “little rocket”

Trump has promised to deal with the “little rocket” The US President Donald trump, speaking to supporters in Alabama, said that will deal with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, whom he contemptuously called “little missile”. It is reported The Hill. The American leader added that to take action on the DPRK had previous presidents of the United States. “The Human missile had to be done a long time ago. We can’t allow all sorts of crazies to start its missiles right and left,” said he. Away with him, had Clinton or Obama. But it will have to do me because we have to do it. Shorty with a missile, we really do, because we have no choice.Donald Trepresent USA Earlier on Friday, trump wrote on his Twitter that Kim Jong UN is not crazy. “North Korea’s Kim Jong-UN, obviously, a madman who is completely comfortable with the hunger and the

The majority of Russians approve of Putin’s work, the survey showed

Photo: RIA Novosti The majority of Russians approve of the work of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia, according to the September rankings of “Levada-center”. According to published data, 83% of respondents approve of Putin as President, the opposite view is held by 17% of respondents. Speaking about the situation in the country, 54% of Russians said that things are going in the right direction, that the country is moving in the wrong direction, said 28% of respondents, and undecided 18%. According to the “Levada-centre”, views of the Russians in the assessments of the work of the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has divided: 52% of respondents indicated their disapproval of the activities of the Russian Prime Minister, positive about his work spoke for 48%. Speaking about the activities of the government, 52% of respondents declared their approval, and 47% hold the opposite opinion. In addition, according to “Levada-center”,

The Kremlin found it absurd question about the accident with the head of the VDV

Photo: RIA Novosti Press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov did not comment on the subject of road accident with participation of the head of the airborne forces of Andrey Serdyukov. “You are asking an absurd question. In the Kremlin are engaged in the issues of road safety and analysis of road accident with a deadly outcome?”, — the words TASS Peskov, asked to comment on the situation around the accident, which, as reported by the media, killing the driver of an oncoming military convoy vehicle. Peskov also declined to answer the question, is it possible to replace Serdyukov as head of the airborne forces. The Kremlin has not commented on the rumors about the possible appointment of the commander of the Russian group of forces in Syria, Colonel-General Sergei Surovikino the new commander of the aerospace defence forces, he said. “We do not announce personnel decisions”, — said Peskov.

Poroshenko refused to introduce peacekeepers “according to the Russian scenario”

Poroshenko refused to introduce peacekeepers “according to the Russian scenario” Peacekeeping mission in the Donbass will not take place “according to the Russian scenario,” said the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. According to him, the scenario operations should develop all the countries that are in solidarity with Ukraine. Together with the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau press conference, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has rejected the Russian plan for the deployment of peacekeepers in the Donbass. He said that the UN peacekeeping force should be placed in the entire territory of the breakaway republics and to control the border with Russia. The recording of the press conference the President of Ukraine has published on his page in Facebook. “I would like to remind that in the spring of 2015 it was the Ukrainian initiative [on the deployment of peacekeepers in Donbas], which is completely abandoned Russia. Now, I

Lavrov believes Tillerson about Russian intervention in the American elections

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS UN, September 22. /TASS/. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said he did not believe the words of U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson has evidence of RF interference in American elections. About this Lavrov said Friday on a press-conferences following the results of participation in the week’s high-level session of the UN General Assembly. “When I asked Rex Tillerson, you can confirm his words that Russia’s intervention in elections is well documented, he said, “I can’t show you because it’s classified information,” – said the Russian Minister. You know, I can’t believe this”.

Savchenko has entered a post of the Governor of the Belgorod region

Photo: RIA Novosti Elected Governor of the Belgorod region Yevgeny Savchenko took office, told RIA Novosti the representative of the Belgorod regional Duma. The inauguration ceremony takes place in Belgorod state Philharmonic society within the framework of the 19th session of the Belgorod regional Duma. “Yevgeny Savchenko has entered a post of the Governor of the Belgorod region”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Savchenko, head of the Belgorod oblast in 2003, September 10 again won the elections with to 69.29% of the vote. The electoral Commission of Belgorod region at the meeting on 14 September registered Savchenko as Governor, the Chairman of regional election Committee Nikolay Pletnev has awarded him the certificate of his election as head of the region. Savchenko twice (1993 and 2007) were administered five times (in 1995, 1999, 2003, 2012 and 2017) was elected head of the Belgorod region. In the previous gubernatorial election in 2012,

Evstifeev assumed the position of head of the Mari El Republic

Photo: RIA Novosti Alexander Evstifeev, the winner of the early elections, on Thursday took office as the head of the Mari El Republic. At the inauguration ceremony at the Palace of Congresses in Yoshkar-Ola was attended by members of the Republican government, heads of Executive and judicial bodies of state authority, heads of administrations of cities and districts of the Republic, representatives of the denominations, associations, honored workers of culture, science and art. The ceremony of inauguration of the head of the Mari El Republic took place in the framework of the session of the state Assembly of the Republic. The Chairman of the Republican Central election Commission Irina Tatarinov announced the election results and handed over to the elected the head a certificate of his election to this post. Then Evstifeev took the oath in Mari and Russian languages. “I swear to faithfully serve the people, the Constitution of

The court appointed Saakashvili penalty for illegally crossing the Ukrainian border

The court appointed Saakashvili penalty for illegally crossing the Ukrainian border KIEV, 22 Sep — RIA Novosti. Mostyska district court of Lviv region declared the ex-President of Georgia, former Governor of the Odessa region Mikhail Saakashvili is guilty of illegal border crossing and sentenced him to a fine in the amount of 3400 UAH (about $ 130), said on Friday the presiding judge Yuriy Bilous. The state border service of Ukraine said earlier that has a claim against Saakashvili only for “illegal border crossing”. The sanction for this administrative offence provides for a fine of up to $ 325. The lawyer Saakashvili Markiyan Halabala has told RIA Novosti that the Ukrainian authorities based on the decision of Mostiska of the court to start the mechanism of the expulsion policy of Ukraine as persons without citizenship who committed an administrative offense. “The judge ruled: to recognize Saakashvili is guilty in committing