U.S. Ambassador to Russia explained the temporary reduction in visa services

U.S. Ambassador to Russia explained the temporary reduction in visa services John Tefft, who in a week will leave his post and Russia, promised that the visa program for the Russians will continue. Moscow. September 23. INTERFAX.RU American visa program for the Russians will continue, said US Ambassador to Russia John Tefft. “People sometimes ask whether the cancelled visa program for the Russians. Definitely not. All programs will be continued,” said Tefft in an interview published by the U.S. Embassy of the Russian Federation on the YouTube channel. We want to come to us. We are working hard to rebuild the Embassy after reducing the number of our employees at the request of the Russian side, and continue to cope with the responsibilities entrusted to us as diplomats.John Difftool U.S. “We had to temporarily reduce visa services, because we have no people,” he explained. Tefft also said that his wife

For presidential elections, the CEC will prepare a mobile app

Photo: RIA Novosti For presidential elections the Central election Commission intends to release a mobile app that will be useful for both voters and observers. This was reported today the head of the Commission Ella Pamfilova, speaking at the international conference “Contemporary electoral trends in the conditions of a multipolar world”. “In the upcoming elections we will prepare a mobile application. The observer, for example, scans from the protocols, can control,” she explained. The app will also help citizens to find their polling place and get directions to it. In the Executive election will apply to all those innovations that were first used during the regional campaign of the year — the protocols of the PECs with QR codes, the new scheme of movement of voters in the lists for voting at the place of stay and others. The CEC also announced the installation of CCTV cameras in the premises

Medvedev: Abolition of dual citizenship – the decision of each country

Photo: RIA Novosti The issue of the abolition of dual citizenship is a sovereign decision of each state, said Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. “As regards dual citizenship… This is a sovereign decision of any country”, — Medvedev told journalists, noting that the world has enough countries in favour and against the Institute. The question was also raised by the Prime Minister of Finland Juha Sipila, he was asked whether he considers necessary the abolition of dual citizenship. Currently, Finland is considering the possibility. “With regard to the consideration of the Institute of dual citizenship in Finland, this issue is now in the process of legal review, this process is not finished yet, so I am not able to predict the outcome of this process. The issue of dual citizenship applies to all persons, not only as citizens of our Eastern neighbor,” said Sipilä, referring to Russia. Moreover, Medvedev answered the

Sobchak responded to the criticism of Navalny and accused him of warlordism

Sobchak responded to the criticism of Navalny and accused him of warlordism Journalist Ksenia Sobchak on his page on Instagram posted a response to opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who has previously attacked her with criticism because of information in the media about her plans to participate in presidential elections. The presenter was outraged that a politician, with whom she is on friendly terms, did not call her to find out her stance on the upcoming elections, and decided to “feed some plums” that were made in order to “discredit” her and “”drown” on startup”. Sobchak also criticized Navalny for what he called its right-liberal views cannibalistic, and that he had given her the words and ideas that she never said or shared. According to the journalist, the most offensive to her was the fact that Navalny had previously convinced her to enter the Coordinating Council of the Opposition, and now

The US Ambassador has promised to keep visa program for Russia in the full volume

The US Ambassador has promised to keep visa program for Russia in the full volume The US does not intend to reduce visa program for Russia. The Ambassador of the USA in Russia John Tefft said in an interview published on Saturday, September 23, on the official channel of the Embassy in YouTube. “People sometimes ask whether the cancelled visa program USA. Definitely not. All programs will be continued. We continue all of our programs for the production of neimigratsionnaya immigration and visas,” — said Tefft. He also noted that American diplomats interested in USA visit as many Russians as possible, and the Embassy is trying to increase its throughput. “We are working hard to rebuild the Embassy after reducing the number of our employees at the request of the Russian side to continue to perform the duties assigned us as diplomats”, — said the Ambassador. August 23 Washington has

The defense Ministry made the accusation against the United States

Photo: Reuters Russian military commanders have accused the us government in direct aid to Syrian rebels. The Ministry of defense said that Washington handed over “highly sensitive information” of the so-called moderate opposition. About this newspaper “Kommersant”. In particular, we are talking about data at the Syrian and Russian troops in Idlib. In the end, a secret information was available to the terrorists of the banned in Russia organization “dzhebhat an-Nusra”. The Agency is investigating how the data turned out to be the Islamists, with whom the US officially does not cooperate. The militants “An-Nusra” attempted large-scale offensive. In fighting 29 Russian soldiers were surrounded. Military repel attack of terrorists for several hours. During the fighting with terrorists, three soldiers were injured. The Russians helped defend troops tribe mwali. Withdraw military from the environment managed through special release with air support. All participants in the operation were presented to the

Pianist Matsuev saw progress for Putin to play the piano

Pianist Matsuev saw progress for Putin to play the piano People’s artist of Russia, pianist Denis Matsuev has seen progress in the game of Russian President Vladimir Putin on the piano before meeting with President XI Jinping on may 14. The musician said in an interview with TASS, which will be published on the Agency’s website on 25 September at 8:00 GMT. So the musician has commented on performance of Russian leader song by Vasily Solovyov-Sedoy “Evening song” (“the City over free Neva”). The pianist added that Putin didn’t ask him about the lessons of playing piano, but if it happened, he would advise him a decent teacher. Matsuev said that the President often attends classical music concerts where the musician plays. “The opening of the Tchaikovsky competition, new stage of the Mariinsky theatre… All I do not remember”, — he said. Vladimir Putin played the piano tunes of the

Media reported the resignation Merkushkin as Governor of the Samara region

Photo: RIA Novosti Samara region Governor Nikolay Merkushkin is leaving his post, according to RBC with Silkina. Resignation merkoushkin may be announced next week. Previously, the media speculated that the fall of their posts can lose up to ten governors. Replacement of heads of regions, who may lose their positions, will take place almost simultaneously, within a short period of time, the source added RBC. He Merkushin urgently flew to Moscow for a meeting in the presidential administration.

In the state Duma appears the control Committee

Photo: VLADIMIR AFANASIEV The state Duma Committee on Rules and organization of work of the lower house of Parliament will be renamed the Committee for control and Regulation. As the head of the Committee Olga Savastianova after the Duma Council, the issue submitted for consideration at the plenary meeting on 22 September. According to her, now the Committee will deal with issues of parliamentary and social control, and monitor the implementation of the resolutions of the state Duma. “Today we have held a large number of discussions in the framework of “government hour”. Creates practice when we accept the law in the third reading, we accept the decision if we believe that the implementation of this bill requires additional management decisions on the part of Executive authorities”, — said Olga Savastyanova. The MP stressed that the state Duma is very important that these decisions are efficiently executed and that the