Hearings in the U.S. Congress with the participation of virus postponed

Photo: RIA Novosti Hearings in the U.S. Congress, which Eugene Kaspersky was supposed to testify, postponed from September 27 to indefinitely, said the head of “Kaspersky Lab” in his microblog in Twitter. Just what I said that hearings in the U.S. Congress has been indefinitely postponed. — Eugene Kaspersky (@e_kaspersky_ru) 21 September 2017 The Ministry of homeland security (DHS) on 13 September issued a Directive that instructed all government agencies and related companies within three months to start implementing measures to end the use of the software “Kaspersky Lab” because they are, in the opinion of the Department, can be used to damage U.S. national security. In “Kaspersky Lab” in response, assured that the company does not provide any government attempts at cyber espionage or aggressive activities in cyberspace. Kaspersky was invited to hearings in the U.S. Congress, which was to be held on September 27. According to Kaspersky, he

Stoltenberg: the issue of peacekeepers in Ukraine does not apply to NATO

Photo: AP Photo / Efrem Lukatsky UN, 21 Sep — RIA Novosti. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the issue of deploying peacekeepers in Ukraine is a prerogative of the UN, this does not apply to NATO. “This will not, of course, be addressed NATO. This will be addressed at the UN,” — said Stoltenberg. He added that on the eve of “have discussed this issue with UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres”.

The foreign Minister of the DPRK, in a speech to the UN called the attack on the United States is “inevitable”

The foreign Minister of the DPRK, in a speech to the UN called the attack on the United States is “inevitable” So in Pyongyang responded to the “insult” of the President of the United States Donald trump. Previously, he was named the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong-UN “man-rocket” and threatened North Korea’s “complete destruction”. North Korean missiles aimed at the United States, their “visit” to the country “inevitable.” This was at the General debate of the UN General Assembly said the foreign Minister of North Korea ri Yong Ho, Reuters reports. So in Pyongyang responded to the words of US President Donald trump of DPRK leader Kim Jong’s No. 17 Sep trump in his Twitter called it “man-rocket” (the rocket man), and the speech at the UN two days later, the U.S. President said that “rocket man involved in a suicide mission for him and his people.” Such a

The US strategic bombers flew near the borders of the DPRK

The US strategic bombers flew near the borders of the DPRK Moscow. September 23. INTERFAX.RU — Several strategic U.S. bombers B-1B made the Saturday flight along the borders of North Korea, U.S. media reported, citing the Pentagon. Planes flying East of the DPRK, and, as noted in the Pentagon, “they moved to the North from the demilitarized zone, farther than ever in the XXI century”. “It was a demonstration of the willingness of the US and a reminder that a President has a lot of military options to eliminate any threats,” — said the American military. On Tuesday, the President of the United States Donald trump, speaking at the UN General Assembly, said he would “completely destroy” North Korea, if that country would pose a threat to America or its allies. In response, North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN on Friday issued a statement in which he promised to take “the

Foreign Ministry: Russia considers the steps in case of a possible delivery of weapons to Kiev, US

Photo: RIA Novosti Moscow calculates steps in case of possible supply of U.S. lethal weapons to Ukraine, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “Of course count,” said Zakharova in response to a question in the program “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia-1”. “For many, the concept of the Minsk agreements becomes something virtual, but in fact it is today’s reality. One way or another, but we must do everything to stick to this course”, — the diplomat added. Earlier the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the us Senate has approved the allocation of Kiev $ 500 million to support security and defence, and that the bill allegedly provides for the supply of Kiev “lethal weapons of a defensive nature”. Confirmation of this statement from official sources in the United States was not.

Putin announced a record harvest this year

Putin announced a record harvest this year The harvest in 2017 can beat previous records. These expectations were shared by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin at a meeting with the Minister of economic development Maxim Oreshkin and the head of the Ministry of industry and trade Denis Manturov, which took place on Saturday, September 23. “Yes, it all began not very good, but now is the perfect weather conditions to harvest and the yield is higher last year,” confirmed his predictions. (quoted by “RIA Novosti”). Last Friday, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at the meeting on the progress of seasonal agricultural works said that the grain harvest in Russia has reached 117 million tons “and Produced more than 117 million tons of grain. I do other forecasts will not do that, but it is obvious that we do not only provide their needs, but also fulfill all export contracts,” —

Drivers in Russia will be obliged to wear a reflective vest when you stop in the dark

Drivers in Russia will be obliged to wear a reflective vest when you stop in the dark The same requirement would operate in case of reduced visibility. MOSCOW, September 23. /TASS/. Car drivers will be obliged to wear a reflective vest when you stop outside settlements in the dark or in conditions of poor visibility. This was reported by TASS on Saturday in the press center of the interior Ministry. “The interior Ministry of Russia prepared a draft decree of the government of the Russian Federation on introducing amendments into the traffic rules, according to which it is proposed to Supplement the rules with a new paragraph 2.3.4”. Innovation will be the responsibility of the driver emergency stop of the vehicle or accidents outside settlements in the dark to be in a jacket or vest with reflective stripes.Press centre of MIA of Russia The same requirement would operate in case

Ryabkov and the Syrian Ambassador have discussed interaction in the framework of the OPCW

Photo: RIA Novosti Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov discussed with Syrian Ambassador in Moscow Riyad Haddad issues of Russian-Syrian cooperation in the framework of the OPCW, said in a statement the Russian foreign Ministry. “During the meeting the main attention was paid to the issues of Russian-Syrian cooperation in the framework of the OPCW”, — said in the Ministry. In September 2013 adopted resolution of the UN security Council on the destruction of chemical weapons in Syria. In 2014, in 19 stages from Syria had exported 1.2 thousand tons of chemical substances. The operation was attended by nine countries, including Russia.

Women in Saudi Arabia for the first time allowed to come to the stadium

Women in Saudi Arabia for the first time allowed to come to the stadium A historic event took place in the capital of the country. As reported by the news Agency Reuters, a historic event took place in Riyadh in the 87th anniversary of the founding of the state. It is noted that women be allowed to visit the international stadium of a name of King Fahd, which that night hosted the operetta. Such decision the government has taken in the framework of the desire to improve the image of the Kingdom abroad and to improve the quality of life of local residents. In addition, in the framework of the project “Vision 2030” the government is trying to invest more money in a variety of sports and entertainment events, which is often criticized by supporters of a strict adherence to the norms of Islam.