American baseball player broke the tradition of the hymn in spite of the Trump

American baseball player broke the tradition of the hymn in spite of the Trump MOSCOW, 24 Sep — RIA Novosti. American baseball player Bruce Maxwell went down in history, violating one of the main traditions of Major League baseball (MLB), reports the Huffington Post. During the download an error has occurred. Since the end of world war II, before every League match marks the anthem of the United States, that baseball players always listen standing. During a ceremony before the game against the Rangers from Texas, Maxwell, who plays for the “Oakland athletics”, got down on one knee. Thus he expressed his protest to the President of the United States Donald Trump, who, according to Maxwell, “restricts freedom of speech and expression” athletes. The Maxwell action is precedent in baseball, but not in all of American sports. A year earlier the soccer player Colin Kaepernick did the same, protesting against

Lavrov offers to start at UN debate on combating cybercrime

Photo: Reuters Russia proposed at the current session of the UN General Assembly to begin discussions on the fight against cybercrime, including hacking. This was stated on Thursday Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov, speaking at the General debate of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly. “It is important to focus the UN on the development in the interests of security of all States rules of responsible behaviour in the digital sphere, — said Lavrov. — Russia has prepared a draft universal Convention on combating cybercrime, including hacking. We offer you to start a discussion during the current session of the [UN General Assembly]”.

Lavrov: Astana agreements open the way for political dialogue on Syria

Photo: SANA Latest Astana agreements open the way for political dialogue in Syria, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the UN. “The situation in Syria gives grounds for cautious optimism. Last September 14-15, an international meeting on Syria in Astana completed the design of four zones of de-escalation, agreement on the creation of which is achieved with the participation of Russia, Iran, Turkey, USA, Jordan and the United Nations with the support of many other countries. These agreements create the conditions for further progress towards the implementation of resolution 2254 on the basis of direct dialogue between the government and the opposition to combine its efforts to ensure a speedy elimination of the hotbed of terrorism and establishing peace throughout the country and the restoration of its unity,” — said Lavrov.

“They will not last long”: as trump and Kim Jong UN intimidate each other

“They will not last long”: as trump and Kim Jong UN intimidate each other The two leaders exchanged emotional attacks, and the United States conducted a campaign of intimidation by sending strategic bombers and fighter jets to the border of the DPRK. Pyongyang also promised that sooner or later will deal a “merciless preemptive strike” in Washington. Although the confrontation between Washington and Pyongyang in recent years have become accustomed, in recent times Donald trump and Kim Jong-UN began to take it very personally, do not hesitate to use undiplomatic language against an opponent. The US President has publicly promised to deal with the “little rocket”, has predicted a quick collapse of the DPRK, while Kim Jong-UN delivered a message where he called trump “a demented old man, a gangster and a schizophrenic”. The Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has compared this argument with “fighting in kindergarten children.” However, the

How hackers are unable to hack into computers of American electoral commissions

How hackers are unable to hack into computers of American electoral commissions The Ministry of internal security of the United States officially informed the authorities of the 21 States that on the eve of last year’s election, hackers attempted to information contained in computers at their election commissions. Vladimir Kozlovsky. Russian service Bi-bi-si, new York. DHS has not announced what the United States has received such notice, but the AP calling the election Commission, revealed their list. It includes States in which in November 2016 unfolded decisive battles, such as Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. The feds, as reported, did not say who was behind the hacking attempts, pre-election, but officials in several election commissions, told reporters that it definitely was about the Russian hackers. For example, the Director of the Alaska Commission Joseph Benke told the AP that his system was scanned in the search for vulnerabilities from

In Germany has opened the polls for parliamentary elections

In Germany has opened the polls for parliamentary elections In Germany’s parliamentary elections began, following which Chancellor Merkel may be re-elected for a fourth term. One of the intrigues of the election is the result of right-wing radicals of the “Alternative for Germany”. Applicants for places Polling stations opened at eight in the morning. According to the results of the parliamentary elections determine the composition of the Bundestag and the government for the next four years. Just take part in the elections and 47 political parties, if you count the race leader of the CDU/CSU as a single unit. However, the Parliament will get, according to pre-election polls, only six of them. According to public opinion polls, after the elections will increase the number of parties in Parliament. It entered the Parliament after the elections in 2013, the CDU/CSU, the Social democratic party of Germany (SPD), the Left party and

Lavrov accused NATO of trying to recreate the climate

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow over the years, fair has gone with the legacy of the cold war, but did not enjoy the support of Western partners, RIA “Novosti”. “Over the past quarter century, our country, despite the challenges, honestly has done its part of the way of addressing the legacy of the cold war, did much to strengthen confidence and mutual understanding in the Euro-Atlantic area, in the world as a whole”, — said the Minister. While Lavrov stressed that it is not reciprocal on the part of Western partners, “intoxicated with the illusion of the coming of the end of history and is still trying to adapt to today’s realities rudimentary institutions of the era of bloc confrontation.” According to the head of the Russian MFA, “NATO aims to recreate the climate of the cold war and refuses

Will make Russia attractive for migrants

Photo: RIA Novosti In Russia proposed to compensate for the decline in the labour force at the expense of workers. With such initiative at the Center for strategic research (CSR) Alexei Kudrin. This is reported by “Vedomosti”. The idea was developed in the report “Proposal for a migration strategy up to 2035”. According to Rosstat, the population will shrink without the annual influx of migrants to 250 — 500 thousand people. In 2010, the years of the able-bodied population of Russia decreased by a million people a year. In CSR argue that the main problem of migration is the lack of a clear understanding of why Russia needs migrants. Experts suggest the organization to the head of state or government to prepare a message for the public about the role of migration in the country, to develop the migration code to create the Department on migration. To the CSR noted

Donald trump has accused John McCain in voter fraud

Donald trump has accused John McCain in voter fraud The President of the United States Donald trump accused the Senator of Arizona John McCain in voter fraud. The reason for harsh criticism of the American leader was that his party-the Republican did not support another plan for health care reform. About this American leader said in Twitter. “The Democrats say in jest that McCain was a “moment of courage”. Tell that to the people in Arizona who are deceived. 116% increase (in the cost of health insurance — ed.)!” — trump wrote on Twitter. Democrats are laughingly saying that McCain had a “moment of courage.” Tell that to the people of Arizona who were deceived. 116% increase! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017 During the download an error has occurred. Senator McCain made this week against the attempt to repeal the health care reform carried out under President

The US army has issued a Handbook on the conduct of war with Russia

The US army has issued a Handbook on the conduct of war with Russia MOSCOW, 24 Sep — RIA Novosti. The command of the U.S. army has issued a textbook on Russian tactics of hybrid war, and how should she confront the armed forces of the United States. This publication reports The National Interest. The textbook is called “Russian war of a new generation” was published in December 2016 and recently became available for download on the Internet. The manual is a 68-page booklet with graphics and data about Russian military equipment. Special attention in this Handbook devoted to the events in Crimea and Southeast of Ukraine, which allegedly involved a small unit of special operations Forces (SSO). As stated in the textbook, the Russian strategy is based on the change of modes by merging with the local “puppet forces” and aimed at changing the control system. In addition, they