Pyongyang has threatened to shoot down American planes

Pyongyang has threatened to shoot down American planes UN, September 25 — RIA Novosti. North Korea announced the Declaration of war by the US and has the right to shoot down warplanes of the United States outside of North Korean airspace, said foreign Minister of the DPRK ri Yong Ho. “Since the United States declared war on our country, we have every right to take countermeasures, including the right to shoot down the US strategic bombers, even if they are outside the airspace of the country”, — said the Minister to journalists in new York. Earlier, Lee Yong-Ho, in his speech called the President of the United States “mentally ill” with delusions of grandeur, noting that it is dangerous to trust the “nuclear button”. He also said that trump has turned the White house into a “noisy market”, and promised that he will answer for his remarks about North Korean

Ryabkov: the death of Russian General in Syria was the result of the duplicity of US policy

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, September 25. /TASS/. The death of the Russian General Valery Esipova in Syria, who died as a result of mortar shelling by the terrorists, was the result of the duplicity of US policy in this country. About it to journalists was declared by the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Ryabkov. “The tragedy, witnesses of the death of the Russian commander – this is the price, cost of blood, for this duplicity of American policy [in combating terrorism],” said the diplomat. According to Ryabkov, the actions of the US under the Deir ez-Zor, show that for Washington in some cases, geopolitical goals is more important than the declared fight against terrorism.

Lavrov: Deal on Iran approved by the UN security Council, it cannot be changed

Photo: RIA Novosti The deal on Iran’s nuclear program, approved by the UN Security Council and cannot be changed, said the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “Not only Russia said that the need to save this program. Said that all European countries that participated in the negotiations, and it is say most member countries of the UN. This program has the finished appearance, it is approved by a resolution of the UN Security Council, and open this program is equivalent to undo all the achievements”, — said the Russian Minister at a press conference at the UN. According to him, if there are any concerns from the United States to Iran, “they need to be addressed in the framework of the formats that are suited for that”. “And to confuse apples and oranges is probably not very well, especially in such a complicated matter as the agreement on the Iranian

The Russian foreign Ministry has warned about the evacuation of tourists in Bali because of the threat of a volcanic eruption

Photo: The Ministry of foreign Affairs (MFA) of Russia has warned about the evacuation of tourists on the island of Bali because of the threat of a volcanic eruption. “Indonesia — due to the increased activity of the volcano Agung in Bali is carried out the evacuation of thousands of residents and tourists”, — stated in the message of the situational crisis center of the Ministry of foreign Affairs. #Indonesia — due to the increased activity of the volcano Agung in Bali is carried out the evacuation of thousands of residents and tourists— Russian foreign Ministry ?? DSCC (@MID_travel) on 22 September 2017 In turn, the Association of tour operators of Russia (ATOR) reported that Russian tourists on the island of Bali volcano eruption has not yet threatened. Earlier it was reported that a family of three people killed in the crater of a volcano in the South

Peskov did not comment on the information media about the new series of resignations of heads of regions

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov © AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin MOSCOW, September 25. /TASS/. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov did not comment on the information media about the new series of resignations of heads of regions. However, he said that President Vladimir Putin planned for today a number of working meetings, “will appear on the agenda and regional issues”.

Putin dismissed the Governor of the Samara region

Nikolai Merkushkin © Mikhail Metzel/TASS MOSCOW, September 25. /TASS/. The President of Russia accepted the resignation of Samara region Governor Nikolay Merkushkin, having appointed the acting head of the region Dmitry Azarov. About it reported in a press-service of the Kremlin. “To accept resignation of the Governor of the Samara region Merkushkin at own will, – said in the text of the decree of the President. – To appoint Azarov Dmitry Igorevich, acting Governor of Samara region until the entry into office of a person elected the Governor of the Samara region”.

Against the exile were made by 80% of Russians

Photo: RIA Novosti According to the results of the survey found that more than 80% of Russian citizens do not want to go abroad for permanent residence. Their desire to emigrate, said only 14% of respondents. They believe that in other countries higher standard of living and there’s more to pay. However, only 4% of them are confident that they will be able to leave Russia forever. According to 26% of the respondents, in Russia there have been changes for the better, and abroad a lot of problems and hard life, results FAN results of research of sociologists of the public opinion Foundation (FOM).

Putin has described the role of the icebreaker “Sibir”

Photo: RIA Novosti New Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker “Siberia” will strengthen positions of Russia as a great Maritime power and help to solve many problems, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. Congratulation of the Russian President to employees of the Baltic plant in St. Petersburg was read at the ceremony, the presidential envoy in the northwestern Federal district, Nikolai Tsukanov, reports RIA “Novosti”. “I am convinced that this powerful, Packed with advanced technologies to the icebreaker will significantly strengthen the capacity of the Russian nuclear fleet, will contribute to the solution of important multifaceted challenges facing the economy hand, to strengthening the position of Russia as a great sea power,” — said in the congratulation. It is noted that the launching of the hull of the first serial universal nuclear-powered icebreaker LK-60Я “Siberia” national project 22220 at the Baltic shipyard in St. Petersburg will become a significant event in the

Russia had never placed political advertisements in Facebook, said Sands

Photo: RIA Novosti MOSCOW, 22 sen — news. Moscow has never placed in a social network Facebook advertising, which attracted us law enforcement agencies, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. Social network Facebook has previously stated that during the presidential election campaign in the United States, Russian boats were buying advertising in this social network to influence the outcome of the race. The founder of Facebook mark Zuckerberg said that he had ordered to pass the U.S. Congress discovered advertising. “We don’t know who and how to advertise on Facebook, and never done, never the Russian side was not involved in it”, — said Peskov told reporters. So he responded to a request to comment on the interest of U.S. law enforcement agencies to publications in social networks, in the investigation of alleged Russian interference in presidential elections in the United States. “We don’t know what Russiangate”,