Putin invited to the conversation

Photo: RIA Novosti “Because now there is an active work on the budget, we have a lot of time to it back here tonight your opponents, because, as a rule, you act in tandem on these issues. With the Ministry of Finance we are discussing it separately, and then we get together and talk,” said officials head of state. The Russian economy took the path of the “fairly stable growth”, stated Vladimir Putin, and asked how sustainable these positive indicators, what are the forecasts, internal and external risks. “Most importantly, what additional measures should be taken in order not only to maintain this trend, but also to ensure that at the turn of 2020, the Russian economy reached rates above the world average”, — he stressed. “As the President has repeatedly planned with different units of the government so to compare notes in order to understand where there are narrow

Matvienko: the DPRK and the Republic of Korea intend to participate in IPU Assembly in St. Petersburg

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Mikhail Klimentyev/press service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, September 26./TASS/. Delegations of South Korea and the DPRK intend to participate in the 137th Assembly of the inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), held from 14 to 18 October in St. Petersburg. This was announced by the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko in interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, published on Tuesday.

The President of Armenia has awarded Joseph Kobzon with the order of Honor

Photo: TASS People’s artist of USSR, Deputy of the State Duma of Russia Iosif Kobzon was awarded the Armenian order of Honor. On Saturday, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan presented the award to the famous singer, which he was awarded by the decree from September 22, “for his significant contribution to the strengthening of the friendly Armenian-Russian relations and development of cultural ties.” Sargsyan welcomed the Director congratulated him on his anniversary and gave a high evaluation of his work. “Technical skills, strong personality and unique stage gift has brought you well deserved recognition in all lands and towns of the former Soviet Union and beyond, the message reads that Sargsyan sent a singer 11 September, the day of his 80th birthday. The songs of Joseph Kobzon spread the ideals of love and kindness, creating a whole era, contemporaries where we are.” According to the President of Armenia, the work

U.S. Ambassador John Tefft said goodbye to the Russians

U.S. Ambassador John Tefft together with his family will leave Russia in about a week. This is stated in the video the diplomat, which was posted on the page of the American Embassy in Facebook. After about a week we leave Russia. We will miss all those variety of relationships that we developed with the Russians throughout the country, he said. This will be our warm memories of those years in Russia. My work here is in many respects was not easy, but gave us a lot of amazing memories, good friends and acquaintances, — said Tefft. The diplomat also expressed hope that his successor will be able to cooperate effectively with Moscow colleagues. Candidate for the post of U.S. Ambassador to Russia John huntsman, in the case of approval on this post will arrive in Moscow in early October.

American Oversight reported using Ivanka trump’s personal mailbox in the work

American Oversight reported using Ivanka trump’s personal mailbox in the work Senior adviser to the President of the United States Ivanka trump used his personal email for official purposes in March 2017. This was reported by human rights organization of American Oversight. A copy of the correspondence was obtained in accordance with the Law on freedom of information (FOIA) on June 20. According to the organization, the President’s daughter was texting with the head of Management on Affairs of small business (SBA) Linda McMahon. It is noted that they discussed the problems of women’s entrepreneurship. Ivanka trump wrote that he plans to “explore cooperation” with the Agency of Mrs. McMahon. “Once again we see that there is one rule to trump family and another for everyone else. The fact that they brazenly ignore the rules governing the use of electronic mail raises more questions about suitability for work in the

Matvienko: doors inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for Ukraine remains open

The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko © Alexei Druzhinin/press-service of the Russian President/TASS MOSCOW, September 26. /TASS/. Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which is actively opposed to the 137-th Assembly of the inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Russia, still waiting in St. Petersburg. This was announced by the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko in interview to “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, published on Tuesday.

Putin congratulated the residents of Stavropol with the 240-th anniversary of its Foundation

Photo: RIA Novosti The President of Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated the residents of Stavropol with the 240-th anniversary of its Foundation and called the main task facing the city, among them — increase of investment attractiveness of new and modern jobs. According to Putin, for many years, Stavropol has provided reliable protection of the southern borders of the country, “was one of the mainstays of the Cossacks, the centuries-old traditions which is treated with special respect.” Also, the city served as the major commercial, industrial and cultural center of southern Russia, noted the President. “Today, the city is facing serious demand problem. Chief among them — increase of investment attractiveness, creation of jobs, increase housing, improving social, transport infrastructure, growth of welfare of people. I am convinced that their solution will give a good impetus to the development of Stavropol, will allow to increase the potential of your countrymen,” —

White house: US has not yet made a decision to supply weapons Ukraine

Photo: RIA Novosti Washington has not yet made a decision on the issue of arms supplies to Ukraine. About it reports Deutsche Welle with reference to the representative of the White house. It is noted that the issue of support for Kiev still worked. Earlier the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the United States will not supply Ukraine with lethal weapons, only defensive. We also learned that Canada is exploring the possibility of supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine.

Trump: Russia does not help to win elections

Photo: © 2017 AFP / Nicholas Kamm Russia didn’t help Donald Trump to win the previous 2016 presidential elections in the United States. About it once again declared himself the head of the American state. “If you’re wondering, no, Russia didn’t help me, — quotes RIA Novosti trump’s words, uttered during a speech in Alabama. — (The Democrats) needed the explanation, so they said “Russia”… Is one of the greatest fakes… I haven’t seen a lot of Russian in Pennsylvania”. The FBI and Congress are investigating alleged Russian interference in American elections, as well as alleged links to the Russian President trump. As the White house and the Kremlin, such accusations have been repeatedly rejected.

Poroshenko called impossible the participation of Russia in the peacekeeping mission in the Donbass

Poroshenko called impossible the participation of Russia in the peacekeeping mission in the Donbass The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that Russia’s participation in the peacekeeping mission in the Donbas is impossible. He told about it in interview to TV channel CBC. “It is impossible that Russia could be part of a peacekeeping mission, because Russia is a party to the conflict. Russia — the aggressor. We have no discussions on this issue”, — said Poroshenko. Also, the Ukrainian President called it “absolutely unacceptable” a Russian proposal on the placement of the UN mission on the contact line in the Donbass. “Russia wants to use the peacemaker as a sort of bodyguard for observers special monitoring mission of the OSCE, which is contrary to the UN Charter,” he said.