There is no chemical weapons: how a small Kizner of the Udmurt glorified Russia

There is no chemical weapons: how a small Kizner of the Udmurt glorified Russia The last kilogram of chemical weapons destroyed in Russia in the object “Kizner” in Udmurtiya. Thus, Russia has fully complied with its obligations under the international Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction. KIZNER (Udmurtia) — September 27, RIA Novosti. The last kilogram of chemical weapons destroyed in Russia in the object “Kizner” in Udmurtiya. Thus, Russia has fully complied with its obligations under the international Convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction. The small village of Kizner, lost in the picturesque forests of Udmurtia, hardly ever got would be world famous. But on Wednesday there was solemnly destroyed by the last kilo of the available once Russia 40 thousand tons of stocks of

Poklonskaya has shared his impressions

The Deputy of the state Duma of Russia Natalia Poklonskaya in an interview with TV channel “Star” told about the possible conversation with the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II. According to the politician, such a meeting does not need to “visualize” as the people who come to the temple, always refer to the Holy Ghost. “You know, there is no need to imagine anything… In modern times, many go to Church, turn to the most Holy Theotokos to Sergius of Radonezh. Many appeal to our sovereign, the Holy one”, she said. At the same Poklonski stressed that he would not talk about it because “it’s so personal.” “I have already said that to insult our faith and our saints… I do not give. Everything else about me, [it is] personal”, — concluded the Deputy. The news is updated.

Kozak promised several more resignations of governors

Photo: News.EN The evaluation of efficiency of heads of regions can be several personnel changes in the Governor’s circles. About it told the Vice-Premier of RF government Dmitry Kozak. “Is assessment of efficiency of Executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is likely that these findings resulted from this assessment, the heads of regions come. I think there will be a few”, — quotes the answer of Kozak to journalists about the personnel policy in the regions, “Interfax”. According to officials, the heads of the regions decide for themselves whether to continue their work. The Deputy Premier also added that the appointment of acting heads of subjects of Federation is the prerogative of the President. Earlier it was reported that in Samara region Governor Nikolai Merkushkin was replaced by Dmitry Azarov, and in the Nizhny Novgorod region to replace his post Valery Shantsev was appointed Gleb Nikitin.

The Emperor of Japan dissolved the lower house of Parliament

The Emperor of Japan dissolved the lower house of Parliament The Emperor of Japan Akihito has officially dissolved the lower house of Parliament by the Prime Minister of the country Shinzo Abe, announced the President of the chamber Tadamori Oshima. On it informs TV channel NHK, which broadcast live the meeting. As the channel, the campaign of the new convocation of the lower house of Parliament will formally begin on 10 October, while the voting itself will take place on 22 October. Some opposition deputies boycotted the session and accused the Prime Minister, initiated the dissolution of the house of representatives, in fear of open criticism and debate with political opponents. According to the newspaper Japan Times, the dissolution of the house of Parliament, it was announced at its emergency session on September 28. The publication notes that the dissolution of the house will allow Prime Minister Abe to prepare

The Federation Council at the first meeting of the autumn session will discuss the structure and rights violations in Ukraine

Photo: RIA Novosti MOSCOW, September 27. /TASS/. The Federation Council on Wednesday will begin its autumn session for the consideration of allegations of violation of citizens ‘ rights to learn in their native language in Ukraine, as well as discussion of the changes in Budget and Tax codes of the Russian Federation. In addition, will hear reports about early termination of powers of a number of senators, and changes to the composition of certain committees of the upper house of Parliament. According to the results of the September elections should be vested with the authority of 17 members of the Federation Council from the Executive power and six members of Council from the legislative authorities. To the session of the house expected rotation 19 of 23 representatives in the Federation Council. Statement of the Federation Council on the inadmissibility of violation of the rights of the peoples of Ukraine to

Klimenko: Roskomnadzor has no plans to block Facebook

Photo: RIA Novosti MOSCOW, September 26 — RIA Novosti. Roskomnadzor has no plans to block the social network Facebook in Russia, told RIA Novosti adviser of RF President on the Internet Herman Klimenko. Earlier Tuesday, the head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov said that Facebook will be blocked, despite a large number of users, if you do not fulfill the requirements of the law on personal data retention Russians on the territory of the Russian Federation. According to him, Facebook keeps telling the Agency that it is considering how to enforce the law, although it has not sent any official letter. Roskomnadzor has no plans for 2017 are no control measures in relation to social networks, but what about 2018 just think, said Zharov. “I understand that from the claim that by 2017 Facebook checking is not scheduled, you can display news about about the closure of the social network in

RF MFA: NATO activities in Georgia threatens Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti After the world-famous chewing his tie on camera Mikheil Saakashvili left Georgia, this Caucasian country left in the shadow of global geopolitics. However, NATO is clearly not going to give more Georgians-time “for a break”. The Russian foreign Ministry on Tuesday stressed that the intensification of NATO in the Caucasus is a direct threat to Russia and Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In a message posted on the website of the Russian diplomatic Agency said that state Secretary — Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Grigory Karasin held talks with the co-chairs of the Geneva discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia. The meeting was attended by the UN special representative Antti Turunen and special representative of OSCE Chairman günter Behler. The Russian diplomat did not hide the fact: Moscow is concerned that “in Georgia unfolding military infrastructure, regularly held military exercises, the scale of which increases

The Japanese Emperor dissolved the Parliament because of the threat of the DPRK

The Japanese Emperor dissolved the Parliament because of the threat of the DPRK The Chairman of the lower house of Japan, Tadamori Oshima, was read the decree of Emperor Akihito on its dissolution for an early election on 22 October. It is reported by RIA Novosti. The initiative about dissolution of the Parliament belongs to the government, which asked the monarch to issue a decree. The Emperor signed the document was handed to the Secretary General of the government, Yoshihide Suge. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe explained the dissolution of the lower house of Parliament desire to enlist the support of society to continue economic reforms and General policy under the current nuclear missile threat from North Korea. “It will be a choice that require you to answer questions on how to protect Japan, to protect the peaceful life of citizens,” Abe said in a TV channel NHK. September 3, North

Malaysia has banned its citizens to travel to the DPRK

Malaysia has banned its citizens to travel to the DPRK MOSCOW, September 28 — RIA Novosti. Malaysian authorities have banned the country’s citizens travel to North Korea in connection with the escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula, said the statement of the Malaysian foreign Ministry. “All Malaysians are forbidden to travel to the DPRK until further notice,” reads a statement posted on the official website of the foreign Ministry of the country. According to the foreign Ministry, “the decision was taken due to the escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula and developments related to missile tests”. Measures will be revised as “soon the situation is normalized”. The DPRK said on September 3 about the successful test of a hydrogen warhead, which is designed to equip Intercontinental ballistic missiles. The military of Japan and South Korea appreciated its capacity of 160 kilotons, which is about 10 times the power