The decision about the resignation of the head of the Omsk region Nazarov, said the source

The decision about the resignation of the head of the Omsk region Nazarov, said the source MOSCOW, 30 Sep — RIA Novosti. The decision on early resignation of the Governor of Omsk region Viktor Nazarov, told RIA Novosti source in the presidential administration. “Yes, in the Omsk region requires changes to improve handling in the region,” — said the source. Possible candidates for the post of the acting Omsk Governor he never called. Victor Nazarov 54. The next Governor’s election were to be held in 2020.

The source said, when completed, the series of resignations of governors

The source said, when completed, the series of resignations of governors MOSCOW, 30 Sep — RIA Novosti. A series of early resignations of heads of regions will be completed by 10 October, a total of from 8 to 11 substitutions, taking into account already announced, told RIA Novosti source in the presidential administration. “It will be finished to 10-th day (10 October), will be offered from 8 to 11 return new gubernatorial candidates, taking into account those which have already been announced. The number of resignations is wholly dependent on the decision of the President”, — said the Agency interlocutor. Recent posts lost several governors. The head of the Krasnoyarsk territory Viktor Tolokonsky announced his resignation on Wednesday, the unscheduled meeting with the Cabinet and MPs. On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin freed him from office, appointing the Chairman of legislative Assembly of edge Alexander USS, the acting head of

In the state Duma have developed the “law against Navalny”

In the state Duma have developed the “law against Navalny” Deputies Yuri Svitkin (United Russia), Oleg Nikolaev (“Fair Russia”) and Alexander Yushchenko (CPRF) proposes to tighten the supervision on the Internet. On Friday, 29 September, they submitted to the state Duma a bill with amendments to the law “On information, information technologies and about information protection”. If the document is adopted, the authorities will be able without a court order to block sites with objectionable, in their view, content. This appeals to mass riots, extremist activities and participation in mass events held with violation of the law, said the bill. In addition, under the accelerated procedure it will be possible to block sites for distribution of materials banned in Russia non-profit organizations (NPOs). To block the site, the Prosecutor General’s office is enough to send the requirement in Roskomnadzor that will perform the decision. Unlock procedure sites in the document

The Russian foreign Ministry announced on the last stage of the existence of the “Islamic state”

Photo: AP Photo / albaraka_news, File Terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) as a “territorial project” is in its last stages of existence. It was declared to Agency “Interfax” the Director of the Department of new challenges and threats of the Russian foreign Ministry Ilya Rogachev. According to him, this is “because effective military action, especially from the Syrian army and the Russian VKS”. The diplomat noted that the militants “managed to survive, although the grouping and is not booming as it was two years ago.” “Significant financial resources or otherwise continue to be at their disposal, including from outside”, — said Rogachev. He explained that the group manages to survive due to the fact is not imposed by the UN security Council embargo on the supply of weapons to terrorists. The diplomat said that the IG turns into a network organization like “al-Qaeda” (banned in Russia),

Macron intends to come to Russia

Photo: The press service of the President of Russia Emmanuel macron plans to visit Moscow with a return visit. Date is not yet known, the trip is agreed, said the French Embassy. The President of France Emmanuel macron plans to visit Moscow. This writes gazety with reference to RIA Novosti. As told in the Embassy, the visit of the French leader worked. “The French President will arrive in Russia in response to the invitation of Vladimir Putin. The visit is at the planning stage, but we don’t have exact dates,” said the Embassy.

Assange said that in Catalonia began the world’s first Internet war

Assange said that in Catalonia began the world’s first Internet war MOSCOW, 30 Sep — RIA Novosti. The founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange called the situation around the referendum on the independence of Catalonia the world’s first Internet war. He wrote about this in his microblog Twitter. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий Assange noted that citizens and the provincial government use the Internet to organize a referendum on independence, and the Spanish intelligence service carries out information attacks, freezing the telecommunications network, occupying the building of communication and censors hundreds of websites and Internet protocols. According to the founder of WikiLeaks, what is happening in Catalonia is the biggest conflict in the West between people and government since the fall of the Berlin wall. “I urge all our supporters everywhere, including among professionals, help to expose and circumvent the practice of the Civil guard and the National intelligence centre, which are used for the

The Russian military operation in Syria was two years old. Generalization

The Russian military operation in Syria was two years old. Generalization The operation in Syria will come to complete destruction of terrorist organizations. Moscow. September 30. INTERFAX.RU Two years ago, on 30 September 2015, Russia decided to take part in the operation against the militants “Islamic state” (banned in Russia) and other terrorist groups. The beginning of the Russian operation was preceded by a request for assistance to the Russian President with the President of Syria Bashar al-Assad. Vladimir Putin, in accordance with the law, asked for permission to use the Armed forces of Russia outside the country. After receiving it, the Russian aircraft headed for a Syrian airbase “Hamim”, where it is today. The first point the airstrikes were conducted on ISIS positions on September 30. From the sea from the first days of the operation support to the pilots and the Syrian military started to provide the Russian

Experts expect the acting Governor of Krasnoyarsk Krai solve the budget deficit

Russian President Vladimir Putin and acting Governor of Krasnoyarsk region Alexander USS (right) © Alexei Druzhinin/TASS KRASNOYARSK, on September 29. /TASS/. Appointed on Friday vrio the Governor of Krasnoyarsk region 62-year-old Alexander USS, nearly 20 years before the present head of the Parliament of the region should consolidate the society to solve the problem of the budget deficit, according to respondents TASS experts and politicians. He USS the Agency said it has no plans of revolutionary changes.

Transport Minister has canceled a trip to the regions because of the situation with

Photo: RIA Novosti The Minister of transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov cancel planned trips to the regions because of the situation with the airline “VIM-Avia”, reported RIA Novosti, the Minister’s adviser Zhanna Terekhova. Arrested the General Director and chief accountant of “VIM-Avia” Earlier it was planned that the Minister of transport will visit Murmansk oblast on Friday. “The Minister cancels planned trip in connection with the need to resolve the situation with the export of passengers “VIM-Avia”, — said Terekhov on Thursday.

The experts discussed the new election laws

Photo: RIA Novosti “Here we have the situation to change,” — said the head of the Central election Commission, Ella Pamfilova. In her opinion, “the adjustment may be cosmetic, it might be the best radical”. The discussion was presented the entire range of possible changes, from the mildest to the most severe. “We believe that parties that no collection of signatures to nominate the President of the Russian Federation, totally impractical to collect them at the regional level”, — said the Deputy of the state Duma from the Communist party Yuri Afonin. Now the right to nominate the candidate for the post of the head of state have the parties represented in the Duma and/or not less than one third of regional legislative assemblies. For non-parliamentary parties, the Communists propose to establish a municipal filter at the level of 3-5 percent, that he was not wearing protective nature. Currently, the