The government of Krasnoyarsk region have resigned

The government of Krasnoyarsk region have resigned Moscow. 1 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — Temporarily fulfilling duties of the Governor of Krasnoyarsk region Alexander USS has sent the government in resignation, the press service of the regional administration on Sunday. “In accordance with article 101 of the Charter of Krasnoyarsk Krai, in connection with the early termination of powers of the Governor of Krasnoyarsk Krai Viktor Tolokonsky to terminate the powers of members of the government of the Krasnoyarsk region; the members of the government of Krasnoyarsk region to continue to exercise their powers until the appointment of their positions of new members of the government of the Krasnoyarsk territory”, — stated in the message. USS was appointed acting Governor of the region on Friday.

Italy intends to expel the Ambassador of North Korea

Italy intends to expel the Ambassador of North Korea The Minister of foreign Affairs of Italy Angelino Alfano in an interview with the newspaper La Repubblica reported that the authorities decided to expel the North Korean Ambassador. “We took a serious decision to suspend the accreditation of the Ambassador of North Korea. He will have to leave Italy,” said Alfano. In early September, North Korea held one of the most powerful nuclear test in its history, provoking another regional crisis. The US President Donald trump, speaking at the UN General Assembly on 20 September, demanded that Pyongyang unilaterally to stop the missile launches. Otherwise, according to Mr. trump, the US can “completely destroy” North Korea. Military trials condemned the DPRK and other countries, but North Korean authorities are in no hurry to end the test and not go to peace talks.

A referendum in defiance of Madrid: in Catalonia it is the day of the vote

A referendum in defiance of Madrid: in Catalonia it is the day of the vote The leaders of Catalonia insist that prohibited the Central government of Spain in Sunday’s referendum on independence for the region will take place, despite the efforts of the Madrid prevention. On Sunday morning, the residents of Catalonia began to line up in queues at polling stations, equipped in schools — a few hours before the official start of voting. At the entrances to some areas are tractors to block a possible police action. The government of Catalonia claim that the referendum and predict a high turnout. Polls will open at 9 am local time (10.00 Moscow time), but the organizers were urging people to come early to “protect” polling booths, and many people came for a few hours before opening. The voting will last until 20.00 local time (21.00 Moscow time). The government of Catalonia

Putin called the number rested in Turkey Russians

The number of Russians rested in Turkey increased significantly and amounted to 2.5 million people, said the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. His words on Friday, September 28, reports TASS. “The number of Russian tourists who chose Turkey as their place of stay has increased, I ask attention, in 11 times!” Putin said following Russian-Turkish talks in Ankara. According to him, this significant progress was possible through the consistent implementation of the agreements reached during the meeting in Moscow of the Russian-Turkish cooperation Council of the highest level and follow-up meetings with the President of Turkey. In mid-September it was reported that one-third purchased by the Russians in the autumn (until October 31) package tours occurred in Turkey. The meeting of Putin and Erdogan in Ankara has already become the fifth in the current year. In March and may Turkish leader visited Russia, also in may, the heads of state

Mei said about the right of Britain to depart from the rules of the EU after Brexit

Mei said about the right of Britain to depart from the rules of the EU after Brexit British Prime Minister Theresa may said that during the two-year transition period after the exit from the EU London can abandon the norms of the European legislation. The head of the government of the Kingdom noted that it would not affect the relations with Brussels, according to the “There are other areas in which, looking to the future, we may make the same goal, but think about the different ways of achieving them,” said may. She added that Britain would seek to conclude a most advantageous Treaty with the EU Brexit. At the same time, according to her, her Cabinet have a plan of action in case if Brussels refuses to enter into this agreement. Previously portal reported that leaving the EU could cost the UK $54 billion This amount is

Lavrov: life is forcing the West to abandon a branch line of sanctions against Russia

UN, September 22. /TASS/. Russia never asked the West to lift sanctions, life itself is forcing Western countries to abandon this completely dead-end lines. This opinion was expressed on Friday, the Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov at a press conference on the results of their participation in the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly.

Russian diplomats demanded in the UNHRC to correctly identify the subjects of the Russian Federation

Photo: RIA Novosti The representative of the Russian delegation in the session of the UN Council on human rights in Geneva, Dmitry Vorobyov demanded call in accordance with their official name the subjects of the Russian Federation — Republic of Crimea and the Federal city of Sevastopol. Other language used in the report of the office of the UN high Commissioner for human rights, the Russian diplomat called “politically committed”. We are talking about trying to call these regions “temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea” and “Sevastopol (Ukraine)”. “We demand to call the subjects of the Russian Federation in accordance with how they are officially referred to as the Republic of Crimea and the Federal city of Sevastopol. I would like to recall once again that these regions were reunited with Russia in an open and direct will of the people and in full compliance with international law”, — reports

Twitter can increase the limit in messages up to 280 characters

Photo: RIA Novosti Managers and developers of the social network Twitter said that will test the increasing restrictions in the messages twice. According to CEO Jack Dorsey, Twitter is going to try to increase the limit to 280 characters. “It’s a small change but a big step for us. 140 characters — it was a random choice based on the 160 characters limit of SMS messages. Proud of how thoughtful the team approached solving the problem that people faced, trying to write a tweet,” said Dorsey.

Putin is constantly informed about the measures in connection with the situation

Photo: RIA Novosti ANKARA, 28 Sep /PRIME/. Press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Putin is constantly informed about the measures taken in connection with the situation with the airline “VIM-Avia”. “The President is constantly informed about the measures taken, but the main work is done through the government. There is taking energetic measures,” said Peskov told reporters, answering a question, reported any results to the President, the Minister of transport Maxim Sokolov and Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, as well as a request to comment on the information about the escape of the co-owners of the airline and the detention of the General Director. The situation with the flight “VIM-Avia” has escalated over the weekend. The airline on Monday officially admitted that it did not have the Finance to continue the work and cease to operate charters. Transporting passengers under the control of the Ministry of