Two officials of the Crimean government was fired for mining bitcoins

Photo: Reuters From the office of the Council of Ministers of Crimea dismissed two officials that the government illegally installed the software for bitcoin mining. On Friday, September 29, Chairman of the Committee on combating corruption of the Republic Alexander Aksarin, reports RIA Novosti. “People are fired. I think that in the future no one desires will not arise,” said Aksutin. He added that staff worked in the IT division, earned a little and didn’t manage to cash out cryptocurrency. August 30, Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev said that the surplus of electricity in the far East can be used for bitcoin mining. According to him, the region has areas in which electricity is produced more than necessary. “To work with the excess electricity it is possible,” he said. Similar projects are being considered, said Trutnev. Mining — the process of mining crypto-currencies computers with mathematical tasks that support digital

From the Russian Consulate in San Francisco removed the last thing

From the Russian Consulate in San Francisco removed the last thing Recall that in late August, Washington demanded to close the Consulate in San Francisco, and a Consulate in new York and the building of the trade mission in Washington. “We believe that the decision to close the Consulate General of Russia in San Francisco is yet another unfriendly step on the part of American authorities, which primarily will hurt the Russian citizens residing in the consular district, as well as American citizens, as a significant part of Russians has U.S. citizenship,” — said on the website of the Consulate in San Francisco. “I would like to emphasize that in 2016, the Consulate General issued more than 16 thousand tourist visas for American citizens. Closure of the Consulate General will create some difficulties in obtaining documents for this category of Americans.” “Also puzzling terms which the American authorities gave for

The Catalan government has started to prepare for secession from Spain

The Catalan government has started to prepare for secession from Spain For the separation of Catalonia from Spain voted 90% came to polling stations on referendum day, or 2 020 144. This was announced by the representative of the regional government Jordi Turull. 21фотография21фотография21фотография The President of the Generalitat Carles Putteman said that “in this day of hope and suffering” population of Catalonia has earned the right to an independent state — the Republic, reports Reuters. According to him, the government of the region in the coming days will provide the results of the referendum in the Catalan Parliament and he will continue to act according to the law. Madrid this law and the referendum does not recognize. Earlier, Spain’s constitutional court has called a referendum on secession illegal. On the day of the vote, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, in a televised address ruled out the possibility of the separation

What to expect Catalunya after the referendum?

What to expect Catalunya after the referendum? On Sunday, Catalonia held a referendum on independence, which Spain’s constitutional court has declared illegal. In the course of voting in clashes with police, injuring over a thousand people. 20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий According to the official representative of the government of Catalonia Jordi Turula, the independence of the region in the referendum supported 2 million 20 thousand 144 people, which is 90% of the total number of voters. As stated by the head of Catalonia Carles Putteman, the results of the referendum give them the right to become an independent Republic and the government of the region will take into account the people’s will. According to the Catalan law on referendums, adopted by the Catalan Parliament on 6 September, the Parliament should hold a hearing on the issue of declaring independence two days after the announcement of the official results of the referendum. Monday, 2

Regions prepare a personnel exchange

Regions prepare a personnel exchange The week will continue a series of Governor resignations. And izbraucieni September 10, governors have almost completed the formation of regional governments. They are trying to get rid of the frames of their predecessors, which didn’t work out. They add to the team by officials from the administrations of other regions, said the expert. Large-scale changes in the leadership of Buryatia made Governor Alexey Tsydenov: posts lost by the first Deputy Chairman of the government Innokenty Egorov (worked since the first President of the Republic Leonid Potapov) and the head of administration Petro Socks that came with the previous head Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn. Interlocutors “” believe that the head of administration Alexey Tsydenov’ll find outside of Buryatia. The other images he tries to pick up inside. To the first Deputy Chairman of the upgraded Finance Minister Ihor shutenkov. The Deputy Prime Minister for social Affairs was

The suspects in the murder of the brother of the leader of North Korea does not admit guilt at the trial

The suspects in the murder of the brother of the leader of North Korea does not admit guilt at the trial TOKYO, 2 Oct — RIA Novosti, Ivan Zakharchenko. Two suspects in the murder of Kim Jong-Nam — brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong UN on Monday told the court in Malaysia that plead not guilty, reports the Japanese Agency Kyodo. The court may impose a death sentence, Soan Vietnamese thi Huong and the Indonesian city Aisle that on 13 February at the airport of Kuala Lumpur and attacked a DPRK citizen with a diplomatic passport in the name of Kim Chol. They allegedly smeared the face of the Korean oil with dissolved components of a strong chemical agent VX. In South Korea immediately recognized the deceased brother, Kim Jong-UN, who has long lived in Macau, China, though Pyongyang was never officially stated that we are talking about Kim

In the state Duma has released a statement following the viewing of “Matilda”

Photo: RIA Novosti Deputies of the state Duma Committee on culture held a special viewing of “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel has released a statement in which it noted the absence of a pattern of violations of Russian legislation. “It’s bright, interesting, professionally shot film, in which the creative fiction are seamlessly integrated into the context of the history of our great country” — leads TASS excerpts from the document. According to deputies, the Emperor Nikolay II is shown in the movie “great love and reverence.” “I would like to emphasize that the film does not contain any materials that violate Russian legislation, including legislation aimed at the protection of morals and the feelings of believers. We believe that the wide theatrical release of the film will cause additional interest to the pages of history of our country”, — said the parliamentarian. In the state Duma also declared the inadmissibility of

In the Federation Council proposed way of dealing with the telephone terrorists

Photo: RIA Novosti In the Federation Council drafted a bill which addresses the problem of telephone terrorists, the amendments made to the second reading in the state Duma a bill on amendments to the law “On communication”, reported RIA Novosti, the author of the project, the head of temporary Commission of the Federation Council on the development of the information society Lyudmila Bokova. On Thursday the head of Ministry of communications Igor Nikiforov said that the Ministry is discussing with providers the possibility of a technical solution to the problem of “telephone terrorists” who use the so-called takeover. “Our bill provides the obligation of operators to provide a true number of the caller, it will be able to receive incoming calls, and law enforcement agencies,” — said Bokova. In her estimation, this will reduce the “intensity of the actions of phone terrorists”, many of whom, knowing that their true number

Espionage against Russia: Ukraine moved to action

The head of the state Committee for interethnic relations of the government of Crimea Zaur Smirnov has accused Ukraine of sabotage and espionage. He stated to RIA Novosti. As political and media pressure and blockades did not bring destabilization in the Crimea, Kiev switched to “active Subversion and espionage action,” said Smirnov. Earlier, the FSB announced the detention in Simferopol of two Russians suspected of espionage in favor of Ukraine. According to authorities, they were collected and transferred to the Ukrainian security services of state secret information on the activities of units and formations of the black sea fleet.

About 90% of Catalans voted for independence from Spain

About 90% of Catalans voted for independence from Spain These figures are published after processing of 2.26 million ballots. Moscow. 2 Oct. INTERFAX.RU — About 90% of Catalans voted for independence from Spain, writes in La Vanguardia on Monday. Currently processed 2 million 262 thousand ballots. “For” in favor of 2.02 million people, “against” — 176,5 thousand. “Out of the 2,262,424 ballots that were not seized, 2,020,144 were YES votes, NO votes were 176,566, 45,586 in blank and null votes 20,129” — Catalan Government (@catalangov) October 1, 2017 At boot time the error occurred. About 770 thousand people are unable to exercise their right to vote, 400 polling stations were closed. Earlier it was reported that the regional authorities have estimated the turnout at the referendum is about 3 million; just of Catalonia, is home to around 7.5 million people. El conseller anuncia que Jordi Turull de los votos escrutados